● COVID-19
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (41): selected countries/regions, JN.1, WHO
Archive Number: 20231229.8713966
[1] 各国 Selected countries/regions
[A] インド Amid rising JN.1 COVID-19 cases in India, how are different states faring?
情報源 Firstpost 2023年12月28日
The JN.1 coronavirus variant in India has been causing increasing alarm over the last several weeks.
the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare の最新データによると、recent spike in COVID-19 infections persisted on Thursday [28 Dec 2023], with 702 new cases confirmed nationwide.
デリー Delhi では the 1st JN.1 coronavirus sub-variant case on Wednesday [27 Dec 2023].が報告された。
[B] 中国 China guards against new variant of COVID-19
情報源 12月28日
China is taking proactive measures to counter new COVID-19 cases caused by the JN.1 variant of the virus, which is spreading globally, China's health authority said Thursday [28 Dec 2023].
[C] クウェート COVID-19 variant JN.1 detected in Kuwait
情報源 Gulf News 12月28日
"The JN.1 variant has been monitored in the country, but the health situation is stable. No unusual preventive measures will be taken for the time being," spokesman for the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health Dr Abdullah Al Sanad said.
[D] エジプト Egypt reports 1st cases of new COVID-19 variant JN.1
情報源 Ahram Online 12月28日
Egypt's Ministry of Health and Population announced in a statement on Thursday [28 Dec 2023] the detection of the 1st 2 cases of the new omicron coronavirus subvariant JN.1, following laboratory tests.
[E] インドネシア Jakartans should stay alert amid upward trend in COVID-19 cases
情報源 ANTARA 12月28日
As of Thursday [28 Dec 2023], the Jakarta Health Office had recorded 517 active COVID-19 cases, and the number of coronavirus cases is expected to move upward until mid-January 2024, she remarked.
[2] 米国 COVID variant JN.1 is nearly half of COVID cases in US, CDC says. What are the symptoms?: USA Today 12月23日
2023年12月22日に発表された米国の最新データ the CDC released the latest data によると、JN.1 は現在最も急速に感染が拡大し the fastest growing variant かつ最も多い the dominant one 変異株で、国内感染例の半数近く nearly half (44.2%) of cases in the U.S を占めている。the CDC はこの変異株がおよそ between 39% and 50% of all COVID cases up from the previously reported 15%-29% を占めるとみている。
[3] WHO: COVID-19 epidemiological update
情報源 World Health Organization (WHO) 2023年12月22日
Key highlights
入手可能なデータの範囲内で、この28日間 (23 Oct to 19 Nov 2023). の感染者数は85万例以上と52%増加し、死者数は3000例以上で8%減少した...
COVID-19 update (40): India, increased cases 20231228.8713947
● 西部ウマ脳炎 アルゼンチン
PRO/AH/EDR> Western equine encephalitis - Argentina (04): human, horse, WHO summary
Archive Number: 20231229.8713965
情報源 WHO Disease Outbreak News 2023年12月28日
厚労省検疫所・FORTH 参照願います。
Situation at a Glance
2023年12月20日、アルゼンチンの当局 the International Health Regulations National Focal Point (IHR NFP) of Argentina から、西部ウマ脳炎患者 a human case of Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE) infection について the World Health Organization (WHO) への報告がなされた。アルゼンチンにおいては、1982/1983 and 1996年以来20年ぶり以上となる the 1st confirmed human case reported の報告である。
Description of the Situation
感染した患者は an adult from the province of Santa Fe で、アルゼンチンにおいては the last cases reported in humans in Argentina occurred in 1982/1983 (associated with an outbreak in equines) and 1996 (an isolated case based on clinical and serological findings but with no equine cases detected) 以来の報告となった。
患者は、2023年11月19日に頭痛、筋肉痛、めまい、見当識障害、突然の発熱の症状を発症し、同24日に医療機関を受診し入院となり、12日間の集中治療と人工呼吸を必要とした。12月20日に退院し自宅療養中である。疫学調査からの情報によると、これ以前にウマの WEE 感染が確認されていた地域で、a rural worker として働いていた...
Public Health Response
WHO Risk Assessment
WHO Advice
Further Information
Western equine encephalitis - Argentina (03): (BA) 1st detection in sheep: 20231223.8713863
● 食中毒 イラク(2件)、ヨルダン
PRO/EDR> Foodborne illness - Iraq (03): (SL) mushroom poisoning, new cases
Archive Number: 20231229.8713962
情報源 : Kurdistan 24 [in Kurdish] 2023年12月27日
Six persons have been taken to Ranya Teaching Hospital in critical condition after eating poisonous mushrooms(毒キノコ).
PRO/EDR> Foodborne illness - Iraq (02): (KA) RFI
Archive Number: 20231229.8713959
情報源 Shafaq News [in Arabic] 12月27日
"120 persons of all ages suffered from food poisoning last Tuesday night [26 Dec 2023] after eating fast food(ファストフード)from a restaurant, 30 of whom are still hospitalized for treatment." と、27日首長 The mayor of Al-Hindiyah District in Karbala governorate が明らかにした
PRO/EDR> Foodborne illness - Jordan: (IR, BA) mushroom poisoning, new cases
Archive Number: 20231228.8713958
情報源 Nabaa Jordan [in Arabic] 12月26日
The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Health for Healthcare and Epidemiology, Dr. Raed Al-Shaboul, confirmed that the total number of cases that visited hospitals in Irbid and Balqa due to food poisoning symptoms after eating wild mushrooms has reached 33 cases.
Al-Shaboul said that 28 persons in the Bani Kenana and Koura districts of Irbid Governorate visited Princess Raya and Yarmouk hospitals for food poisoning symptoms after eating wild mushrooms, which were collected and picked by them.