
A型肝炎 英国
狂犬病 カナダ
マラリア スーダン

● A型肝炎 英国
PRO/EDR> Hepatitis A - UK: (Scotland) children
Archive Number: 20240912.8718731
 情報源 BBC 2024年9月11日
"少数例の A型肝炎 a small number" of confirmed cases of hepatitis A in the Cumbernauld area. について,保健当局 NHS Lanarkshire が調査を行っている。このうち2例は小児で,1人は現地校,もう1人は現地の幼稚園に通っている。
[Mod.LL- The NHS in the UK does not routinely offer hepatitis A vaccines because the risk of getting infected is low.]
参考項目 2023
Hepatitis A - UK (02): (England) schoolchildren 20231216.8713749

● ペスト マダガスカル
PRO/AH/EDR> Plague - Madagascar: (FI) fatal
Archive Number: 20240912.8718730
 情報源 L'Express de Madagascare [in French] 2024年9月11日
Ambositra - Two sisters die of suspected plague
この週末に,the Ambositra district の a village in Ivato-Centre のある家庭で,数時間のうちに姉妹2人が死亡した。腺ペストにより死亡した疑い succumbed to suspected bubonic plague がもたれている。
"ペストの迅速検査の結果は陽性だった。検体を送付した the Pasteur Institute of Madagascar の確定検査の結果を待つ必要がある" と Ivato-Centre の当局者が述べた。
Ambositra is a hotbed of plague. Cases are recorded there every year. 
参考項目 2023
Plague - Madagascar (05): (AM) suspected, fatality 20231208.8713572

● コレラ ニジェール
PRO/EDR> Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (47): Niger (TH) outbreak
Archive Number: 20240912.8718729
 情報源 Journal du Niger [in French] 2024年9月10日
Karofane, the capital of  the Bouza commune において,数日前からコレラ A cholera outbreak が猛威を振るっており,6日に発生が確認された後,すでに3例の死亡例と40例以上の感染が確認されている。
[Mod.RBY- The cholera outbreak in Karofane underscores the vulnerability of communities with limited access to clean water and basic sanitation]

● 狂犬病 南北アメリカ
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (78): Americas, human, bat, cat, raccoon, fox, cow
Archive Number: 20240912.8718717
カナダ Canada
[1] Ontario (Brant County): human
 情報源 News Ontario 2024年9月6日
主席医務官 chief medical officer of health から本日,以下のコメントが出された
"郡保健当局 Brant County Health Unit は,住民1名の狂犬病感染例の確認 laboratory confirmation of a human case of rabies in a resident of Brantford-Brant について承知している。オンタリオ州内のコウモリ a bat in Ontario との接触により感染したとみられている。
"This is the first domestically acquired case of human rabies in Ontario since 1967. In Canada, there have been only 26 other known cases of rabies in humans since reporting began in 1924."
Rabies (77): Canada (ON) human case, bat exposure
Archive Number: 20240910.8718677
米国 USA
[2] Washington (Chelan County): bat, possible human exposure
 情報源 QC Herald 8月31日
Health officials have issued an alert after confirming a rabid bat was discovered at a popular camping destination in Chelan County, potentially exposing visitors to the deadly virus.
The Chelan-Douglas Health District (CDHD) announced a sick bat found on Saturday, August 24 [2024] at the Lake Shore RV Park in Chelan has tested positive for rabies. The test results were confirmed on August 27.
[3] New York (Chautauqua County): cats, human exposure
 情報源 Chautauqua Government 2024年9月4日
The Chautauqua County Health Department (CCHD) has confirmed 2 feral or stray cats in the City of Jamestown have died from the rabies virus. 
[4] South Carolina (Aiken County): raccoon, dog exposure
 情報源 WRDW/WAGT 9月4日
The South Carolina Department of Public Health (DPH) confirmed a rabid raccoon has been found in Ridge Spring. 
[5] North Carolina (Orange County): fox, human exposure
 情報源 Chapelboro 9月4日
Orange County Animal Services (OCAS) has announced a positive rabies test on a fox in Carrboro. According to a release from OCAS, the incident involving the fox and a person occurred in the vicinity of Davie Road and Fidelity Street on September 2 [2024]. The fox was then removed for rabies testing.
This is the third positive rabies test recorded in Orange County this year [2024].
[6] Nebraska: human, fatal
 情報源 Chadron Radio 9月10日
住民1名の死亡 A Nebraska Panhandle person's death が,狂犬病の疑い possible rabies infection があるため調査されている。
コスタリカ Costa Rica
[7] Costa Rica (Puntarenas, San Jose): bovine paralytic rabies
 情報源 Costa Rica National Animal Health Service (SENASA) [in Spanish] 9月9日
The National Animal Health Service (SENASA) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has detected 9 outbreaks of bovine paralytic rabies in Alajuela, Buenos Aires, Golfito [Puntarenas Province] and Pérez Zeledón [San José Province] so far this year [2024].
Rabies (77): Canada (ON) human case, bat exposure 20240910.8718677

● マラリア スーダン
PRO/EDR> Malaria - Sudan (02): (KH) increasing incidence, fatal
Archive Number: 20240911.8718709
 情報源 Dabanga Sudan [in Arabic] 2024年9月9日
州内各地のマラリアの感染拡大 the recent spread of malaria in several residential areas of Khartoum South following により,豪雨の後,先週7例の死亡が発生したと,州緊急対策局 the Emergency Committee of Khartoum, southern area, Khartoum state が明らかにした。
[Mod.MM- Khartoum State is one of the malaria-prone areas of Sudan due to heavy rains that favor malaria transmission in the absence of malaria control measures as a result of the ongoing conflict since 2023. 
Malaria - Sudan: (KH) fatal 20240618.8717094

● Usutu virus ドイツ
PRO/AH/EDR> Usutu virus - Germany (02): (SH) wild birds
Archive Number: 20240912.8718725
 情報源 SHZ [in German] 2024年9月9日
the Rendsburg area において,鳥類に致死的である The Usutu virus の感染が拡大し,感染例の増加が続くおそれがある。
ウイルス感染の拡大が,ドイツの庭でよくみかけられる鳥類の1つ,The blackbird の大量死 mass extinction につながっている。問い合わせに対して獣医学当局 the District Veterinary Office は9日,the Rendsburg and Eckernförde area [Schleswig-Holstein state] でも多数の死亡が発生していることを認めた。
[Mod.PMB- Usutu virus (USUV) is a member of the mosquito-borne cluster within the Flavivirus genus, closely related to important human pathogens that cause viral encephalitis. It was first isolated in South Africa in 1959 and named after a river. USUV primarily infects birds, and only very sporadically has been found infecting mammals (including humans). Until 2001, it had never been detected outside Africa. By the end of summer of 2001, USUV caused a die-off of Eurasian blackbirds (_Turdus merula_; see picture) around Vienna, Austria. The next year the virus was still circulating in the mosquito population in Austria. The virus was first detected in Germany, presumably spreading from Austria, in 2010 (see ProMED post 20110913.2792).]
Usutu virus - Germany: wild birds 20240819.8718259

● アフリカ豚熱 インド
PRO/AH> African swine fever - Asia (57): India (MZ) domestic
Archive Number: 20240912.8718719
 情報源 ETV Bharat, Indo-Asian News Service (IANS) 2024年9月7日
過去7か月間の Mizoram のアフリカ豚熱アウトブレイク the outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) により,1万2200頭のブタが死亡し,2万1000頭以上が処分された。Mizoram Animal Husbandry and Veterinary (AHV) Department officials said due to the outbreak of ASF, a large number of farmers across the state incurred huge losses.
African swine fever - Asia (12): India (MH) domestic 20240224.8715027