食中毒 タイ、ブタ連鎖球菌
● 麻疹 モロッコ
PRO/EDR> Measles - Morocco (02): (TC) prison, fatal, RFI
Archive Number: 20250108.8721214
情報源 Hespress [in Arabic] 2025年1月6日
Tangier Prison 2 収容所で先週、何名かの収容者の麻疹 measles 感染が発生した、1名の死亡原因として疑われている。
Measles - Morocco: increasing incidence, fatal 20250102.8721069
● 呼吸器感染症 イラク
PRO/EDR> Respiratory infections - Iraq: influenza, COVID-19
Archive Number: 20250108.8721162
情報源 Alsumaria [in Arabic] 2025年1月5日
この数週間にイラク国内で、軽症から重症までの呼吸器症状のある感染症の患者が急増している。咳嗽、発熱、咽頭痛、息切れ等の症状で、a new wave of the COVID-19 variant, or is it just a severe seasonal influenza だろうか。
● チクングニア インド
PRO/AH/EDR> Chikungunya (01): India (MH) 2024 summary
Archive Number: 20250108.8721160
情報源 Lokmat Times 2025年1月5日
2024年、the state [Maharashtra] 州内で5757例のチクングニア Chikungunya cases が発生し、過去6年間で最多を記録した。多くの患者が、Nagpur leads with the most cases, followed by Mumbai で確認された。
Maharashtra has reported the highest number of chikungunya cases in India, according to data released by the Union Health Ministry for the period up to October 2024.
全国では合計1万2587 cases が記録され、うち Maharashtra accounting for 4792 cases, the highest in the country を占め、次いで Karnataka follows in second place with 2213 reported cases であった。
● 結核 インド
PRO/EDR> Tuberculosis - India (01): (HR)
Archive Number: 20250108.8721208
情報源 The Times of India 2025年1月6日
2024年12月に Panchkula [district in Haryana state] において結核撲滅キャンペーンが開始されたが、過去5年間で最多 highest number of tuberculosis cases in the last 5 years in 2024 を記録している。当地の病院 the civil hospital の統計によると住民1970 residents に結核 TB in 2024 の感染が記録され、86人が結核により死亡した。2023年は1647 patients were reported, but a greater number of deaths, 104 .だった。
Meanwhile, 1737, 1551, and 1322 TB cases were reported in 2022, 2021, and 2020, respectively, from Panchkula.
Tuberculosis - India (05): annual report, 2024 20241104.8719809
● ヒトメタニューモウイルス インド
PRO/EDR> Human metapneumovirus - India: (KA, GJ)
Archive Number: 20250108.8721201
情報源 The Times of India 2025年1月6日
6日、3例のヒトメタニューモウイルス感染例 cases of the human metapneumovirus (HMPV) が確認され、which 2 were reported in Karnataka and one in Gujarat であった。中国の医療を圧迫していることが伝えられている。生後3か月の女児と6か月の男児で、女児には気管支肺炎の症状が、男児には発熱と無呼吸の症状がみられた。Gujarat の2か月の男児は、呼吸器の症状で12月24日に入院した。
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the HMPV belongs to the Pneumoviridae family, the same family as the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). It typically causes upper and lower respiratory infections, presenting symptoms similar to a common cold or flu.
'No reason to worry': Union health minister Nadda
Karnataka issues health advisory
Delhi authorities issue advisory
Health ministry monitoring situation
'Flu in China not unusual'
ICMR tests other respiratory viruses
ICMR to increase laboratories
Robust surveillance already in place
Andhra authorities urge not to panic
Preventive measures in Maharashtra
● A型肝炎 スロバキア
PRO/EDR> Hepatitis A - Slovakia: (BL)
Archive Number: 20250108.8721196
情報源 Radio Slovakia International 2025年12月19日
Increase in incidence of Hepatitis A in Bratislava region
地域公衆衛生当局 The Regional Public Health Office (RUVZ) in Bratislava では、地域内の A型肝炎増加 an increase in the number of cases of hepatitis A in Bratislava region を記録しており、2024年12月に24例が報告された。もっとも感染率が高い年齢層は among the 20-24 age group である。すべての地区 all districts of Bratislava region が感染を報告しており、2024年12月19日までの時点で73 cases が確認された。
● 食中毒 タイ
PRO/AH/EDR> Foodborne illness - Thailand: (BR) raw pork, suspected Streptococcus suis
Archive Number: 20250108.8721194
[1] 情報源 Matichon [in Thai] 2025年1月7日
Department of Disease Control follows up on case of eating 'raw pork' at New Year's merit-making event, 1 death, 1 coma
新年のイベント a New Year's merit-making event でブタの生肉を食べて死亡した症例 the case of a villager who died from eating raw pork について、保健当局責任者 Director-General of the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) が5日明らかにした。Nang Rong District, Buriram Province において、住民らにブタの生肉や血液を食べたり調理するなどのリスクが認められた。1名が死亡し、もう1名が昏睡状態にある。
Raw swine fever はブタ連鎖球菌_Streptococcus suis_ に汚染された豚肉やブタの血液などが原因となる。同菌はブタの気道や感染したブタの血液中に存在し、身体の傷や結膜などから、感染ブタとの接触などで感染する。感染から1ないし14日後に高熱、激しい頭痛、めまい、嘔吐、項部硬直、聴力損失などの症状を発症し、重症例は死亡することもある。
[2] 情報源 Matichon [in Thai] 1月7日
Doctor explains why pork, chicken, and freshwater fish can't be eaten raw, but beef and raw sea fish can be eaten raw
a 100-day merit-making and New Year's ceremony 祭りで生の豚肉を食べ高熱、嘔吐、下痢の症状がみられた、Buriram Province の住民らの複数の患者のうち、1人が死亡、1人が昏睡、ほか複数も体調を崩している。
参考項目 2024
Streptococcus suis - Viet Nam (04): (HI) pig slaughter-associated 20241205.8720442.
● ランピースキン病 チュニジア
PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease - Tunisia (02): (SL) cattle
Archive Number: 20250108.8721216
情報源 Radio Nationale [in Arabic] 2025年1月6日
the governorate of Siliana の地域獣医学当局 The veterinary services of the Regional Agricultural Development Commission により、昨年12月以降1万5615頭のウシ cows にランピースキン病 lumpy skin disease ワクチンが接種された。
3 outbreaks were discovered during the first month of last December [2024], confirmed by analyses. These outbreaks were distributed as follows: one case in the Sadin area of Makthar delegation (a farmer who purchased a cow from the Sidi Bouzid governorate), one case in Kesra (a farmer who purchased a cow from the Jendouba governorate), and another in the Sidi Bourouis delegation.
Lumpy skin disease - Tunisia: (MN) cattle 20250104.8721104
● 鳥インフルエンザ 韓国 H5N1・H5N3、日本、米国・カナダ H5N1(4件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (09): South Korea, HPAI H5N1, bird, WOAH
Archive Number: 20250108.8721211
[1] 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2025年1月6日
Korea (Rep. of) - High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with) - Follow-up report 4
Started: 29 Oct 2024
Reason for notification: Recurrence of an eradicated disease
Date of last occurrence: 24 May 2024
End date: -
Disease: High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with)
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Nature of diagnosis: Clinical, laboratory, necropsy
Genotype/serotype/subtype: H5N1
Event status: Ongoing
Quantitative data summary
Birds (domestic) / 953 845 / 2309 / 1859 / 951 786 / - / -
[2] 情報源 Korea JoongAng Daily 1月6日
Korea has confirmed its 20th case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) for this winter season at an egg farm in Gyeonggi, authorities said Monday [6 Jan 2025].
The latest case was reported from a layer poultry farm in Yeoju, about 65 km (40 mi) east of Seoul, on Saturday [4 Jan 2025], according to the city government. Authorities have contained the area and culled some 104 000 chickens raised at the farm, as well as another 52 000 chicks at a broiler farm nearby as part of preventative measures.
Avian influenza (04): South Korea, HPAI H5, poultry, duck, spread 20250107.8721169
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (07): South Korea, HPAI H5N3, wild bird, spread, WOAH
Archive Number: 20250108.8721192
情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2025年1月6日
Korea (Rep. of) - Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-) - Follow-up report 1
Started: 2 Oct 2024
Reason for notification: New strain in the country
End date: -
Disease: Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-)
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Nature of diagnosis: Laboratory
Genotype/serotype/subtype: H5N3
Event status: Ongoing
Quantitative data summary
Northern Pintail (wild、オナガガモ) / - / 1 / - / - / - / -
参考項目 2024
Avian influenza (133): South Korea (CB) HPAI H5N3, new strain, wild bird, WOAH 20241109.8719918
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (08): Japan, HPAI, wild bird, poultry, spread, alert
Archive Number: 20250108.8721210
情報源 Khmer Times 2025年1月7日
Japan's Ministry of the Environment has raised the nationwide bird flu alert to the highest level after detecting highly pathogenic avian influenza in wild birds in 2 towns in Hokkaido prefecture of northern Japan.
The decision followed the detection of the virus in 2 separate instances in Hokkaido. On 30 Sep 2024 the virus was found in the carcass of a falcon in Otobe town and on 8 Oct 2024, the virus was detected in droppings from wild ducks in Betsukai town.
参考項目 2024
Avian influenza (172): Japan (KS) HPAI H5N1, poultry, spread, WOAH 20241230.8720990
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (06): USA, Canada, wild goose, HPAI H5N1
Archive Number: 20250108.8721183
[1] USA (Wisconsin)
情報源 Yahoo! News 2024年12月30日
採石場 Duck Creek Quarry で12月に死亡していたガチョウの初期検査 Initial lab tests of geese で高病原性鳥インフルエンザ "preliminary results consistent" with the strain of H5 HPAI bird flu (also known as H5N1) が確認されたと、ウィスコンシン州野生動物当局の専門家 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) wildlife disease specialist が30日明らかにした。The National Veterinary Service Laboratories で確定診断が行われることになっている。
[2] Canada (British Columbia)
情報源 Kelowna Capital News 2024年12月31日
湖 Shuswap and Mara Lake において、鳥インフルエンザAvian influenza (AI) が確認されている。the District of Sicamous によると early November [2024] に病気のガチョウ deceased Canada and Cackling geese near the mouth of the Eagle River and at Mara Lake の報告があり、検査の結果ウイルスの存在が確認された。
参考項目 2024
Avian influenza (59): USA (PA) H5N1, bald eagle 20240508.8716392
● 口蹄疫 インドネシア
PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Indonesia (02): (JI) cattle, fatal, spread
Archive Number: 20250108.8721212
情報源 Jakarta Globe 2025年1月7日
Jember Reports Over 60 Cattle Deaths from Suspected Foot and Mouth Disease
Jember Regency, East Jav,においてこの数か月間に少なくとも763頭のウシ cows が口蹄疫 foot and mouth disease (FMD) に感染し、61頭が死亡したと、the local Food Security and Livestock Department が明らかにした。
over 4000 cows in the regency にワクチンが接種された
FMD Cases in Central Java
Foot & mouth disease - Indonesia: (JT) cattle, fatal, spread 20250106.8721143
● アフリカ豚熱 ウガンダ
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Africa: Uganda (SH) susp
Archive Number: 20250108.8721209
情報源 Monitor 2025年1月7日
Veterinary authorities in Sheema District have expressed concern following the apparent outbreak of a strange diseases that has killed over 30 pigs. Sheema District veterinary officer Dr Joseph Amanya said the disease first reported on 4 Jan 2025 has affected pigs in villages of Mukinga, Karamo and Kyamutambara in Nyakashebeya Ward, Central Division."This is a viral disease, and we suspect it to be African swine fever (ASF), which has no vaccine and the treatment itself is a bit complicated. We only treat symptoms like fever, but we will do what it takes to ensure that the disease is contained," Dr Amanaya told Monitor on Tuesday [7 Jan 2025].
● ブドウの病気、Flavescence doree ドイツ
PRO/PL> Flavescence doree, grapevine - Germany: (BW) alert
Archive Number: 20250108.8721199
情報源 Badische Zeitung [in German] 2025年1月6日
Flavescence doree (FD) is a dangerous disease in vineyards. It is spread by an insect vector that has been found in 2024 on grapevines in the area. A total of 452 adult insects were caught in traps at 26 sites. Monitoring will be extended.
参考項目 2023
Flavescence doree, grapevine - France: (southwest) 20230308.8708823
● 馬コロナウイルス 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Equine coronavirus - USA: (WA) horse, quarantine
Archive Number: 20250108.8721198
情報源 EquiManagement 2025年1月2日
Coronavirus Case Confirmed in Washington Horse
One horse in Kitsap County, Washington, recently tested positive for coronavirus. The horse is under voluntary quarantine, and 3 additional horses are exposed.
About Equine Coronavirus
参考項目 2020
Equine coronavirus - USA: (AZ) horse 20200216.6995461
● 原因不明の死亡、ヒツジ アルジェリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed deaths, sheep - Algeria: (EB) mass mortality, RFI
Archive Number: 20250108.8721191
情報源 Fibladi [in Arabic] 2025年1月5日
[The video at the source URL above shows an operation of disposal of dead animals (lambs). It was shared by a local media, "El Hayat Channel". The video is accompanied by the following title: "The agricultural authorities in the El Bayadh governorate have collected samples from 100 deceased sheep for analysis, amid concerns about a possible outbreak of peste des petits ruminants."
Photo and the same video regarding this event have been shared by several Algerian Facebook pages (see 1 and 2).]
参考項目 2023
Undiagnosed deaths, sheep - Algeria: (TR) RFI 20230427.8709721