
類鼻疽 中国

● 類鼻疽 中国
PRO/AH/EDR> Melioidosis - China: (HK) geriatric case, underlying illnesses
Archive Number: 20250110.8721237
 情報源 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 2025年1月3日
先週 (27 Dec 2024 to 2 Jan 2025) 新たに類鼻疽の症例 one new confirmed melioidosis infection case が確認されたと,3日保健当局 The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health が明らかにした。
感染した患者は,Sham Shui Po 在住の持病のある72歳男性だった。12月13日に発熱と咳嗽の症状を発症し,医療センター Caritas Medical Centre を受診し14日に入院となった。臨床検体で類鼻疽菌陽性 positive for _Burkholderia pseudomallei_ upon testing と確認された。感染源の調査として,疫学調査などが行われている。
2024年,合計23例の類鼻疽 melioidosis infection cases が記録されている。
[Mod.ST- There is no indication in the newswire above on the likely exposure of the case, his profession, or the linkage to any local weather event leading to his illness and whether similar people were exposed.]
参考項目 2024
Melioidosis - China (07): (HK) additional case, underlying diseases 20241118.8720096

● ダニ媒介性脳炎 イタリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Tick-borne encephalitis - Italy: (TT)
Archive Number: 20250110.8721231
 情報源 TGCOM24 [in Italian] 2024年12月19日
トレント Trento [Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Region] の病院 the Santa Chiara hospital で意識不明の状態であった57歳の患者が,ダニ刺咬によるとみられる脳炎 encephalitis により死亡した。
男性は有名な登山愛好家 A great mountain enthusiast で,Gavardo 出身で Serle で育ち,Bondone, Trentino で暮らしていた。
for a long time. He was well known in the Trentino community that overlooks Lake Idro. Considered by all to be a hard worker, he was in the construction sector. He was also known for his passion for nativity scenes (every year he set up one to share with passers-by) but above all for his commitment to the local Alpine group, for which he was a volunteer. Even the Penne Nere of the town remember him fondly.

Tick-[borne] encephalitis
According to information from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, tick-borne encephalitis is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system and is caused by a virus from the same family as those responsible for yellow fever and dengue. The virus is transmitted by the bite of infected ticks. In Italy the disease was identified for the first time in 1994, in the province of Belluno. Tick-borne encephalitis often manifests itself with disorders and symptoms similar to those of the flu. In a second phase, symptoms of meningitis and encephalitis may be evident.

Communicated by:

[If the tick bite occurred about 2 months ago, that puts it in early October [2024], at the end of the tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus transmission season in this far northern locality in Italy. Finding human cases of tick-borne encephalitis virus in Italy is not surprising, as human cases have occurred there before. Tick-borne encephalitis virus is endemic in Italy.

The above report does not indicate which tick species was the vector in this case, but it probably was the castor bean tick, _Ixodes ricinus_, which are the main vectors that transmit TBE virus to people in Europe. A vaccine for TBE is available, and individuals who frequent forests or other areas of tick abundance where there is a risk of TBE virus infection should be vaccinated. The victim in the above report was an active outdoors person, and there is no indication if he had been vaccinated. Avoidance of tick bites is also prudent.

TBE is caused by one of 3 tick-borne encephalitis virus subtypes belonging to the Flaviviridae family: Central European, Siberian, and Far Eastern (formerly known as Russian spring-summer encephalitis). The TBE virus subtype in the above case is doubtless the Central European subtype. - Mod.TY

参考項目 2024
Tick-borne encephalitis - Italy (03): (LM) chamois 20240515.8716523