
インフルエンザ (33) WHO F
デング熱 ・ デング出血熱 (42) アンゴラ ECDC (43) (44)
MERS-CoV(11)-サウジアラビア など

真菌感染-米国 (06) 汚染薬物、新たな感染流行 RFI
PRO/EDR> Fungal infection, contaminated drug - USA (08): new outbreak, RFI
Archive Number: 20130527.1739593
情報源 NBC News、2013年5月24日。
保健当局は、鎮痛薬注射に関連する新たな感染流行 another outbreak が発生した可能性があるとして注意している -- 2つ州で少なくとも 7人がステロイド薬の使用後に膿瘍を形成した。いずれもただ 1か所の薬局 a single pharmacy: Main Street Family Pharmacy, a compounding pharmacy in Newbern, Tennessee との関係が認められている ...

インフルエンザ (33) WHO 世界の最新状況
Influenza update no 186
PRO/EDR> Influenza (33): WHO global update
Archive Number: 20130527.1739591
情報源 WHO Surveillance and Monitoring, Influenza updates、2013年5月24日。
厚労省検疫所 FORTH

デング熱 ・ デング出血熱 最新状況 2013 (44) アジア、アフリカ
PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (44): Asia, Africa
Archive Number: 20130527.1739445
[1] パキスタン Pakistan (Sindh  province). 23 May 2013. Dengue 135 cases. Increasing. Municipality most affected: Karachi 127 cases.
[2] フィリピン Philippines
- Iloilo province. 22 May 2013. Dengue 849 cases; deaths 6. Increasing.
- Metro Manila. 20 May 2013. Dengue 2761 cases; deaths 7. Municipality most affected: Quezon City over 500 cases.
[3] タイ Thailand (Trang province). 20 May 2013. Dengue 243 cases. Increasing.
[4] シンガポール Singapore (national ) 18 May 2013. Dengue 7000 cases.
[5] アンゴラ Angola (Luanda , Malanje provinces). 20 May 2013. Dengue as of 17 May 2013 (susp.) 400 cases, (conf.) 301 cases. Provinces affected: Luanda and Malanje, 300 in the capital alone.

あひるウイルス性腸炎-英国 イングランド(ノ)バリケン
PRO/AH> Duck viral enteritis - UK: (England) Muscovy duck
Archive Number: 20130527.1739139
情報源 BBC News、2013年5月24日。
十数羽のあひる More than a dozen Muscovy ducks が、duck viral enteritis, also known as duck plague の感染により、 a Devon town で死亡。Buckfastleigh で発見されたこの疾患は、ducks and geese の間で強い感染力を持っている ...

Leaf rust、コーヒー-パナマ 初報告
PRO/PL> Leaf rust, coffee - Panama: 1st rep
Archive Number: 20130527.1738972
情報源 European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) Reporting Service 4/2013/087、2013年4月0日。
2013年 8月、the Chiriqui province においてパナマで初めての coffee rust (_Hemileia vastatrix_) が報告され、その後全てのコーヒー栽培地域に感染が拡がった ...

Pale cyst nematode-デンマーク 初報告
1st report of _Globodera pallida_ in Denmark
PRO/PL> Pale cyst nematode, potato - Denmark: 1st rep
Archive Number: 20130527.1738906
情報源 European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) Reporting Service 4/2013/080、2013年4月0日。

デング熱 ・ デング出血熱 最新状況 2013 (43) 南北アメリカ
PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (43): Americas
Archive Number: 20130527.1738540
[1] メキシコ Mexico [in Spanish]
- Jalisco state. 20 May 2013.  Dengue as of 11 May 2013, 163 cases; DHF/serious 15 cases.
- Oaxaca state. 24 May 2013.  Dengue as of week 19 [ending 11 May 2013], 102 cases; DHF/serious 48 cases. Municipalities most affected: Salina Cruz, Ciudad Ixtepec, Juchitan de Zaragoza, Matias Romero, Asuncion, Ixtaltepec, Santo Domingo Tehuantepec.
- Tabasco state. 21 May 2013. Dengue more than 1000 cases; DHF/serious between 200-260; deaths 6. Increasing.
- Veracruz state. 20 May 2013. Dengue 540 cases; DHF/serious 243 cases.
[2] ブラジル Brazil [in Portuguese]
- Parana state. 22 May 2013. Dengue August 2012-May 2013 (reported) 40 688 cases. Municipality most affected in 2013: Foz do Iguacu (reported) 5750 cases, (conf.) 1452 cases, deaths 1; dengue virus type 4 circulating.
- Sao Paulo state. 21 May 2013. Dengue epidemic in 24 municipalities; deaths 16. Municipality most affected: Sao Jose do Rio Preto with nearly 6200 cases, deaths 5.
- Baixada Santista area, Sao Paulo state. 21 May 2013. Dengue (conf.) more than 13 000 cases. Municipalities most affected: Santos 4988 cases, Praia Grande 4215 cases, Cubatao 1781 (conf.) cases, Sao Vicente 1095 cases, Guaruja 498 cases, Peruibe 417 cases.
[3] コロンビア Colombia (Giron  , Santander department). 22 May 2013. [in Spanish] Dengue 293 cases; DHF/serious 17 cases. Increasing.
[4] パラグアイ Paraguay (national ). 22 May 2013. [in Spanish] Dengue as of 10 May 2013, more than 83 000 cases; deaths 57. Declining.
[5] ペルー Peru (Ucayali region). 20 May 2013. [in Spanish] Dengue 30 cases monthly.

MERS-CoV-サウジアラビア 新たな死者 地中海東岸 (11)
PRO/AH/EDR> MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (11): Saudi Arabia, new death
Archive Number: 20130527.1738597
[1] サウジアラビア: new fatality, Ministry of Public Health
MOH: A new coronavirus case passed away in Al-Ahsa Governorate -- 26 May 2013
情報源 Ministry of Public Health、5月26日。
疫学調査 the epidemiological surveillance of the novel coronavirus (MERS-CoV) により保健省 the Ministry of Health (MOH) は、すでに感染が確認されていた Al-Ahsa governorate の患者1名の死亡を確認した ...
[2] サウジアラビア: new fatality, newswire
Elderly woman is 18th MERS-CoV fatality in KSA
情報源 Arab News、5月26日。
[3] サウジアラビア: surveillance, Ministry of Public Health
MOH statement related to the updates of the novel coronavirus infection -- 24 May
情報源 Saudi Arabia Ministry of Public Health、5月24日。
[4] Thoughts on transmissibility and cluster sizes seen with MERS-CoV
投稿者 加 ・ University of Toronto、David N Fisman, MD MPH FRCPC、5月
関連項目 (10): animal reservoir, research 20130524.1735984

デング熱 ・ デング出血熱 最新状況 2013 (42) アジア アフリカ
PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (42): Asia, Africa
Archive Number: 20130527.1738337
[1] アンゴラ Angola  : summary
Detection on 4 continents of Dengue fever cases related to an ongoing outbreak in Luanda, Angola, March to May 2013
情報源 Eurosurveillance Edition 2013, 18(21)、5月23日。
原文 [Google 翻訳] 参照願います。
 [Mod.JFW -This report highlights the gaps in local surveillance and response capacities to the dengue fever outbreak in Angola. As a result of these gaps, at least 29 international travellers from 7 countries including Germany, Canada, France, South Africa, Israel, and Portugal have been confirmed to have dengue fever, with Angola being the most likely source of the exposure. This report also indicates that the dengue fever outbreak in Angola is most likely caused by dengue virus serotype 1. ... ]
[2] インド India (Mysore district, Karanataka state). 25 May 2013. Dengue (all suspected) hospitalized currently 14 children; deaths past 10 days 4.
[3] フィリピン Philippines
- Central Visayas. 24 May 2013. Dengue 5070 cases; deaths 15; Increasing. Municipality most affected: Cebu City.
- Cagayan Valley (Region II). 23 May 2013. Dengue as of 11 May 2013, 1238 cases; deaths 2. Provinces most affected: Cagayan 779 cases, Isabela 379 cases2 deaths, Nueva Vizcaya 65 cases.