
ポリオ ミャンマー,バングラデシュ [タイトルのみ]

● ポリオ ミャンマー,バングラデシュ
PRO/EDR> Poliomyelitis - worldwide (04): Myanmar, Bangladesh, RFI
Archive Number: 20070522.1648
[1] ミャンマー Myanmar
Polio Strikes 7 Children in Burma [Myanmar]
 情報源 Radio Free Asia 5月22日
At least 7 children along Burma's [Myanmar's] border with Bangladesh have confirmed cases of polio
[2] バングラデシュ Bangladesh vaccination activities
 情報源 International Herald Tribune 5月20日

● 炭疽 ロシア,インド(2件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax, human - Russia (Stavropol) (02)
Archive Number: 20070522.1646
 情報源 Russian News & Information Agency NOVOSTI 5月22日
Police in southern Russia hunt anthrax-infected meat
Investigators, who followed medical workers cleaning the farm of Apatovo in Stavropol Territory of an anthrax case that killed a local resident 12 May [2007]

PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax, human, bovine - India (Kerala): RFI
Archive Number: 20070522.1642
 情報源 NewKerala.Com 5月21日
Man with suspected anthrax admitted to hospital

● A型肝炎 スリランカ,訂正
PRO/ERR> Hepatitis A - Sri Lanka (Gampola): corrections
Archive Number: 20070522.1641
[1] Geographical error
the town of Gampola is too small to be located
[2] "fortunately, there are no long term consequences of hepatitis A infection,": 
"sometimes, people die as a result of hepatitis A infection -- about 3-5 deaths per 1000 cases." 
Hepatitis A - Sri Lanka (Gampola) 20070520.1606

● 麻疹 日本,米国(2件)
PRO/EDR> Measles - Japan (02): Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa
Archive Number: 20070522.1638
[1] Measles outbreak shuts down universities in Tokyo
 情報源 The Asahi Shimbun 5月22日
[2] Measles outbreak blamed on lack of youth exposure
 情報源 The Yomiuri Shimbun 5月22日

PRO> Measles - USA (NM) ex India (02): importations background
Archive Number: 20070522.1633
 情報源 GIDEON (Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Online

● ペスト,非ヒト霊長類 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Plague, non-human primate - USA (CO)
Archive Number: 20070522.1647
 情報源 CBS4denver.com 5月21日
Monkey Tests Positive For Plague At Denver Zoo

● 鳥インフルエンザ(2件)
PRO/AH> Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (26)
Archive Number: 20070522.1645
[1] Re: PRO/AH> Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (24); UK -
tests could miss bird flu in migratory birds
 投稿者 Ian Brown 5月21日
[2] RE: Reaction from VLA re your article
 投稿者 Debora MacKenzie 5月22日
[3] "UK tests could miss bird flu in migratory birds," 21 May 2007.
 情報源 New Scientist article provided by Debora MacKenzie 5月21日
[Original article published in New Scientist; posted on ProMEDmail as

PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (84): Bangladesh, Viet Nam (Nghe An), OIE
Archive Number: 20070522.1631
[1] Bangladesh
[2] Viet Nam OIE Follow up No. 6 (Nghe An)
[3] Viet Nam, Nghe An

● ココヤシの病気 ジャマイカ
PRO/PL> Lethal yellowing, coconut palm - Jamaica: replanting efforts
Archive Number: 20070522.1643
[1] Farmers' reluctance stymies efforts to re-grow coconuts
 情報源 RJR94FM Radio News 5月5日
[2] Coconut industry pushing to revive tree population
 情報源 Jamaica Gleaner 5月7日

● ブルセラ症 ロシア,米国(2件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Brucellosis, ovine - Russia (Sverdlovsk region)
Archive Number: 20070522.1639
 情報源 IA: Novy region-2, [translated] 5月22日
large number of cases of brucellosis among animals has been registered in the Bogdanovicheskiy district [Sverdlovsk region]:

PRO/AH/EDR> Brucellosis, bovine - USA (MT)
Archive Number: 20070522.1632
 情報源 Billings Gazette 5月19日
Seven Montana cows have tested positive for brucellosis

● 口蹄疫 カザフスタン
PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease, bovine - Kazakhstan (02): OIE
Archive Number: 20070522.1637
[1] Atyrau
 情報源 SNGNews, [translated] 5月17日
[2] Karaganda, OIE
 情報源 OIE report Vol 20 No. 17 26 Apr 2007 4月23日
Start date 21 Apr 2007
Reason for notification: Reoccurrence of a listed disease
Date of previous occurrence June 2001
Causal agent: Foot and mouth disease virus
Serotype Not typed
New outbreaks
Outbreak 1 Kengir, Zezkazgan, KARAGANDA: Village

● 狂犬病 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies, human, otter - USA (FL): RFI
Archive Number: 20070522.1636
 投稿者 A correspondent 5月21日
Several persons bitten by rabid otter: Request for information
[circa 30 Apr 2007] several persons were bitten by an otter in a affluent gated community in Vero Beach, FL.