● 原因不明の死亡 南スーダン マラリア疑い
PRO/EDR> Undiagnosed deaths - South Sudan (02): (JG) malaria susp
Archive Number: 20211217.8700345
情報源 Ministry of Health, South Sudan via ReliefWeb 12月16日
Fangak County において 89人が死亡し,保健省 Ministry of Health が注視している。Fangak County は洪水による大きな被害を受けた among the most flood-affected locations in South Sudan in 2021。New Fangak areas [sit] along the Phow River and Sudd swamp は,motorized boats 以外に移動手段がない。保健省に,高齢者と 1歳から14歳までの小児を中心とする複数の死亡の発生が報告された。下痢,高熱,関節痛,嘔吐,筋力低下,食欲低下,胸痛などの症状があるとされる。初期の観察では,マラリアの可能性が最も高い ...
Undiagnosed deaths - South Sudan: (JG) RFI 20211215.8700295
● COVID-19(435)
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (435): PAHO, UK, Europe, omicron impact, South Asia, WHO, global
Archive Number: 20211217.8700352
[1] 汎米保健機関 PAHO: risk assessment
情報源 Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) 12月16日
[2] 英国 UK: another record day
情報源 Al Jazeera 12月16日
The British government has reported 88 376 new coronavirus cases, a 2nd consecutive record daily tally ...
Novavax vaccine could gain European, WHO approval next week
Daily infections rise in Italy
Denmark detects 3000 omicron cases
[3] Eurosurveillance
情報源 Eurosurveillance 12月16日
原著タイトル COVID-19 trends and severity among symptomatic children aged 0-17 years in 10 European Union countries, 3 Aug 2020 to 3 Oct 2021. Euro Surveill. 2021;26(50): pii=2101098; https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.50.2101098
原著タイトル 2: Epidemiological characterisation of the first 785 SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant cases in Denmark, December 2021. Euro Surveill. 2021; 26(50):
[4] Omicron impact
情報源 DW [in English] 12月16日
... omicron will likely become the dominant variant of the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, by mid-January [2022]
... omicron was likely to be just as dangerous as other variants of the virus
... Experts also warn that if infection rates continue to rise dramatically, health systems may well collapse.
[5] Regional update: ProMED-SoAs
[A] Bangladesh: The Daily Star, Star Digital Report
[B] India: The Times of India (TOI), Times News Network (TNN)
[C] Nepal: The Himalayan Times
[D] Pakistan: Dawn
[E] Sri Lanka: The Daily Mirror
[6] WHO: daily new cases reported (as of 16 Dec 2021)
[7] Global update: Worldometer accessed 16 Dec 2021 22:50 EST (GMT-5)
Total number of reported deaths: 5 353 148
Total number of worldwide cases: 273 241 846
Number of newly confirmed cases in the past 24 hours: 597 395
● 食中毒 インド ヤギ肉 死亡
PRO/EDR> Foodborne illness - India (11): (GJ) fatal, goat meat, religious ceremony
Archive Number: 20211217.8700293
情報源 Indian Express 12月15日
Dahod district's Bhulwan village における食中毒とみられる患者の死者が 8人となった。the concluding ceremony of a 9-day religious event in Bhulwan village の食事が原因とみられている。
● サルモネラ菌感染症 カナダ 冷凍コーン
PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis - Canada (03): frozen corn, alert, recall
Archive Number: 20211217.8700351
情報源 Food Safety News 12月14日
Canadian officials are reporting a recall of frozen corn that is part of a _Salmonella_ outbreak investigation, but no other details on the outbreak are posted. The recall, made by New Alasko Limited Partnership for Alasko brand IQF (individually quick frozen) whole kernel corn, is underway because of testing by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency ...
Brand / Product / Size / UPC / Codes
Alasko / IQF whole kernel corn / 12 kg (6 x 2 kg) / 1 069505, 816003 4 / Lot: GT21120, P.O: 112943
● 腸管出血性大腸菌 米国 牛挽肉
PRO/AH/EDR> E. coli EHEC - USA (21): O157, USDA, ground beef susp, RFI
Archive Number: 20211217.8700349
情報源 Food Safety News 12月11日
Federal officials have opened an investigation into an outbreak of E. coli_ O157:H7 infections suspected to be linked to ground beef. Other than the fact there is an open investigation, no other published information is available from the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The FSIS has not indicated what producers or what brands of ground beef might be involved. The agency also has not revealed how many people have been infected or what states are involved ...
● ボツリヌス症 米国 スープ缶
PRO/EDR> Botulism - USA (09): USDA, canned soup vehicle susp, RFI
Archive Number: 20211217.8700348
情報源 Food Poisoning Bulletin 12月16日
A new botulism outbreak on the USDA's Core Investigation Table may be associated with canned soup. That pathogen is a risk with low acid canned foods such as canned soup or home-canned vegetables. There is no more information on the table about this outbreak. We do not know the patient case counts, if traceback or sampling is being conducted, or if any facilities are being inspected ...
● サルモネラ菌感染症 デンマーク ブタ 2020
PRO/AH/EDR> PRO/AH/EDR>Salmonellosis - Denmark (02): pork source, 2020
Archive Number: 20211217.8700346
情報源 Food Safety News 12月15日
● エボラ コンゴ(民)WHO 終息
PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola update (56): Congo DR (NK) outbreak declared over, WHO
Archive Number: 20211217.8700334
情報源 WHO/AFRO 12月16日
10月に the Democratic Republic of the Congo's North Kivu Province において発生した,2021年の 2度目のエボラアウトブレイク The Ebola outbreak が終息したと,the national health authorities が発表した。累計 11 cases (8 confirmed, 3 probable), including 6 deaths が報告された。8 Oct 2021 に a new case confirmed in the Beni health zone in the country's North Kivu Province が確認されたことから開始した。This was the country's 13th outbreak and occurred in the same area as the 2018 outbreak which lasted 2 years.
Ebola update (55): Congo DR (NK) 20211212.8700218
● 炭疽 ジンバブエ
PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax - Zimbabwe: 2021, human, late reporting
Archive Number: 20211217.8700327
情報源 Outbreak News Today 12月15日
2021年初から 11月7日までの期間に,ジンバブエ Zimbabwe 国内で 212例の炭疽 human anthrax cases が報告された。死者は報告されていない。
The latest cases were reported in early November [2021] -- in Gokwe North District (2), Gokwe South District (4) in Midlands Province, Goromonzi District (1) in Mashonaland East Province, Hurungwe District (1) and Makonde District (1) in Mashonaland West Province [9 cases total] ...
● ココヤシの病気 スリランカ
PRO/PL> Weligama wilt, coconut palm - Sri Lanka: (MH)
Archive Number: 20211217.8700329
情報源 Daily News 12月15日
coconut trees in the Matara district が病気の蔓延のため伐採された
● COVID-19(434)変異トラッカー
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (434): ECDC risk assessment, Australia, China, boosters, WHO
Archive Number: 20211217.8700320
[1] 欧州保健機関 ECDC
[A] New risk assessment
情報源 ECDC 12月15日
... the assessment on the circulation of the delta variant of concern (VOC) and projections for the festive period that was published on [24 Nov 2021], including the emergence and spread of the omicron VOC.
[B] Risk to public health
情報源 ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) 12月15日
原著タイトル European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Assessment of the further emergence and potential impact of the SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant of concern in the context of ongoing transmission of the delta variant of concern in the EU/EEA, 18th update - 15 Dec 2021. ECDC: Stockholm; 2021.
The risk to public health posed by the spread of the omicron VOC in the context of ongoing delta VOC transmission in the EU/EEA is assessed in this update ...
[2] オーストラリア Australia: vaccine production
情報源 Star Tribune 12月14日
豪政府は 14日,最大で年間 1億ドースの生産が可能な工場において,mRNA vaccines の国内製造を開始すると発表した ...
[3] 中国 China: 長期の潜伏期間 prolonged incubation period
情報源 CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy) 12月13日
BMC Public Health 掲載の,2020年の中国の COVID-19 患者のモデル研究で,10%の患者が 14日間より長い潜伏期間であったと報告した ...
[出典 Epidemiological features of COVID-19 patients with prolonged incubation period and its implications for controlling the epidemics in China. BMC Public Health 21, 2239 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-12337-9]
[4] Boosters
情報源 STAT News 12月15日
Are COVID boosters always going to be a fixture in our future?
The simple truth is that, at this point, there's no definitive answer to that question ...
[5] Nature's 10: Ten people who helped shape science in 2021
情報源 Nature 12月15日
変異トラッカー Tulio de Oliveira: Variant tracker.
南アフリカのバイオ情報提供者 bioinformatician,director of South Africa's KwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform (KRISP), Tulio de Oliveira が 11月25日,ボツワナ,南アフリカ,香港の検体で,新たな変異株・オミクロン a new variant of SARS-CoV-2. Omicron を検出したと発表した ... 彼らのチームはもう 1つの変異株 Beta も発見している。いずれの変異株も,医師や検査担当者らが予想を超える患者数の増加に気づいた中で出現した ...
[6] WHO: Daily new cases reported (as of 15 Dec 2021)
[7] Global update: Worldometer accessed 15 Dec 2021 22:50 EST (GMT-5)
Total number of reported deaths: 5 346 184
Total number of worldwide cases: 272 499 702
Number of newly confirmed cases in the past 24 hours: 760 020
COVID-19 update (433): animal, Colombia (AT) zoo, lion, OIE 20211216.8700315
● ハンタウイルス アルゼンチン
PRO/AH/EDR> Hantavirus - Americas (11): Argentina (BA)
Archive Number: 20211216.8700283
情報源 Oicanadian 12月11日
サッカーチーム the Club Unión Vecinal Etcheverry の監督がハンタウイルス the hantavirus 感染により死亡した ...
● COVID-19(433)動物 コロンビア
SARS-CoV-2 in animals (inf. with), Colombia
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (433): animal, Colombia (AT) zoo, lion, OIE
Archive Number: 20211216.8700315
情報源 OIE-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2021 12月15日
Start on: 19 Oct 2021
Ended on: 22 Nov 2021
Reason for notification: emerging disease
Event morbidity (%): 33.33
Zoonotic potential: no
Causal agent: SARS-CoV-2
Outbreak location: Barranquilla, Atlántico: zoo
ライオン Lion (_Panthera leo_): Felidae-Carnivora / 3 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Affected population: a 17-year-old male individual belonging to the species _Panthera leo_ was affected, presented nasal secretion on [19 Oct 2021] and was confirmed infected by SARS-CoV-2 on [22 Oct 2021].
● ダニ媒介性疾患 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Tick-borne diseases - USA: (PA) dispersion by bears
Archive Number: 20211216.8700291
情報源 Penn State University 12月13日
ヒトが出会うことはほとんどないクマ black bears が,ライム病 Lyme disease の病原体の主なベクターであるダニ the black-legged tick の,ペンシルベニア Pennsylvania 州内での生息域拡大に関係していると,農業の専門家 researchers in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences が述べている ...
● イネの病気 インド
PRO/PL> Bacterial leaf blight, rice - India: (TN) alert
Archive Number: 20211216.8700304
情報源 The Hindu 12月13日
a few parts of Tiruchirapalli district において,sporadic incidence of bacterial leaf blight disease(白葉枯病)が散発的に発生
● ブルベリーの病気 スウェーデン,初
PRO/PL> Blueberry rust - Sweden: 1st rep (ST, BL)
Archive Number: 20211216.8700303
情報源 European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) Reporting Service 11/2021/248 11月
The NPPO of Sweden recently informed EPPO of the 1st finding of blueberry rust _Thekopsora minima_ (EPPO A2 List) on its territory. The rust was detected during official surveys conducted in October 2021 on _Vaccinium corymbosum_ grown in open air in the counties of Stockholm and Blekinge.
● 口蹄疫 パレスチナ
Foot-and-mouth disease virus (inf. with), Palestine
PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Palestinian Auth: (WE) sheep, goat, st pending, OIE
Archive Number: 20211216.8700299
情報源 OIE WAHID (World Animal Health Information Database), weekly disease information 2021 12月15日
Started: 12 Dec 2021
Last occurrence: 18 Jun 2019
Causal agent: foot-and-mouth disease virus
Serotype: pending
Outbreak location: Al-Hadidiya, Tubas, West Bank: farm
ヒツジ ヤギ Sheep/goats (mixed herd) / 172 / 40 / 5 / - / - / -
Affected population: unvaccinated farm
● ポテトの病気 カナダ
PRO/PL> Wart disease, potato - Canada: (PE)
Archive Number: 20211216.8700302
情報源 American Ag Network 12月14日
the devastating "potato wart" disease was detected for the 2nd time on Prince Edward Island ...