
COVID-19 各国ガイドライン BMJ、ワクチン組成 EMA

● 麻疹 ナイジェリア
PRO/EDR> Measles - Nigeria (03): (AD) fatal
Archive Number: 20240504.8716323
 情報源 Premium Times 2024年4月27日
麻疹の合併症 A complication from measles により少なくとも19 children in Mubi North Local Government Area of Adamawa が死亡したとみられている。保健当局者 The Commissioner for Health が27日、more than 200 children in the local government area were already infected と述べた。27日に Yola でアウトブレイクが発生が報告された。
Measles - Nigeria (02): (BO) insurgency, case spike, 2023 20240214.8714837

● COVID-19
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (19): Ghana, New Zealand, Thailand, Ireland, long infection, vacc strain update
Archive Number: 20240504.8716208
[1] ガーナ Ghana: health experts warn of possible surge in COVID-19 cases in Ghana
 情報源 Ghana Web 2024年4月22日
保健の専門家らは、全国各地の医療機関で新たな患者の発生が報告されていることから、ガーナにおける患者増加の可能性への警鐘 alarm over the potential upsurge in COVID-19 cases in Ghana を鳴らしている。
[2] ニュージーランド COVID-19 update: 2383 new cases, 21 further deaths
 情報源 New Zealand Doctor 4月23日
There have been 2383 new cases of COVID-19 reported in the past week, and 21 further deaths attributed to the virus.
Canterbury had the highest number of reported active cases with 398, followed by Waitematā with 232.
[3] タイ COVID-19 case number in Thailand surges after Songkran festival
 情報源 Vietnam+ 4月22日
The number of COVID-19 infections in Thailand has increased after Songkran celebrations as the JN.1 strain remains dominant in the country, according to the Department of Disease Control (DDC) of Thailand.
There were 1004 new reported COVID-19 inpatients, a daily average of 143 new cases, and 3 deaths in the week ending 20 Apr 2024, DDC Director-General Thongchai Keeratihattayakorn was quoted by local media as saying.
[4] アイルランド Two new COVID symptoms to look out for as further rise in cases confirmed in Ireland
 情報源 Dublin Live 4月18日
The Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) has today [18 Apr 2024] reported a further rise in confirmed cases of the JN.1 COVID variant in Ireland.
Health chiefs have flagged 2 new symptoms to watch out for as the country sees a further spike in COVID cases. The latest figures from health authorities reveal an uptick in the new JN.1 COVID variant infections.
Just one month back [March 2024], the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) had confirmed 1264 cases of this particular strain. Fast forward to today [18 Apr 2024], and they've reported an increase of 169, bringing the total known infections to 1433.
[5] Global variation in national COVID-19 treatment guidelines
 情報源 BMJ Global Health 2024年4月22日
原著タイトル Comparison of WHO versus national COVID-19 therapeutic guidelines across the world: not exactly a perfect match. BMJ Global Health 2024;9:e014188.
Background: We compared and contrasted the COVID-19 treatment guidelines of each member state with the WHO COVID-19 therapeutic guidelines.
Results: COVID-19 therapeutics NGs(治療ガイドライン)を109 of the 194 WHO member states から得た。ガイドラインおよび重症度分類に大きな違い considerable variation がみられた。多くのガイドラインで推奨される治療 Therapeutic recommendations in many NGs は the WHO guidelines と大幅に異なっていた differed substantially。
Overall in late 2022, 93% of NGs において、large randomised trials で有効ではないと証明され WHO が行わないよう推奨する治療の、すくなくとも1つが推奨されていた。overwhelming evidence of their benefit があるにもかかわらず、nearly 10% of NGs において、重症例に対して Corticosteroids は推奨されていなかった。
NGs from countries with low-resource settings showed the greatest divergence when stratified by gross domestic product per year, Human Development Index and the Global Health Security Index.
Discussion: Our study is limited to NGs that were readily accessible, and it does not reflect the availability of recommended medicines in the field. Three years after the start of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, available COVID-19 NGs vary substantially in their therapeutic recommendations, often differ from the WHO guidelines, and commonly recommend ineffective, unaffordable or unavailable medicines.
[6] COVID patient dies after record 613-day infection
 情報源 Female First 4月19日
The 72-year-old patient was hospitalised with the virus in February 2022 and never recovered before he passed away in Amsterdam last October [2023].
The 20-month infection is believed to be the longest-ever recorded case of coronavirus.
[7] COVID-19 vaccine strain updates: global regulators agree on timing and data requirements
 情報源 European Medicines Agency 2024年4月19日
International regulators have published a report today [17 Apr 2024] presenting the outcomes of a workshop on COVID-19 vaccine strain updates that was organised by the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities and the World Health Organization (WHO). 
現在認可されているワクチンは、COVID-19 による入院、重症化、死亡の予防に有効であるが、新たな変異株の新興により効果は減弱している。
[Highlights of the report]
Following assessment of the applications to update the composition of authorised COVID-19 vaccines, EMA recommended authorisation of 3 XBB.1.5-containing COVID-19 vaccines on 30 Aug, 14 Sep and 31 Oct 2023. FDA approved 2 XBB.1.5-containing mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on 11 Sep 2023 and authorised an XBB.1.5-containing protein-based COVID-19 vaccine on 3 Oct 2023.
... 原文参照願います。
[On vaccine updates]
COVID-19 update (18): Australia, Barbados, USA, UK, Bangladesh, New Zealand, WHO 20240416.8715998

● サルモネラ感染症 デンマーク
PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis, st Typhimurium - Denmark (02): possible ground meat
Archive Number: 20240504.8716304
 情報源 Food Safety News 2024年5月1日
Danish _Salmonella_ outbreak grows; linked to ground meat
デンマーク国内のサルモネラ感染症アウトブレイク A _Salmonella_ outbreak in Denmark は現在 40人の患者が発生し、挽肉 ground meat が感染源として疑われている。1ヶ月足らずの間に少なくとも40人が同じサルモネラ菌 the same type of _Salmonella_ に感染したと the Statens Serum Institut (SSI) 研究所が明らかにした。このアウトブレイク the _Salmonella_ Typhimurium outbreak により、以前に12人が体調を崩したと報告されていた。1才未満から83才までの年齢の中央値36才の男性24人と女性16人である。
"Although we do not yet know what has made people sick with _Salmonella_, we want consumers to pay extra attention to good kitchen hygiene. It is important to cook ground (minced) meat thoroughly, keep ready-to-eat items separate from the raw meat, and not to taste raw meat," said Annette Perge from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration....
In 2022, 899 _Salmonella_ cases were recorded in Denmark, which was up from 2021 and 2020 but down from 2019. _Salmonella_ caused 11 outbreaks in 2022, with 3 of them part of international incidents.
Salmonellosis, st Typhimurium - Denmark 20240424.8716120

● 黄熱 ボリビア、ブラジル
PRO/AH/EDR> Yellow fever - Americas (03): Bolivia (LP), Brazil (AM)
Archive Number: 20240504.8716307
[1] ボリビア La Paz, Bolivia
 情報源 El Diario [in Spanish] 2024年5月3日
the north of La Paz [department] において、黄熱による死亡例 A yellow fever death が記録された。保健当局者 the head of the Epidemiology and Investigation Unit of the Departmental Health Service (SEDES) La Paz が記者会見において、3年ぶりに a community in the north of the department of La Paz において黄熱 a yellow fever case が確認され、この男性は the city of El Alto に搬送後に死亡したと述べた。疫学第17週に the Santiago Segundo hospital 病院において a case (of yellow fever) が確認された。the Cenetrop laboratory (National Center for Tropical Diseases) で確定診断された" と説明した。the city of El Alto で感染したのではないことを強調した。
[2] ブラジル Amazonas, Brazil
 情報源 G1 [in Portuguese] 4月30日
マナウス Manaus 州当局は黄熱ワクチンを接種していない人々を探しており、 170か所ある the Primary Care Network のいずれかで接種するよう呼びかけている。2月に63才男性が死亡し、Presidente Figueiredo, in interior of Amazonas 居住証明?を所有しておりこの場所で感染したと見られている。
Yellow fever - Americas (02): Brazil (SP): 20240427.8716186

● 食中毒 ベトナム
PRO/EDR> Foodborne illness - Viet Nam (06): (DN) banh mi, baguettes with cold meats, pate, vegetables
Archive Number: 20240504.8716309
 情報源 Tuoi Tre News 2024年5月2日
南部 Long Khanh, a city in Dong Nai Province, southern Viet Nam において、4月30日と5月1日に合計73人が、現地で購入された banh mi を食べたことによる食中毒とみられる症状の治療のため入院となったと、地域病院が明らかにした。a bakery on Tran Quang Dieu Street で購入した banh mi を食べ食中毒の症状を発症し the Long Khanh Regional General Hospital 病院に入院した。
As a popular dish in Vietnam, banh mi is a type of Vietnamese baguette filled with cold meats, pâté, and vegetables.

● 植物衛生の基準
PRO/PL> Plant health standards: global
Archive Number: 20240504.8716319
 情報源 Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) 2024年4月15日
The FAO Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) have discussed further measures to stop the spread of plant pests and diseases. Unchecked outbreaks can inflict irreversible damage on ecosystems, trade and global food supplies. CPM, via the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), annually assess the global state of plant health and review progress.
Changing weather patterns and rising temperatures across the world have changed the geographic distribution and intensity of plant pests and diseases, making international cooperation and information exchange on early detection, rapid response and coordinated control efforts indispensable. One of the actions identified in FAO's Global Roadmap is the protection of crops using integrated pest management to reduce reliance on chemical products.
Plant health is a critical component within the One Health approach. Participating countries are expected to adopt amendments to phytosanitary standards, such as establishing pest free areas. While there is a strong global focus on food safety and animal health standards to ensure food security, FAO emphasises strongly that it all starts with plant health standards as the "guard rails" against the impact of plant pests and diseases.

● 告示 国際感染症学会誌
PRO/ALL> New in IJID (05): May 2024
Archive Number: 20240504.8716310
 情報源 IJID 2024年5月