
MERS-CoV(01)-マレーシア (サウジから),サウジアラビア,UAE (オマーンから)

PRO/EDR> Zika virus (01): Americas, research, observations
Archive Number: 20180102.5532149
[1] 米州 As of 21 Dec 2017
[2] 米国
- Florida (Manatee county). 12 Oct 2017. (confirmed [conf]) キューバで感染したパートナーから,蚊族を介してジカに感染したことが示唆
- Florida (Miami-Dade county). 7 Nov 2017. (conf) 2nd locally acquired case, this one sexually transmitted.
- Texas (Hidalgo and Cameron counties). 9 Dec 2017. (conf) 3 locally acquired cases, 2 in Hidalgo county and one in Cameron county.
[3] メキシコ Mexico [in Spanish]
- Morelos. 4 Dec 2017. (conf) 166 cases, of whom 104 pregnant.
- Tamaulipas. 13 Dec 2017. (reported) 610 cases.
- Sonora. 29 Dec 2017. (recorded) 60 cases locally acquired.
[4] グアテマラ Guatemala. 29 Nov 2017. (registered) 458 cases as of 28 Oct 2017; microcephaly 49 cases (as of October 2017, compared with 36 cases in all of 2016).
[5] ホンジュラス Honduras. 26 Dec 2017. [in Spanish] (reported) 474 cases, a 90 per cent reduction from 2016.
[6] Trinidad and Tobago. 6 Dec 2017. (conf) cases 69 per cent fewer than in 2016 [no case numbers given].
[7] アルゼンチン (Salta). 5 Dec 2017. [in Spanish](susp) 2 cases of Zika virus-related congenital microcephaly.
[8] ブラジル Brazil
- National. 22 Dec 2017. (reported) as of 25 Nov 2017, cases down 92 per cent from 2016 [no case numbers given].
- Rio de Janeiro. 13 Oct 2017. (conf) None of 457 athletes who attended the games in Brazil were infected by Zika virus, but 48 (11 per cent) appeared to have been infected with dengue, chikungunya, and/or West Nile viruses.
[9] ボリビア Bolivia (Santa Cruz). 10 Nov 2017. [in Spanish] (reported) 363 cases of whom 24 pregnant; microcephaly 3 cases.
[10] ペルー Peru (Ica). 4 Nov 2017 [in Spanish]. (conf) 1 case of Zika virus maternal infection related microcephaly, other cases suspected [number not given].
[11] シンガポール Singapore. 30 Nov 2017. (conf) 67 cases in localized cluster, down from 453 cases in 2016.
[12] オーストラリア Australia (Queensland). 29 Nov 2017. (conf) 1 imported case ex Cuba. There is concern that local _Aedes aegypti_ could become infected from imported cases and initiate transmission.
[13] アンゴラ Angola
- National. 1 Dec 2017. (WHO reported) As of 29 Nov 2017, 合計 42例の小頭症 cases of microcephaly (生産児 39 and 死産児 3)。約 40 % が Luanda Province, especially in the southern part of the city であるほか,Zaire province (1 case), Moxico province (1), and Benguela province (1)。the National Public Health Institute laboratory に送られた 15件の血液検体はすべて陰性 negative for Zika virus by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)。
- Luanda. 1 Dec 2017. (conf) 2 cases, 1 adult febrile case, 1 stillborn malformed fetus; microcephaly apparently increasing but no proof of Zika virus infection.
[14] 脳内石灰化は決めてとならない
Brain calcification unreliable
情報源 BMJ journal 2017年10月13日
Follow-up brain imaging of 37 children with congenital Zika syndrome: case series study.
BMJ. 2017; 359: j4188. doi: 10.1136/bmj.j4188
2015年のブラジルにおいて ... 37 children with probable or confirmed congenital Zika syndrome はすべて,生後すぐの頭部 CT 検査で大脳の石灰化 cerebral calcifications on the initial scan, predominantly at cortical-white matter junction を認められた。1年後の follow-up 検査では,34例(92 % )で,数,サイズ,濃度の減少を認め,1例は消失し,変化がなかったのは 2例のみだった。石灰化が増加した症例はなかった。画像上の変化と臨床症状の改善に関連性は認められなかった。
Conclusion. The detection of cerebral calcifications should not be considered a major criterion for late diagnosis of congenital Zika syndrome, nor should the absence of calcifications be used to exclude the diagnosis.
[15] Mutation and virulence
情報源 Journal of Virology 2017年9月27日
[原著タイトル Zika virus encoding non-glycosylated envelope protein is attenuated and defective in neuroinvasion. J Virol. 2017 Sep 20. pii: JVI.01348-17. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01348-17. [Epub ahead of print]
 ... Our findings provide the first evidence that N-linked glycosylation of the envelope (E) protein is an important determinant of ZIKV virulence and neuroinvasion.
[16] prM protein of Zika virus and fetal microcephaly
情報源 Science journal 2017年11月17日
原著タイトル A single mutation in the prM protein of Zika virus contributes to fetal microcephaly. Science. 2017; 358(6365): 933-6. doi: 10.1126/science.aam7120. Epub 2017 Sep 28.
 ... a single serine-to-asparagine substitution [Ser139 -->Asn139 (S139N)] in the viral polyprotein substantially increased ZIKV infectivity in both human and mouse neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and led to more severe microcephaly in the mouse fetus, as well as higher mortality rates in neonatal mice. ...
[ Mod.TY 注- 重要な疑問点: 2013年の仏領ポリネシアでのアウトブレイク以前に,なぜジカウイルス感染における小頭症に気づかれなかったのか。the S139N substitution が the 2013 outbreak の前に発生したというのが,その答えになるかも知れない ... ]
[17] Blockage of neuron road
情報源 Virology Blog 2017年11月9日
The authors think it is likely that Zika virus disruption of glial fibers during embryonic development contributes to microcephaly ...
[18] Zika virus CNS paralysis
情報源 Nature Microbiology journal 2017年11月20日
原著タイトル  Antiviral CD8 T cells induce Zika-virus-associated paralysis in mice. Nat Microbiol. 2017 Nov 20. doi: 10.1038/s41564-017-0060-z. [Epub ahead of print]
 ... our study uncovers mechanisms underlying ZIKV neuropathogenesis within a susceptible mouse model and suggests blood-brain barrier breakdown and T-cell-mediated neuropathology as potential underpinnings of ZIKV-associated neurological complications in humans.
[19] Unfolded protein and microcephaly
情報源 Nature Neuroscience journal 2017年12月11日
原著タイトル Stress-induced unfolded protein response contributes to Zika virus-associated microcephaly. Nat Neurosci. 2018; 21(1): 63-71. doi: 10.1038/s41593-017-0038-4.
 ... ZIKV triggers endoplasmic reticulum stress and unfolded protein response in the cerebral cortex of infected postmortem human fetuses as well as in cultured human neural stem cells.  ...
[20] Development effects age 19-24 months
情報源 CDC. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2017; 66(49); 1347-5 2017年12月15日
原著タイトル Health and development at age 19-24 months of 19 children who were born with microcephaly and laboratory evidence of congenital Zika virus infection during the 2015 Zika virus outbreak -- Brazil, 2017. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2017; 66(49): 1347-51. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6649a2.
 ... the ZODIAC [Zika outcomes and development in infants and children] investigation catchment area 在住の 278家族の,122 children (生後 24か月未満で生下時に小頭症が認められ,かつジカウイルス感染が確定診断された 19人を含む)が参加。The 19 children 中 11人が血液検査で抗 IgM 抗体 Zika virus-specific IgM antibodies と中和抗体 neutralizing antibodies against Zika virus が陽性となり,8例は中和抗体だけが陽性だった。中和抗体が陽性だった 8例中,7例は少なくとも 1種類の他の先天性感染症が陽性だった: 先天性ジカウイルス感染症に一致する脳の画像所見のある 1例がトキソプラズマ toxoplasma immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody 陽性。脳の画像診断がなされなかった 1例が風疹ウイルス rubella virus とサイトメガロウイルスcytomegalovirus IgG 陽性。いずれの感染症に対しても,抗 IgM 抗体は陰性だった。11例に無熱性のけいれん nonfebrile seizures があった。ほか,気管支炎,肺炎による入院歴,睡眠困難,嚥下困難,聴覚刺激反応低下,網膜異常所見,視覚刺激反応障害,6か月児用の知能検査 the ASQ-3 age interval questionnaire 不合格,重度運動障害をあらわす the HINE の低スコア,脳性麻痺など ...
[21] Zika virus, microcephaly and other risks
情報源 The Lancet journal 2017年12月11日
原著タイトル Association between microcephaly, Zika virus infection, and other risk factors in Brazil: final report of a case-control study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2017. pii: S1473-3099(17)30727-2. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30727-2. [Epub ahead of print]
Recife, Brazil の 8カ所の公立産科病院において ... between 15 Jan and 30 Nov 2016 の期間調査し,91 cases and 173 controls のうち,32 (35 per cent) cases がlaboratory tests で先天性 Zika virus infection と確定診断。感染例の 83 % が低体重。妊娠中のワクチン[?]や駆除剤 pyriproxyfen の使用は,小頭症に関係しなかった。頭部の画像所見が得られた 79例のうち,10例はジカウイルス感染陽性で,脳の異常所見が認められたが,感染陽性であった 13例は画像上の異常所見を認めず,11例は negative for Zika virus だが異常 cerebral abnormalities を認めた。
Interpretation: The association between microcephaly and congenital Zika virus infection was confirmed.  ...
[22] B- and T-cell response in a primary Zika virus infection
情報源 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases journal 2017年12月21日
原著タイトル Ontogeny of the B- and T-cell response in a primary Zika virus infection of a dengue-naive individual during the 2016 outbreak in Miami, FL. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017; 11(12): e0006000. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006000. [Epub ahead of print]
Author summary
 ...  these results establish the timing of the ontogeny (個体発生) of the immune response against a primary ZIKV infection in a DENV-naive individual.
[23] Zika virus neuropathogenesis
情報源 The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2017年12月16日
原著タイトル Neuroviruses Emerging in the Americas Study. Neurological implications of Zika virus infection in adults. J Infect Dis. 2017; 216(suppl_10): S897-S905. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jix511.
 ... Mechanisms for ZIKV-GBS and other neurological syndromes have been hypothesized, such as adaptive viral genetic changes, immunological interactions with other circulating flaviviruses, and host and factors. This review summarizes the current evidence on ZIKV-associated neurological complications in the adults.
[24] DNA vaccine trial
情報源 The Lancet journal 2017年12月4日
原著タイトル Safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of two Zika virus DNA vaccine candidates in healthy adults: randomised, open-label, phase 1 clinical trials. Lancet. 2017. pii: S0140-6736(17)33105-7. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)33105-7. [Epub ahead of print]
Methods: We did 2 phase 1, randomised, open-label trials involving healthy adult volunteers. The VRC 319 trial, done in 3 centres, assessed plasmid VRC5288 (Zika virus and Japanese encephalitis virus chimera), and the VRC 320, done in one centre, assessed plasmid VRC5283 (wild-type Zika virus). Eligible participants were aged 18-35 years in VRC19 and 18-50 years in VRC 320.  ...
Findings: VRC 319 enrolled 80 participants (20 in each group), and VRC 320 enrolled 45 participants (15 in each group).  ... Both vaccines were safe and well tolerated. All local and systemic symptoms were mild to moderate. ...
Interpretation: VRC5283 was well tolerated and has advanced to phase 2 efficacy testing.
[ Mod.TY 注-DNA vaccine is an interesting approach for Zika virus vaccine development ... The findings were published on 4 Dec 2017 in The Lancet . ... their findings demonstrated that protection against ZIKV challenge in rhesus monkeys is possible for at least 1 year with a single-shot vaccine. ]
[25] Marmosets as models
情報源 Scientific Reports journal 2017年12月7日
原著タイトル Experimental Zika virus inoculation in a new world monkey model reproduces key features of the human infection. Sci Rep. 2017; 7(1): 17126. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-17067-w.
[26] Vector mosquito review
情報源 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases journal 2017年11月16日
原著タイトル Zika virus: an updated review of competent or naturally infected mosquitoes. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017; 11(11): e0005933. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005933. eCollection 2017 Nov
参考項目 2017
Zika virus (21): Americas, research, observations 20171009.5367967

  マレーシア (サウジアラビアから),サウジアラビア,UAE (オマーンから)
[1] マレーシア Malaysia ex Saudi Arabia - media report
情報源 Outbreak News Today 2018年1月1日
マレーシアの保健当局は,ウムラ巡礼からの帰国者の a case of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) infection を確認したと発表[original from the director general of health]した。この Selangor の 55歳男性患者は,12月23日に巡礼から帰国し,24日に発熱,咳,体力低下,疲労,足の痛みを訴えた。近医で解熱治療を受けたが,28日に Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital (HTAR), Klang Hospital に入院となった。渡航歴から the MERS-CoV screening test が行われ,the Sungai Buloh Hospital on [30 Dec 2017] and the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) on [31 Dec 2017]のいずれの検査も陽性と確認された。現在状態は安定しており Sungai Buloh Hospital で治療を受けている。ラクダ農場を訪れ,生のラクダミルクを飲んでいた ...
[ Mod.MPP 注-This is the 2nd case of MERS-CoV infection in a returning Umrah pilgrim to Malaysia. The 1st case was reported in April 2014 (20140417.2411430 and 20140416.2406647) ... ]
[2] サウジアラビア 5 new cases - MOH 22-31 Dec 2017
情報源 Saudi MOH 2017年12月31日
As of Mon 1 Jan 2018, there have been a total of:
1756 laboratory-confirmed cases of MERS-CoV infection, including
710 deaths [reported case fatality rate 40.4 per cent], 1031 recoveries, and 15 currently active cases/infections.
Since the last ProMED-mail update, through 21 Dec 2017, there have been a total of:
5 newly confirmed cases,
1 newly reported fatality, and
1 newly reported recovery.
Information on newly confirmed cases:
- all 5 cases were classified as primary cases (1 with history of exposure to camels, the other 4 still under investigation)
- none of the cases were healthcare workers
Date: 30 Dec 2017
1 - a 55 year old expat male from Khamis Mushayet [`Asīr region] noted to be in a critical condition. Classified as a primary case.
Date: 28 Dec 2017
2 - a 60 year old Saudi male from Riyadh [Riyadh region] noted to be in a stable condition. Classified as a primary case.
Date: 27 Dec 2017
3 - a 50 year old Saudi male from Albukaria (AlBukayriyah) [Al Qaṣīm region] noted to be in a critical condition. Classified as a primary case
Date: 25 Dec 2017
4 - a 28 year old Saudi male from Afeef [Riyadh region] noted to be in a stable condition. Classified as a primary case with history of direct contact with camels.
Date: 22 Dec 2017
5 - a 60 year old Saudi male from Taif [Makkah region] noted to be in a critical condition. Classified as a primary case.
[3] アラブ首長国連邦 UAE ex Oman, 1 new case - WHO 22 Dec 2017
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) - United Arab Emirates [22 Dec 2017]
情報源 WHO Emergencies preparedness, response, Disease Outbreak News (DONs) 2017年12月22日
12月11日,the National IHR Focal Point of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)は新たな感染例 one additional case of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) infection を報告した。
オマーン Hemma region 在住の 39歳男性で,現在オマーンの自宅で隔離され無症状。12月3日に the Al Ain-Mezyed entry point の国境を通って合計 10頭のラクダ dromedary camels を輸送。MERS-CoV により,このうち 5頭が陽性 tested PCR positive となった。農業当局 The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries が感染があった農場を調査し,ラクダを隔離されている ...
厚労省検疫所 FORTH 参照願います。
参考項目 2017
MERS-CoV (77): Saudi Arabia, camels, human, epidemiology, assessment 20171222.5520561

PRO/EDR> Pertussis (01): USA, Austria, New Zealand
Archive Number: 20180102.5532117
[1] 米国
情報源 TV6, Upper Michigan's Source, WLUC 2017年12月18日
Marquette county6例の百日咳 cases of pertussis が確認された
情報源 East Bay Times 2017年12月19日
Foothill High School で数人の生徒 a hand full of students が百日咳に感染し,カリフォルニア California 州で 8年ぶりの感染となった ... Alameda county 全体で 98 pertussis cases so far this year [2017], and there were 77 cases in 2016 が確認されている。
 North Carolina
情報源 BlueRidge Now, Time-News Online 2017年12月20日
保健当局の発表[21 Dec 2017]によると,56 cases が確認されている。Henderson county における患者発生が続いている ...
[2] オーストリア Austria(Styria )
投稿者 Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety,Daniela Schmid 2017年12月21日
11月に Styria, Austria の幼稚園でアウトブレイクが発生した。合計 27人の園児のうち,4 clinically suspected cases について,鼻咽頭スワブの検査により百日咳菌 _B. pertussis_ DNA が確認されたほか,園児のきょうだいのなかで 2 other cases が確認された。between [4 and 25 Nov 2017]に発生した。年齢は 3~8歳で,5人がワクチンを接種していなかった ... 3 children and 1 supervisor tested positive by pertussis-PCR and negative by culture. (What is new in pertussis? Eur J Pediatr 2008; 167(2): 133-9) ... 11月25日に最後の症例が発症した後,新たな発症は報告されていない。
[3] ニュージーランド New Zealand (Gisborne )
情報源 Gisborne Herald 2017年12月30日
 ... New Zealand is in the early stages of a whooping cough epidemic ...  "In the past 2 weeks, 2 babies have been admitted to Gisborne Hospital with whooping cough."