(318) マスク,精肉工場,WHO
(317) オランダ,死亡
● COVID-19(318) マスク,ブラジル・精肉工場,WHO
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (318): masks, meat plants, selected countries, WHO, global
Archive Number: 20200716.7580042
In this update:
[1] Universal masking
[2] Brazil: meat plants as source of COVID-19 outbreaks
[3] Selected countries
[4] WHO situation report 177 (as of 15 Jul 2020)
[5] Global update: Worldometer accessed 15 Jul 2020 21:28 EDT (GMT-4)
[1] Universal masking
情報源 JAMA 2020年7月14日
原著タイトル Universal masking to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission--the time is now. JAMA. Published online July 14, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.13107
すべての医療従事者及び患者がマスクをすれば universal masking,severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections 感染伝播を減少させるとのエビデンスが示された。全米最大のマサチューセッツ Massachusetts 州のヘルスケアシステムで 7万5千人以上が働いており,症状のある医療従事者 HCWs のスクリーニングと診断検査に加え,すべての HCWs と患者がマスクを着用する universal masking よう指示されている。20203月後半に universal masking が実施される以前,直接または感染的な患者との接触による新たな HCWs の感染が爆発的に増えた (0%から23%に,1日平均 1.16%ずつ) が,the universal masking policy が実施されると症状のある HCWs の検査陽性は着実に減った from 14.7% to 11.5% (a mean decrease of 0.49% per day)。a randomized clinical trial ではないが,マスクが SARS-CoV-2 感染伝播防止に有用であることを示す,重要なデータを提供している。このような変化と universal masking との関連性は,人為的に作り出されたものではないだろう; この介入の全期間を通じて, 検査された symptomatic HCWs の 1日あたりの件数は一定であったが,同時期に the greater Massachusetts community で確認される新規感染は増え続けて頭打ちになっていた。州全体あるいは病院独自の介入も影響を与えていたとの指摘は正しい。3/10の州内全域の緊急事態宣言,3/12の病院の見舞い禁止,3/16の学校閉鎖,3/17の公共交通減便,3/24のステイホーム指示,3/30のスクリーニングテストの自動化など。それでもなお,HCWs の検査陽性例が減少に転じたのは,the universal masking policy の実施から 1週間が経過してからのことだった。フィルターで口と鼻を被うことには 2つの意味 purposes がある: 有害な病原体や粒子を吸入しないための個人の防護,および他者を呼吸により吐出される病原体に暴露させないための感染源対策,である ... パンデミック早期, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) は COVID-19が疑われ,症状のある患者が隔離されるまでの搬送期間中のマスクの着用(のみ)を推奨した。無症状の患者からの感染伝播のデータが示された後,マスク着用の推奨は一般コミュニティに拡げられ,サージカルマスクではなく入手しやすい布マスクを使用して,N95 respirators などの高規格の PPE は,よりハイリスクの暴露のある医療現場用のために確保することが強調された。そして現在,症状のない人々が感染を拡大させ,感染流行に勢いを与えている危険因子である可能性を示す多くの証拠がある ... この介入を最大限活かすにはどうしたらよいだろうか。第一に保健当局者らは,いつ,どのように布で顔を被えば良いかを市民に明確に理解させ,その効果の根拠を示し続ける必要がある。第二に,布マスクは短期間には十分に耐用性があるが,長期の使用により,特に高温や多湿環境では,一部の人々の呼吸を妨げる可能性がある。より快適な使用のための改善が必要とされる。第三に,コミュニティでのマスク着用を日常化する,継続的,明快,訴求力のあるメッセージが求められる。
[2] ブラジル: meat plants as source of COVID-19 outbreaks
情報源 The Guardian 2020年7月15日
専門家らが,大都市から広大な内陸部に感染が移動しつつあるブラジルにおいて,精肉工場が少なくとも 3つの異なる地域の COVID-19 感染拡大に寄与したと指摘している。今週はじめ,ブラジルは 188万人の感染と 7万2千人あまりの死者を記録し,米国に次いで 2番目の国となった。パンデミックの間も精肉工場は稼働し続け,労働者らは時に冷蔵区域などで密接な環境で作業した。米国,カナダ,アイルランド,ドイツなどの他国でも食肉処理施設周辺でクラスターが発生している。この労働環境は,完璧なウイルス培養センター perfect COVID-19 breeding centres の役割を果たしている ... 最も深刻な被害がでている Rio Grande do Sul では 6月23日の時点で,州内の 32 plants の 4957人の食肉業労働者 meat workers が検査で陽性となっていおり,これは地域内の全感染者の 1/3 に当たる。従業員 5人とその接触者 12人が死亡した ... a JBS plant in Dourados, in Mato Grosso do Sul state in the centre-west region で 4000人以上の従業員の検査が行われ,およそ 1/4 近くの陽性が確認されている。1600人が出勤停止となっているが,工場は閉鎖されておらず,7月14日現在の町の感染者は 3481例に及んでいる。The JBS plant in Dourados "はアウトブレイクの発祥地点だった" と州保健当局の専門家は指摘している ...
[3] Selected countries
[A] China: National Health Commission, 83 612 total cases, 4634 deaths
[B] South Korea: 13 612 confirmed cases, 291 deaths
[C] Italy: 243 506 total cases, 34 997 deaths
[D] Iran: 264 561 total cases, 13 410 deaths
[E] USA: 3 616 747 total cases, 140 140 deaths
[These countries have been selected based on having had significant surges with SARS-CoV-2 infections, but different responses. In some cases, transmission was almost interrupted, but resurgences have occurred, and countries have handled them differently. One observation is that lifting of restrictions has led to major resurgences in some areas; in others, early new threats seem to be importations, but community spread does recur. Good contact tracing has helped to shorten the time with new clusters, and temporary new restrictions have impacted. Countries not implementing restrictions have done more poorly with major resurgences. - Mod.UBA]
[A] China: National Health Commission, 83 612 total cases, 4634 deaths
Date: Wed 15 Jul 2020
Source: China National Health Commission [in English, abridged, edited]
On 15 Jul 2020 (as of midnight 15 Jul 2020):
- 1 new case of confirmed infections (an imported case in Shanghai municipality), no new cases of suspected infections, and no deaths.
- A total of 1989 imported cases have been reported.
- 83 612 confirmed cases and 4634 deaths; 78 719 recovered and discharged from hospital; 767 532 close contacts with infected patients; and 3313 are under medical observation.
- 2 new asymptomatic cases (including 1 imported); no asymptomatic cases confirmed as symptomatic; 104 asymptomatic cases under medical observation (including 81 imported cases).
- 1588 cases in Hong Kong [an increase of 19 cases since 14 Jul 2020], 46 in Macau and 451 in Taiwan.
[B] South Korea: 13 612 confirmed cases, 291 deaths
Date: Thu 16 Jul 2020
Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare [in English, abridged, edited]
14 Jul 2020 0:00 AM KT 13 551 confirmed cases, 289 deaths
15 Jul 2020 0:00 AM KT 13 612 confirmed cases, 291 deaths
Change: 61 newly confirmed infections; 2 new deaths
[C] Italy: 243 506 total cases, 34 997 deaths
Date: Wed 15 Jul 2020
Source: Italian Government Health Ministry [edited]
- 243 506 cumulative cases (+162);
- 12 493 people are currently positive for the virus (-426);
- 196 016 people have recovered (+575);
- 797 patients are hospitalized with symptoms (+20), 57 in intensive care (-3), and 11 639 (-443) are in home isolation;
- 34 997 deaths have been reported (+13).
[D] Iran: 264 561 total cases, 13 410 deaths
Date: Wed 15 Jul 2020
The coronavirus pandemic in the Iranian capital Tehran has reached critical levels, spurring health authorities to call for reintroduction of restrictions including a halt in religious gatherings. Iran's daily death toll is now hovering around 200.
Iranian authorities do not announce the death toll of the pandemic for individual cities or provinces but from what they have said it appears the capital Tehran now has a very high death toll, possibly even around 50 a day.
According to Alireza Zali, chief of the Coronavirus Combat Headquarters of Tehran, 890 COVID patients were hospitalized in Tehran since [Tue 14 Jul 2020]. Zali said the situation in the capital is "very complex "and a new approach is required for dealing with it.
This week some restrictions including closure of gyms swimming pools were reintroduced in Tehran but Zali said more activities including Friday prayers and all tests and exams should come to a halt for the time being. On [Wed 15 Jul 2020] it was announced that mosques will be closed for a week in Tehran.
[E] USA: 3 616 747 total cases, 140 140 deaths
Date: Wed 15 Jul 2020
Source: Worldometer [accessed 22:20 EDT (GMT-4)] [edited]
[For those who are interested, a pdf snapshot of the full data Worldometer table at the time we accessed it is available at
A 7-day series of cumulative reported cases by states, territories, and reporting entities can be found at - Mod.UBA]
All USA total: 3 616 747 / 71 670 newly confirmed cases
Total deaths: 140 140
[4] WHO situation report 177 (as of 15 Jul 2020)
Date: Wed 15 Jul 2020
Source: WHO [abridged, edited]
- WHO is supporting ongoing vaccination efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing knowledge and assistance to immunization programmes worldwide and helping countries as they balance the threat of COVID-19 with the threat of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks and related-deaths.
- Since the 1st confirmed case of COVID-19 in Somalia, WHO and key international partners have upgraded the country's diagnostic capacity. WHO continues to provide budgetary support for hiring staff and strengthening the overall laboratory capacity in Somalia.
- WHO has chronicled the work of a doctor, cultural mediator and migrant, Dr. Aref Bandary, who has been leading the COVID-19 response in refugee centers in Serbia.
- The director of the WHO Regional Office for the Americas, Dr Carissa F Etienne, discusses how countries in the Americas are pooling their efforts to ensure access to treatments and vaccines for COVID-19.
- Under WHO's Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator, the COVAX facility will negotiate access with the producers of all COVID-19 candidate vaccines that show promising results. Today's 'Subject in Focus' provides an update on the COVID-19 Supply Chain System. In the coming weeks, nearly 201 million pieces of equipment will be shipped to 138 countries.
[The following data come from the "Situation in numbers" section. The regional case totals are inclusive of China. - Mod.UBA]
WHO region (no. countries/territories): Total confirmed cases (new) / Total deaths (new)
Western Pacific Region (19): 247 491 (1 563) / 7 814 (7)
European Region (61): 2 964 046 (17 942) / 204 449 (492)
South East Asia Region (10): 1 231 014 (34 363) / 30 570 (670)
Eastern Mediterranean Region (22): 1 317 078 (14 781) / 32 294 (543)
Region of the Americas (54): 6 884 151 (103 723) / 290 674 (2 244)
African Region (49): 506 124 (13 464) / 8 650 (220)
Cases on an international conveyance (Diamond Princess): 712 (0) / 13 (0)
Confirmed cases (new conf cases) / Total deaths (new deaths)
Grand total: 13 150 645 (185 836) / 574 464 (4 176)
[5] Global update: Worldometer accessed 15 Jul 2020 21:28 EDT (GMT-4)
Date: Wed 15 Jul 2020
Source: Worldometer [edited]
[For those who wish to see the detailed global data, a snapshot of the Worldometer table at the time we accessed it is available at
A 7-day series of cumulative reported cases by countries, territories, and reporting entities can be found at _1594881842.pdf. - Mod.UBA]
Total number of reported deaths: 586 194
Total number of worldwide cases: 13 683 781
Number of newly confirmed cases in past 24 hours: 234 322
[According to the data on the Worldometer website, the total number of reported cases of COVID-19 worldwide is now 13 683 781, with reports of cases by 217 countries and territories worldwide. The global case count rose by 1.7% in the past 24 hours. The USA and Brazil are still the most severely affected countries in terms of cumulative case counts. In the past 24 hours though, the USA reported the most newly confirmed cases (71 670) followed by Brazil (39 705) and India (32 682). The total cumulative case counts for the top 5 countries (USA, Brazil, India, Russia, and Peru) represent over half of the total cases reported globally (55.7%). A global total of 586 194 deaths have been reported, an increase of 5593 deaths in the past 24 hours.
In descending rank order, the USA is number 1 for the number of newly confirmed cases in the past 24 hours, followed by Brazil, India, South Africa, Mexico, Russia, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, and Bangladesh. The same 10 countries as yesterday (14 Jul 2020), in a slightly different order. All these countries are currently experiencing major community-based transmission and considered global hot spots. The range in the top 10 daily newly confirmed cases goes from 3533 to 71 670. The number of daily newly confirmed cases is climbing rapidly in the USA. Also worthy of note is that 6 out of the top 10 countries for daily reported newly confirmed cases are from the Americas region, consistent with the continued dominance of SARS-CoV-2 activity.
Impression: The SARS-CoV-2 is still actively being transmitted in all regions of the world and many countries are showing increases in their daily newly confirmed case counts. - Mod.UBA]
See Also
COVID-19 update (316): UK farm workers, Japan US military, WHO, global 20200715.7576001
● ランピースキン病-中国
PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease - China: cattle, spread
Archive Number: 20200716.7580459
情報源 Reuters - Health News 2020年7月15日
China is facing outbreaks of a debilitating virus in cattle that causes a condition called "lumpy skin disease", following an incident on a farm in the eastern province of Zhejiang this week, the agriculture ministry said on Wednesday [15 Jul 2020]. On its website, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said 5 cases [outbreaks, see comment] were found during June [2020] in the southern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian and the eastern provinces of Jiangxi and Anhui.
"The local area has effectively dealt with the epidemic," the ministry said of this week's incident. "It has killed 2 diseased cattle and disposed of them, and (the farm) has been thoroughly and completely disinfected."
● COVID-19(317)オランダ,死亡
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (317): Netherlands (NB) animal, farmed mink, spread
Archive Number: 20200716.7578453
情報源 Press release, Dutch Government [in Dutch] 2020年7月15日
An additional mink farm has been found infected by SARS-CoV-2. The farm, in Ledeacker, includes 4500 mink dams. The infection was brought to light by a report of symptoms of mink disease on the farm (duty to report). The farm will be cleared as soon as possible.
In total, 24 mink companies in the Netherlands have now been declared infected. All animals were culled on the 23 farms where SARS-CoV-2 was previously diagnosed.
The cabinet will continue the monitoring investigation in the coming weeks to detect new infections quickly. In view of the recently found infections, the ministers Hugo de Jonge (health, welfare and sport) and Carola Schouten (agriculture, nature and food quality), on the advice of experts, and together with the fur farming sector, have tightened up the hygiene protocol. In addition, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was asked to conduct in-depth research into possible introduction routes. The OMT-Z [Outbreak Management Team for Zoonoses; see comment] has also been asked to provide advice on the recent developments.
The government has already taken measures for all fur farms in the Netherlands, such as a national transport ban for mink, a visitor ban in stables and a strict hygiene protocol, to prevent further spread and to prevent CoV-2 from passing from mink to human, a phenomenon which has plausibly been recorded in 2 farms.
The government is working on a quit scheme with which mink companies can voluntarily terminate their business operations in the short term. In 2024, mink farms will stop their activities in accordance with the legal prohibition.
[Mod.AS 注- According to the Dutch presentation to the European Union's Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed [SCoPAFF] meeting (18 Jun 2020), there were, prior to the COVID-19 event, 127 active mink farms in the Netherlands, ranging in size from 500 to 120 000 mink per farm. The total adult mink population given was 2.32 million. This means that about 20% of the Dutch mink farms have already been found infected. This event may lend the country's scientific community a unique opportunity to study the epidemiology of this virus in susceptible animal population(s), in particular, modes of spread, including aerogenic. The presentation, which dealt with the 1st 15 COVID-19 outbreaks in minks, is available at
OMT-Z, mentioned in the above press release, stands for "Outbreak Management Team for Zoonoses". It is a team of experts formed in case of an outbreak for which guidelines on outbreak control do not exist, or do not cover the specific outbreak situation. Experts assess the signal in depth and advise the AGCM-Z (Administrative Governmental Coordination Meeting - Zoonoses) about the risk and appropriate control measures.
OMT-Z is one of the components of which the Dutch "structure for the control of zoonoses", which was set up in 2011 as a separate entity based on the older structure for the control of infectious diseases, is composed.
A major outbreak of Q fever among humans, mainly in North Brabant during 2007-2010, originated in dairy goat farms and involved more than 4000 human cases, marking a turning point in how the Dutch government responds to emerging zoonotic diseases. The need to signal, assess, and control emerging zoonoses, especially new ones, requires close cooperation between medical and veterinary professionals. Accordingly, a systematic One Health approach was developed and officially instituted for the purpose of sharing, assessing, and responding to signals of new and re-emerging zoonotic infections in which veterinary and medical professionals work together.
In 2011, this integrated human-veterinary risk analysis structure was formally adopted by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality as the national Zoonoses Structure. The Zoonoses Structure consists of several steps (see reference). Crucially, both medical and veterinary experts are involved at every step. An important platform in this structure is the Signalling Forum for Zoonoses (SOZ), which conducts the initial assessment of signals. Its members are:
1. GD Animal Health, Deventer
2. Wageningen Bioveterinary Research, Lelystad
3. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht
4. Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), Utrecht (Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality)
5. Municipal Public Health Service (GGD)
6. Dutch Wildlife Health Centre (DWHC), Utrecht
7. National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport)
The current event has become the baptism of fire for the said Dutch system.
Signalling and risk assessment of emerging zoonoses: a One Health approach in the Netherlands. Published by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, RIVM, Bilthoven, the Netherlands, February 2019. - Mod.AS
HealthMap/ProMED-mail map of North Brabant, Netherlands:]
See Also
COVID-19 update (307): Netherlands (NB), Denmark (ND) farmed mink, spread, control 20200708.7553067
(318) マスク,精肉工場,WHO
(317) オランダ,死亡
● COVID-19(318) マスク,ブラジル・精肉工場,WHO
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (318): masks, meat plants, selected countries, WHO, global
Archive Number: 20200716.7580042
In this update:
[1] Universal masking
[2] Brazil: meat plants as source of COVID-19 outbreaks
[3] Selected countries
[4] WHO situation report 177 (as of 15 Jul 2020)
[5] Global update: Worldometer accessed 15 Jul 2020 21:28 EDT (GMT-4)
[1] Universal masking
情報源 JAMA 2020年7月14日
原著タイトル Universal masking to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission--the time is now. JAMA. Published online July 14, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.13107
すべての医療従事者及び患者がマスクをすれば universal masking,severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections 感染伝播を減少させるとのエビデンスが示された。全米最大のマサチューセッツ Massachusetts 州のヘルスケアシステムで 7万5千人以上が働いており,症状のある医療従事者 HCWs のスクリーニングと診断検査に加え,すべての HCWs と患者がマスクを着用する universal masking よう指示されている。20203月後半に universal masking が実施される以前,直接または感染的な患者との接触による新たな HCWs の感染が爆発的に増えた (0%から23%に,1日平均 1.16%ずつ) が,the universal masking policy が実施されると症状のある HCWs の検査陽性は着実に減った from 14.7% to 11.5% (a mean decrease of 0.49% per day)。a randomized clinical trial ではないが,マスクが SARS-CoV-2 感染伝播防止に有用であることを示す,重要なデータを提供している。このような変化と universal masking との関連性は,人為的に作り出されたものではないだろう; この介入の全期間を通じて, 検査された symptomatic HCWs の 1日あたりの件数は一定であったが,同時期に the greater Massachusetts community で確認される新規感染は増え続けて頭打ちになっていた。州全体あるいは病院独自の介入も影響を与えていたとの指摘は正しい。3/10の州内全域の緊急事態宣言,3/12の病院の見舞い禁止,3/16の学校閉鎖,3/17の公共交通減便,3/24のステイホーム指示,3/30のスクリーニングテストの自動化など。それでもなお,HCWs の検査陽性例が減少に転じたのは,the universal masking policy の実施から 1週間が経過してからのことだった。フィルターで口と鼻を被うことには 2つの意味 purposes がある: 有害な病原体や粒子を吸入しないための個人の防護,および他者を呼吸により吐出される病原体に暴露させないための感染源対策,である ... パンデミック早期, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) は COVID-19が疑われ,症状のある患者が隔離されるまでの搬送期間中のマスクの着用(のみ)を推奨した。無症状の患者からの感染伝播のデータが示された後,マスク着用の推奨は一般コミュニティに拡げられ,サージカルマスクではなく入手しやすい布マスクを使用して,N95 respirators などの高規格の PPE は,よりハイリスクの暴露のある医療現場用のために確保することが強調された。そして現在,症状のない人々が感染を拡大させ,感染流行に勢いを与えている危険因子である可能性を示す多くの証拠がある ... この介入を最大限活かすにはどうしたらよいだろうか。第一に保健当局者らは,いつ,どのように布で顔を被えば良いかを市民に明確に理解させ,その効果の根拠を示し続ける必要がある。第二に,布マスクは短期間には十分に耐用性があるが,長期の使用により,特に高温や多湿環境では,一部の人々の呼吸を妨げる可能性がある。より快適な使用のための改善が必要とされる。第三に,コミュニティでのマスク着用を日常化する,継続的,明快,訴求力のあるメッセージが求められる。
[2] ブラジル: meat plants as source of COVID-19 outbreaks
情報源 The Guardian 2020年7月15日
専門家らが,大都市から広大な内陸部に感染が移動しつつあるブラジルにおいて,精肉工場が少なくとも 3つの異なる地域の COVID-19 感染拡大に寄与したと指摘している。今週はじめ,ブラジルは 188万人の感染と 7万2千人あまりの死者を記録し,米国に次いで 2番目の国となった。パンデミックの間も精肉工場は稼働し続け,労働者らは時に冷蔵区域などで密接な環境で作業した。米国,カナダ,アイルランド,ドイツなどの他国でも食肉処理施設周辺でクラスターが発生している。この労働環境は,完璧なウイルス培養センター perfect COVID-19 breeding centres の役割を果たしている ... 最も深刻な被害がでている Rio Grande do Sul では 6月23日の時点で,州内の 32 plants の 4957人の食肉業労働者 meat workers が検査で陽性となっていおり,これは地域内の全感染者の 1/3 に当たる。従業員 5人とその接触者 12人が死亡した ... a JBS plant in Dourados, in Mato Grosso do Sul state in the centre-west region で 4000人以上の従業員の検査が行われ,およそ 1/4 近くの陽性が確認されている。1600人が出勤停止となっているが,工場は閉鎖されておらず,7月14日現在の町の感染者は 3481例に及んでいる。The JBS plant in Dourados "はアウトブレイクの発祥地点だった" と州保健当局の専門家は指摘している ...
[3] Selected countries
[A] China: National Health Commission, 83 612 total cases, 4634 deaths
[B] South Korea: 13 612 confirmed cases, 291 deaths
[C] Italy: 243 506 total cases, 34 997 deaths
[D] Iran: 264 561 total cases, 13 410 deaths
[E] USA: 3 616 747 total cases, 140 140 deaths
[These countries have been selected based on having had significant surges with SARS-CoV-2 infections, but different responses. In some cases, transmission was almost interrupted, but resurgences have occurred, and countries have handled them differently. One observation is that lifting of restrictions has led to major resurgences in some areas; in others, early new threats seem to be importations, but community spread does recur. Good contact tracing has helped to shorten the time with new clusters, and temporary new restrictions have impacted. Countries not implementing restrictions have done more poorly with major resurgences. - Mod.UBA]
[A] China: National Health Commission, 83 612 total cases, 4634 deaths
Date: Wed 15 Jul 2020
Source: China National Health Commission [in English, abridged, edited]
On 15 Jul 2020 (as of midnight 15 Jul 2020):
- 1 new case of confirmed infections (an imported case in Shanghai municipality), no new cases of suspected infections, and no deaths.
- A total of 1989 imported cases have been reported.
- 83 612 confirmed cases and 4634 deaths; 78 719 recovered and discharged from hospital; 767 532 close contacts with infected patients; and 3313 are under medical observation.
- 2 new asymptomatic cases (including 1 imported); no asymptomatic cases confirmed as symptomatic; 104 asymptomatic cases under medical observation (including 81 imported cases).
- 1588 cases in Hong Kong [an increase of 19 cases since 14 Jul 2020], 46 in Macau and 451 in Taiwan.
[B] South Korea: 13 612 confirmed cases, 291 deaths
Date: Thu 16 Jul 2020
Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare [in English, abridged, edited]
14 Jul 2020 0:00 AM KT 13 551 confirmed cases, 289 deaths
15 Jul 2020 0:00 AM KT 13 612 confirmed cases, 291 deaths
Change: 61 newly confirmed infections; 2 new deaths
[C] Italy: 243 506 total cases, 34 997 deaths
Date: Wed 15 Jul 2020
Source: Italian Government Health Ministry [edited]
- 243 506 cumulative cases (+162);
- 12 493 people are currently positive for the virus (-426);
- 196 016 people have recovered (+575);
- 797 patients are hospitalized with symptoms (+20), 57 in intensive care (-3), and 11 639 (-443) are in home isolation;
- 34 997 deaths have been reported (+13).
[D] Iran: 264 561 total cases, 13 410 deaths
Date: Wed 15 Jul 2020
The coronavirus pandemic in the Iranian capital Tehran has reached critical levels, spurring health authorities to call for reintroduction of restrictions including a halt in religious gatherings. Iran's daily death toll is now hovering around 200.
Iranian authorities do not announce the death toll of the pandemic for individual cities or provinces but from what they have said it appears the capital Tehran now has a very high death toll, possibly even around 50 a day.
According to Alireza Zali, chief of the Coronavirus Combat Headquarters of Tehran, 890 COVID patients were hospitalized in Tehran since [Tue 14 Jul 2020]. Zali said the situation in the capital is "very complex "and a new approach is required for dealing with it.
This week some restrictions including closure of gyms swimming pools were reintroduced in Tehran but Zali said more activities including Friday prayers and all tests and exams should come to a halt for the time being. On [Wed 15 Jul 2020] it was announced that mosques will be closed for a week in Tehran.
[E] USA: 3 616 747 total cases, 140 140 deaths
Date: Wed 15 Jul 2020
Source: Worldometer [accessed 22:20 EDT (GMT-4)] [edited]
[For those who are interested, a pdf snapshot of the full data Worldometer table at the time we accessed it is available at
A 7-day series of cumulative reported cases by states, territories, and reporting entities can be found at - Mod.UBA]
All USA total: 3 616 747 / 71 670 newly confirmed cases
Total deaths: 140 140
[4] WHO situation report 177 (as of 15 Jul 2020)
Date: Wed 15 Jul 2020
Source: WHO [abridged, edited]
- WHO is supporting ongoing vaccination efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing knowledge and assistance to immunization programmes worldwide and helping countries as they balance the threat of COVID-19 with the threat of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks and related-deaths.
- Since the 1st confirmed case of COVID-19 in Somalia, WHO and key international partners have upgraded the country's diagnostic capacity. WHO continues to provide budgetary support for hiring staff and strengthening the overall laboratory capacity in Somalia.
- WHO has chronicled the work of a doctor, cultural mediator and migrant, Dr. Aref Bandary, who has been leading the COVID-19 response in refugee centers in Serbia.
- The director of the WHO Regional Office for the Americas, Dr Carissa F Etienne, discusses how countries in the Americas are pooling their efforts to ensure access to treatments and vaccines for COVID-19.
- Under WHO's Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator, the COVAX facility will negotiate access with the producers of all COVID-19 candidate vaccines that show promising results. Today's 'Subject in Focus' provides an update on the COVID-19 Supply Chain System. In the coming weeks, nearly 201 million pieces of equipment will be shipped to 138 countries.
[The following data come from the "Situation in numbers" section. The regional case totals are inclusive of China. - Mod.UBA]
WHO region (no. countries/territories): Total confirmed cases (new) / Total deaths (new)
Western Pacific Region (19): 247 491 (1 563) / 7 814 (7)
European Region (61): 2 964 046 (17 942) / 204 449 (492)
South East Asia Region (10): 1 231 014 (34 363) / 30 570 (670)
Eastern Mediterranean Region (22): 1 317 078 (14 781) / 32 294 (543)
Region of the Americas (54): 6 884 151 (103 723) / 290 674 (2 244)
African Region (49): 506 124 (13 464) / 8 650 (220)
Cases on an international conveyance (Diamond Princess): 712 (0) / 13 (0)
Confirmed cases (new conf cases) / Total deaths (new deaths)
Grand total: 13 150 645 (185 836) / 574 464 (4 176)
[5] Global update: Worldometer accessed 15 Jul 2020 21:28 EDT (GMT-4)
Date: Wed 15 Jul 2020
Source: Worldometer [edited]
[For those who wish to see the detailed global data, a snapshot of the Worldometer table at the time we accessed it is available at
A 7-day series of cumulative reported cases by countries, territories, and reporting entities can be found at _1594881842.pdf. - Mod.UBA]
Total number of reported deaths: 586 194
Total number of worldwide cases: 13 683 781
Number of newly confirmed cases in past 24 hours: 234 322
[According to the data on the Worldometer website, the total number of reported cases of COVID-19 worldwide is now 13 683 781, with reports of cases by 217 countries and territories worldwide. The global case count rose by 1.7% in the past 24 hours. The USA and Brazil are still the most severely affected countries in terms of cumulative case counts. In the past 24 hours though, the USA reported the most newly confirmed cases (71 670) followed by Brazil (39 705) and India (32 682). The total cumulative case counts for the top 5 countries (USA, Brazil, India, Russia, and Peru) represent over half of the total cases reported globally (55.7%). A global total of 586 194 deaths have been reported, an increase of 5593 deaths in the past 24 hours.
In descending rank order, the USA is number 1 for the number of newly confirmed cases in the past 24 hours, followed by Brazil, India, South Africa, Mexico, Russia, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, and Bangladesh. The same 10 countries as yesterday (14 Jul 2020), in a slightly different order. All these countries are currently experiencing major community-based transmission and considered global hot spots. The range in the top 10 daily newly confirmed cases goes from 3533 to 71 670. The number of daily newly confirmed cases is climbing rapidly in the USA. Also worthy of note is that 6 out of the top 10 countries for daily reported newly confirmed cases are from the Americas region, consistent with the continued dominance of SARS-CoV-2 activity.
Impression: The SARS-CoV-2 is still actively being transmitted in all regions of the world and many countries are showing increases in their daily newly confirmed case counts. - Mod.UBA]
See Also
COVID-19 update (316): UK farm workers, Japan US military, WHO, global 20200715.7576001
● ランピースキン病-中国
PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease - China: cattle, spread
Archive Number: 20200716.7580459
情報源 Reuters - Health News 2020年7月15日
China is facing outbreaks of a debilitating virus in cattle that causes a condition called "lumpy skin disease", following an incident on a farm in the eastern province of Zhejiang this week, the agriculture ministry said on Wednesday [15 Jul 2020]. On its website, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said 5 cases [outbreaks, see comment] were found during June [2020] in the southern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian and the eastern provinces of Jiangxi and Anhui.
"The local area has effectively dealt with the epidemic," the ministry said of this week's incident. "It has killed 2 diseased cattle and disposed of them, and (the farm) has been thoroughly and completely disinfected."
● COVID-19(317)オランダ,死亡
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (317): Netherlands (NB) animal, farmed mink, spread
Archive Number: 20200716.7578453
情報源 Press release, Dutch Government [in Dutch] 2020年7月15日
An additional mink farm has been found infected by SARS-CoV-2. The farm, in Ledeacker, includes 4500 mink dams. The infection was brought to light by a report of symptoms of mink disease on the farm (duty to report). The farm will be cleared as soon as possible.
In total, 24 mink companies in the Netherlands have now been declared infected. All animals were culled on the 23 farms where SARS-CoV-2 was previously diagnosed.
The cabinet will continue the monitoring investigation in the coming weeks to detect new infections quickly. In view of the recently found infections, the ministers Hugo de Jonge (health, welfare and sport) and Carola Schouten (agriculture, nature and food quality), on the advice of experts, and together with the fur farming sector, have tightened up the hygiene protocol. In addition, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was asked to conduct in-depth research into possible introduction routes. The OMT-Z [Outbreak Management Team for Zoonoses; see comment] has also been asked to provide advice on the recent developments.
The government has already taken measures for all fur farms in the Netherlands, such as a national transport ban for mink, a visitor ban in stables and a strict hygiene protocol, to prevent further spread and to prevent CoV-2 from passing from mink to human, a phenomenon which has plausibly been recorded in 2 farms.
The government is working on a quit scheme with which mink companies can voluntarily terminate their business operations in the short term. In 2024, mink farms will stop their activities in accordance with the legal prohibition.
[Mod.AS 注- According to the Dutch presentation to the European Union's Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed [SCoPAFF] meeting (18 Jun 2020), there were, prior to the COVID-19 event, 127 active mink farms in the Netherlands, ranging in size from 500 to 120 000 mink per farm. The total adult mink population given was 2.32 million. This means that about 20% of the Dutch mink farms have already been found infected. This event may lend the country's scientific community a unique opportunity to study the epidemiology of this virus in susceptible animal population(s), in particular, modes of spread, including aerogenic. The presentation, which dealt with the 1st 15 COVID-19 outbreaks in minks, is available at
OMT-Z, mentioned in the above press release, stands for "Outbreak Management Team for Zoonoses". It is a team of experts formed in case of an outbreak for which guidelines on outbreak control do not exist, or do not cover the specific outbreak situation. Experts assess the signal in depth and advise the AGCM-Z (Administrative Governmental Coordination Meeting - Zoonoses) about the risk and appropriate control measures.
OMT-Z is one of the components of which the Dutch "structure for the control of zoonoses", which was set up in 2011 as a separate entity based on the older structure for the control of infectious diseases, is composed.
A major outbreak of Q fever among humans, mainly in North Brabant during 2007-2010, originated in dairy goat farms and involved more than 4000 human cases, marking a turning point in how the Dutch government responds to emerging zoonotic diseases. The need to signal, assess, and control emerging zoonoses, especially new ones, requires close cooperation between medical and veterinary professionals. Accordingly, a systematic One Health approach was developed and officially instituted for the purpose of sharing, assessing, and responding to signals of new and re-emerging zoonotic infections in which veterinary and medical professionals work together.
In 2011, this integrated human-veterinary risk analysis structure was formally adopted by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality as the national Zoonoses Structure. The Zoonoses Structure consists of several steps (see reference). Crucially, both medical and veterinary experts are involved at every step. An important platform in this structure is the Signalling Forum for Zoonoses (SOZ), which conducts the initial assessment of signals. Its members are:
1. GD Animal Health, Deventer
2. Wageningen Bioveterinary Research, Lelystad
3. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht
4. Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), Utrecht (Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality)
5. Municipal Public Health Service (GGD)
6. Dutch Wildlife Health Centre (DWHC), Utrecht
7. National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport)
The current event has become the baptism of fire for the said Dutch system.
Signalling and risk assessment of emerging zoonoses: a One Health approach in the Netherlands. Published by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, RIVM, Bilthoven, the Netherlands, February 2019. - Mod.AS
HealthMap/ProMED-mail map of North Brabant, Netherlands:]
See Also
COVID-19 update (307): Netherlands (NB), Denmark (ND) farmed mink, spread, control 20200708.7553067