エボラ ブルンジ,コンゴ(民)から
● エボラ ブルンジ,コンゴ(民)から
PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola update: Burundi ex Congo DR, susp., RFI
Archive Number: 20240509.8716417
情報源 SOS Medias Burundi [in French] 2024年5月4日
Bujumbura: エボラウイルス the Ebola virus (感染)に似た症状の,コンゴ人の小児1名 a Congolese child が死亡したことを受け,Kamenge military hospital, located in the north of the commercial city Bujumbura の責任者が対応策を取っているが,職員らは,看護師らに症状は見られていていないものの,より注意すべき we must be more vigilant と述べている。この患児が死亡したのは5月2日で,7-8歳であり,neighboring Congo からの患者であったと説明されている。入院後すぐに死亡したとされている。
"The symptoms the little girl presented were bleeding from the nose and anus. That's why we were afraid," our sources say....
参考項目 2023
Ebola update (03): Congo DR (HU) susp., RFI 20230821.8711774
● コレラ ケニア
PRO/EDR> Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (16): Kenya, alert
Archive Number: 20240509.8716416
情報源 Channels 2024年5月8日
洪水の被害が発生したケニアでコレラ dozens of cases of cholera が報告されたとして、The World Health Organization (WHO) が8日懸念を示した。洪水による最も大きな被害が出た東部 Tana River County in eastern Kenya, one of the areas hardest hit in weeks of destructive rains and flooding において、 44例 cases of the disease が報告されている。
Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (10): Africa, outbreak, Africa CDC 20240229.8715099
● 食中毒 モロッコ
PRO/EDR> Foodborne illness - Morocco: (MS) fast food restaurant, fatal, RFI
Archive Number: 20240509.8716396
情報源 Kech24 [in Arabic] 2024年5月5日
Almahamid suburb, Marrakech において、28人が食中毒となりcontracted a foodborne illness 、a fast food café での食事が原因と報じられている。このうち、すべて女性である5人が this food poisoning incident により死亡した。
[Mod.MM- The newswire above does not provide enough information about this fatal foodborne illness. ]
● COVID-19
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (20): Ghana vaccination campaign
Archive Number: 20240509.8716395
情報源 Graphic Online 2024年5月6日
ガーナ保健当局 The Ghana Health Service (GHS) が、its 10th national COVID-19 vaccination campaign on Sun 5 May 2024 を開始した。主に未接種者を対象とするこのワクチン接種は5月9日に終了する。
As of 31 Dec 2023, a total of 28 515 854 people in Ghana had been vaccinated against COVID-19, according to GHS statistics.
● オンコセルカ症 コートジボワール
PRO/EDR> Onchocerciasis - Cote d'Ivoire: (VB) mass drug administration
Archive Number: 20240509.8716397
情報源 Agence Ivoirienne de Presse [in French] 2024年5月5日
"オンコセルカ症対策キャンペーン A campaign against onchocerciasis が from 2 May to 6 May 2024 in the health district of Niakara において実施されている" と、保健当局者 the director of the health district が2日発表した。under the supervision of the health area nurse and the district's management team in Niakara の監督下に、トレーニングを受けた担当者 Trained distributing agents が無料のイベルメクチン free ivermectin とアルベンダゾール albendazole を communities and schools を配布する。
参考項目 2023
Onchocerciasis: Cameroon (CE) increasing cases 20230416.8709522
● 狂犬病 フィリピン、米国(2件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (42): Philippines, animal vaccination campaign
Archive Number: 20240509.8716389
情報源 The Philippines Star 2024年5月7日
2023年に少なくとも5人のフィリピン人が狂犬病 rabies により死亡したと、農業当局 the Department of Agriculture (DA) が明らかにした。このことから、ワクチン接種の予算が追加された。
[Mod.ST- The number of annual reported human rabies deaths in the Philippines ranged between 209 and 299 during 2010 and 2019 (WHO)]
Rabies (37): Philippines, concealed dog bite 20240426.8716165
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human exp
Archive Number: 20240509.8716400
[1] Kansas (Reno County): ネコ: JC Post 2024年4月27日
On Friday afternoon [26 Apr 2024], Ninnescah Veterinary Service LLC, on S. Mohawk Road, Hutchinson, shared on social media they had just diagnosed a positive case of rabies in a farm cat.
[2] Texas (Brown County): ネコ: Yahoo! News - KTAB Abilene 4月29日
The City of Early confirmed a positive case of rabies in a cat on Monday [29 Apr 2024]. According to a Facebook post, the cat was found in the 200 block of Crescent Drive.
[3] Georgia (Columbia County): アライグマ: WRDW.com 4月29日
A vaccinated dog fought and killed a raccoon near Canterbury Farms on 22 Apr [2024] according to the Georgia Department of Public Health. The raccoon was picked up by Columbia County Animal Services.
[4] North Carolina (Rowan County): ネコ: Salisbury Post 4月30日
Rowan County health authorities confirmed a positive rabies case last week. According to a release from the Rowan County Health Department, the infected animal, a cat, was found off Highway 801.
[5] Michigan (Washtenaw County): コウモリ, in home: WXYZ News 5月2日
A bat with rabies has been found in a home in Ann Arbor, according to Washtenaw County health officials who tested the bat.
The home is located in the 48108 zip code, and health officials are using the rabid bat case to urge residents who find a bat in their home to contact them about the next steps to take.
[6] Massachusetts (Hampden County): ネコ: Western Mass News 5月3日
The town of Agawam is warning residents about a rabid animal.
On Tuesday [30 Apr 2024], a cat nicknamed "Mr. Kitty" tested positive for rabies. It's a white and tan Siamese cat that lived in the area of King Street.
[7] New York (Sullivan County): キツネ, human exposure: Mid Hudson News 5月6日
The Sullivan County Department of Public Health has confirmed that a euthanized fox in the Kauneonga Lake area of the Town of Bethel tested positive for the rabies virus.
[8] Montana (Powder River County): ウシ, human exposure: Northern Ag Network 5月6日
On Wed 24 Apr 2024, Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) received confirmation of a rabid cow in Powder River County. The rabies-infected cow was tested after displaying neurological signs
● 大麦の病気、Take-all アイルランド
PRO/PL> Take-all, barley - Ireland
Archive Number: 20240509.8716409
情報源 Agriland 2024年5月5日
A new agronomy guide from BASF is confirming the heightened risk of take-all in winter barley crops, if they follow a first wheat. This is an issue addressed by ADAS [Agricultural Development and Advisory Service].