
ニューカッスル病、ヒト オーストラリア 死亡 EID
百日咳 ベトナム

● 赤痢 パレスチナ自治区
PRO/EDR> Shigellosis - Palestinian Auth.: (GZ) Israeli troops
Archive Number: 20231206.8713548
[1] 情報源 Ynet - Israel [in Hebrew] 2023年12月4日
数週間前から、fighters in the Gaza Strip を含むイスラエル軍 the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] の兵士らの間で、異常な数の腸管疾患の増加が見られている。the Gaza Strip で戦闘中の18名の正規軍兵士 regular IDF soldiers  が、赤痢、下痢、嘔吐の症状のため、from the Gaza Strip to the brigade training base に搬送され治療を受けた...
[2] 情報源 Middle East Monitor 12月5日
An outbreak of gastrointestinal diseases and food poisoning has been reported among Israeli soldiers in the south of the occupation state, and particularly those deployed in the Gaza Strip...

● Ralstonia pickettii オーストラリア、生理食塩水汚染
PRO/EDR> Ralstonia pickettii - Australia (02): contaminated saline, fatal, alert, recall
Archive Number: 20231206.8713546
 投稿者 NSW Health <moh-phlo@health.nsw.gov.au> 2023年12月5日
Response from NSW Health, _Ralstonia pickettii_ outbreak lead agency
ニューサウスウェールズ州当局および関係各局は、全国的な _Ralstonia pickettii_.  院内感染流行 a country-wide nosocomial outbreak of _Ralstonia pickettii_ の調査中であり、12月5日現在、55 confirmed and probable cases nationwide, identified since mid-August 2023 を確認している。アウトブレイクの原因として、汚染の可能性のある生理食塩水 a potentially contaminated saline product (Interpharma Sodium Chloride 0.9% 30mL ampules for irrigation) が関連する可能性があり、検査により製品の一部に the possible presence of _R. pickettii_ in some batches of this product が示されている。
28 Nov 2023 TGA safety alert
1 Dec 2023 TGA safety alert
1 Dec 2023 TGA recall
The implicated saline product is manufactured by Legency Remedies Private, India. The TGA is reviewing other products made by the same manufacturer.
The outbreak genome sequence has been uploaded to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) GenBank (BioSample number SAMN38255698). Sequence files are available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/PRJNA1040313.
[Mod.LL- 参考情報として、_R. pickettii_ の腸管内定着が、耐糖能異常に関係する可能性があるとされている。
参考文献 Intestinal _Ralstonia pickettii_ augments glucose intolerance in obesity. PLoS One. 2017; 12(11): e0181693; https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0181693.
Ralstonia pickettii - Australia: (QL) contaminated saline, fatal, alert, recall 20231130.8713434

● ニューカッスル病、ヒト オーストラリア 死亡
PRO/AH/EDR> Newcastle disease - Australia: human, PPMV-1, fatal
Archive Number: 20231206.8713529
 情報源 Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) 2023年11月13日
原著タイトル Fatal human neurologic infection caused by pigeon avian paramyxovirus-1, Australia. Emerg Infect Dis. 2023; 29(12): 2482-2487;
ニューカッスル病 Newcastle disease は、世界中の野鳥と家きんに感染する、ありふれた感染力の強い人獣共通感染症 である; 病原性の強いウイルス株 virulent strains of avian paramyxovirus type 1 (APMV-1) (1,2). APMV-1、a negative-sense, single-stranded RNA virus belonging to the _Orthoavulavirus_ genus, Paramyxoviridae family (1).  が原因となる。
ウイルス株は、their fusion protein sequence に基づき2つのクラス 2 classes, I and II に分類されている。
among strains of AMPV-1 内で大きな病原性の違い Substantial variation in virulence があり; class I strains are classically avirulent, whereas class II strains can be avirulent or virulent.。Class II genotype VI strains of APMV-1, known as pigeon avian paramyxovirus type 1 (PPMV-1), commonly have high pathogenicity; pigeons and doves are reservoirs (3,4)....
AMPV-1 は基本的に鳥類に感染するが、非鳥類宿主 nonavian hosts には、ヒト・サルなどの霊長類、ウサギ、ブタがある。
We report a fatal case of neurologic infection caused by PPMV-1 in a child in Australia.
Case report
乳児急性リンパ球性白血病 infantile pre-B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) の既往のある2歳児が、上気道感染症状の3週間後に嘔気・嘔吐により入院となった。
the Associazione Italiana di Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica and the Berlin-Frankfurt-Munster Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (AIEOP-BFM ALL) clinical trial に従い、この女児は blinatumomab, a bispecific T-cell-engaging antibody targeting CD19-expressing B cells による治療に割り付けられていた; 最終の投与時期は入院の6ヶ月前だった:白血病の治療内容。
女児の健康状態は4日間に進行し、発熱とけいれん experienced sudden-onset superrefractory status epilepticus が認められたが、熱性けいれんに矛盾しない症状であった。
脳 MRI では異常所見は認められず、自己免疫性脳炎の検査はすべて陰性だった。中枢神経系の炎症を意味する、脳脊髄液中の Neurotropin 上昇を認めた。
Ultra-rapid exome sequencing performed by Acute Care Genomics, a tool that enables diagnosis of genetic disorders(遺伝学的異常)within 5 days, yielded no genetic abnormalities (認められず)。
細菌、ウイルス、真菌、抗酸菌などの感染症検索 extensive culture and PCR-based investigations はすべて陰性だった。
入院20日目に採取された脳組織生検標本 Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining of brain biopsy tissue の所見は、almost complete cortical necrosis with some subpial sparing であった...
広域スペクトラム抗生物質、抗けいれん薬、免疫調整薬、ケトンダイエット a ketogenic diet、を行ったが改善は見られず、入院中に繰り返し行った MRI では progressive and widespread inflammatory changes with increasing left frontal and insular T2 signal hyperintensity evolving into laminar necrosis(壊死)as well as T2 hyperintensity of deep gray-matter structures が認められたため、治療は中止し、入院から27日後に患児は死亡した。死後剖検は行われなかった。
脳生検標本に対し、comprehensive, hypothesis-free metagenomic testing of the biopsied brain tissue using established panviral hybridization-capture (8) and unbiased metatranscriptomic (9) sequencing methods performed in parallel. After sequence quality filtering, host nucleic acid removal, and alignment to the National Center for Biotechnology Information nonredundant/nucleotide database, both approaches independently identified APMV-1 as the dominant nonhuman sequences. Hybrid capture methods identified 39 928 APMV-1 sequences using Twist Biosciences viral panel (https://www.twistbioscience.com/resources/product-sheet/twist-pan-viral-panel) and 281 601 sequences by in-house methods. The only other nonhuman sequences of note included low levels (<230 reads) of human pegivirus (HPgV) sequences identified using both methods, as previously identified in similar studies (data not shown)....
The 1st documented case of APMV-1 infection in humans は、1942 in Australia に報告され、以後、an additional 485 human cases have been reported globally, most (288 cases) in the UK (英国)。感染例の大部分が、主に結膜炎の症状で自然治癒している。
4例の死亡例 recorded human deaths, all caused by the PPMV-1 strain, in the Netherlands, USA, China, and France の記録があり、うち1例がハトとのはっきりとした接触歴があった。オランダ、米国、中国の症例には呼吸器症状があり、呼吸不全により死亡している。2例は造血器腫瘍により免疫抑制の状態にあった。
Those cases highlight the virulence of PPMV-1 and the potential for severe disease in contrast to other APMV-1 genotypes....長文、原文参照願います。
[Reference 1 for the article above, from 2022, discusses the zoonotic potential of this virus. The citation and abstract follow:
参考文献 Zoonotic potential of Newcastle disease virus: Old and novel perspectives related to public health. Rev Med Virol. 2022; 32(1): e2246. doi: 10.1002/rmv.2246.]

● 百日咳 ベトナム
PRO/EDR> Pertussis update (35): Viet Nam, pediatric, comment
Archive Number: 20231206.8713542
 投稿者 スイス University of Basel Children's Hospital、Prof. Ulrich Heininger 12月5日
In response to: Pertussis update (34): Viet Nam, pediatric (20231205.8713516)
乳児期早期には百日咳ワクチン接種を完了できないため、妊娠中の母親へのワクチン接種 "maternal immunization" が極めて重要であり、有効性と安全性 efficacy and safety も示されているが、主に経済的理由から世界の多くの国々で実施されていないのは、とても残念である。
Pertussis update (34): Viet Nam, pediatric 20231205.8713516

● 麻疹 ルーマニア
PRO/EDR> Measles update (61): Romania, epidemic declared, RFI
Archive Number: 20231206.8713541
 情報源 : New Day News [in Russian] 2023年12月5日
保健省 The Romanian Ministry of Health は5日、2000 measles infections in 29 counties が確認されていることを受け、麻疹流行 a measles epidemic in the country 発生を宣言したと明らかにした...
Nationally, vaccination coverage with the 1st dose is 78% and 62% of children with the 2nd dose.
Measles update (47): Romania, UK 20230909.8712032

● 狂犬病 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (51): North America (USA) fox, cat, fisher, goat, human exp
Archive Number: 20231206.8713549
[1] South Carolina (Aiken County): fox, human exposure
 情報源 WRDW.com 2023年11月16日
A fox found near White Cedar Way and Red Cedar Road in Aiken has tested positive for rabies, the latest in a rash of cases across the CSRA [Central Savannah River Area] in recent months.
[2] New Hampshire (Carroll County): kitten, possible human exposure: Boston.com 11月17日
Authorities in New Hampshire are working to identify people who may have been exposed to rabies after 2 stray kittens in North Conway tested positive for the disease.
[3] New Jersey (Camden County): cat, 2 people and 3 cats exposed: Patch.com 11月22日
A now-deceased cat found in Gloucester Township tested positive for rabies, officials said Wednesday [22 Nov 2023].
[4] New York (Warren County): fisher, human exposure: WNYT.com 12月1日
A fisher (イタチ科の動物)that bit 3 people and attacked a 4th at Hudson Pointe Nature Preserve had rabies, said Warren County officials. 
[5] South Carolina (Anderson County): goat(ヤギ), human and goat exposed: MSN.com 12月1日
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control announced 2 people and a pet were recently exposed to a goat in Pendleton that tested positive for rabies. Officials said the goat was recently found near Millwee Creek Road and Blackman Road.
[6] Georgia (DeKalb County): cat, human exposure: Fox 5 Atlanta 12月4日
Health officials are warning residents in parts of DeKalb County after a stray cat in the area tested positive for rabies.

● 豚熱 ブラジル
PRO/AH/EDR> Classical swine fever - Brazil: (PI) swine
Archive Number: 20231206.8713547
 情報源 Pig Progress 2023年12月4日
ブラジル北部 Piauí state において1日、豚熱 an outbreak of classical swine fever (CSF) の発生が疑われ、the Federal Agricultural Laboratory of Minas Gerais の検査で確定診断された。発生が確認されたのは、the municipality of Cocal de Telha, in a backyard husbandry property で、11月23日に発生が疑われることがはじめて報告されていた。

● ウサギ出血病 南アフリカ
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabbit hemorrhagic disease - South Africa (02): (NL) wild rabbit, alert
Archive Number: 20231206.8713496
 情報源 The Witness 2023年12月2日
Rabbit haemorrhagic disease has reached the Midlands. This is according to a local veterinarian from Valley Vet.
Doctor Thashia Reddy from Valley Vet in Rosetta in the Midlands confirmed a case of rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHDV) in the Midlands and is urging veterinarians and rabbit owners to familiarise themselves with the symptoms.
Rabbit hemorrhagic disease - South Africa (01): (GT) RFI 20231025.8712811

● 鳥インフルエンザ 韓国、日本
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (185): S. Korea (CN) HPAI H5, duck
Archive Number: 20231206.8713544
 情報源 Yonhap News Agency 2023年12月4日
South Korea on Monday [4 Dec 2203] confirmed a highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) case at a duck farm for the 1st time during this winter season, the agriculture ministry said. The H5 AI strain was found at the duck farm in the southwestern county of Goheung the previous day [3 Dec 2023], and a follow-up test confirmed the highly pathogenic H5N1 AI strain, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (184): Japan (TK) HPAI H5, wild bird
Archive Number: 20231206.8713543
 情報源 Xinhua 12月5日
A highly pathogenic avian influenza virus of the H5 subtype has been detected in a wild bird found in central Tokyo(東京), marking the first instance of avian influenza infection in a wild bird during the current avian flu season in the city, according to local authorities.
The body of a buzzard, or _Buteo japonicus_, was discovered in the central Chiyoda Ward of Tokyo last Tuesday [28 Nov 2023], and the preliminary test results conducted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government were negative, according to the Tokyo Metropolitan Environmental Bureau.
Subsequent genetic testing by the National Institute for Environmental Studies, however, confirmed that the buzzard was indeed infected with the highly pathogenic H5 subtype of avian influenza, information released by the bureau on Monday [4 Dec 2023] showed.