● COVID-19 シリア
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (17): Syria, new variant, fatal
Archive Number: 20240407.8715839
情報源 Syria TV [in Arabic]
新たな変異株The new variant (JN.1) of coronavirus (COVID-19) がダマスカス Damascus among various age groups over the past week で拡がり救急患者の受け入れができなくなっている。ラマダンで市場が混雑する時期 crowded markets during the month of Ramadan and the approaching Eid al-Fitr に発生した。15 deaths during the past 2 weeks が確認されているが、保健省は the Ministry of Health did not issue any statistics and had previously announced that only 2 deaths had been recorded.
関連項目 COVID-19 update (16): selected locations, vaccine effectiveness, WHO update 20240324.8715595
● 狂犬病 フィリピン
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (34): (Philippines) update for the 1st 11 weeks of 2024
Archive Number: 20240407.8715838
情報源 Sun Star 4月6日
PH records 89 rabies cases, deaths
2024年初からのわずか11週間に、狂犬病による89人の死亡 rabies cases が、保健当局 the Department of Health (DOH) により確認された。
In a brief statement, the DOH said there have been a total of 89 rabies cases recorded from 1 Jan 2024 to 16 Mar 2024.
● ダニ媒介性脳炎 ロシア
PRO/AH/EDR> Tick-borne encephalitis - Russia: (PS, LN)
Archive Number: 20240407.8715833
[1] Pskov region
情報源 Inform Pskov [in Russian ] 4月5日
First case of tick-borne encephalitis this season detected in the Pskov region
The 1st case of tick-borne encephalitis was detected in the Pskov region, the press service of the regional department of Rospotrebnadzor [Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare] told PAI.
During the week from 29 Mar to 4 Apr 2024, 39 residents of the Pskov region suffered from tick bites, 12 of them were children.
[2] Leningrad region
情報源 Fontanka [in Russian] 4月4日
Ticks in the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg woke up early -- more than 30 victims
In St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, ticks overwintered in comfort thanks to the snowy winter. And they woke up successfully - the snow melted quickly and early. As a result, already on 17 Mar 2024, the 1st bite was registered in the Leningrad region, and in half a month, 11 people went to medical institutions due to sucking ticks. There are more than 20 victims in St. Petersburg .
● 結核 米国
PRO/EDR> Tuberculosis - USA (02): (IL) Chicago, migrant shelters
Archive Number: 20240407.871582
情報源 Fox News 4月4日-measles-cases
Tuberculosis breaks out at Chicago migrant shelters following measles cases
移民収容施設内 ,some migrant facilities において,
麻疹アウトブレイク a recent outbreak of measles に続いて少数例の結核 a "small number" of tuberculosis (TB) cases が確認されていると、シカゴ保健当局 The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) が明らかにした。
The confirmed tuberculosis cases come as more than 55 measles cases have now been confirmed in Chicago, with the majority of those cases being reported in the Pilsen migrant shelter on Halsted Street.
● 小麦の病気 ネパール
PRO/PL> Stem rust Ug99 group, wheat - Nepal: 1st rep
Archive Number: 20240407.8715837
情報源 CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) 4月3日
Successful global wheat disease surveillance and monitoring has resulted in early detection of wheat stem rust Ug99 in Nepal. A combination of vigilant field surveys and sampling by Nepal's National Plant Pathology Research Centre (NPPRC) and National Wheat Research Program (NWRP), supported by rigorous and accurate disease diagnostics at the Global Rust Reference Center (GRRC), Denmark, confirmed the presence of Ug99 as a highly virulent race variant termed TTKTT. Results were obtained from 2 field samples collected in early November 2023 from off-season summer wheat crops.
● 豆の病気 インド
PRO/PL> Witches broom, pea - India: 1st rep (HR)
Archive Number: 20240407.8715835
情報源 Punjab Newsline 3月22日
Scientists from Haryana Agricultural University have identified a new and potentially devastating disease affecting pea crops. Named "Witches' Broom," the disease is associated with the pathogen _Candidatus_ Phytoplasma asteris (16SrI).
● ラセンウジバエ ニカラグア、コスタリカ、パナマ
PRO/AH/EDR> New World screwworm: (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama) cattle
Archive Number: 20240406.8715809
[1] 情報源 Proceso [in Spanish] 4月5日
Nicaragua declares a health alert due to the presence of screwworm in livestock
The Government of Nicaragua declared this Friday [5 April 2024] a national animal health alert due to the presence of screwworm in livestock.
Screwworm is a disease caused by the larvae of the _Cochliomyia hominivorax_ fly which deposits its eggs in any open wound of a warm-blooded animal, including people. Hours after they have been deposited, the worms hatch. which feed on living tissue.
[2] 情報源 Tele Sur 4月5日
Nicaragua Declares Alert Due to Screwworm Disease in Livestock
On Friday [5 Apr 2024], the Agricultural Protection and Health Institute (IPSA) declared a health alert throughout Nicaraguan territory due to the presence of the screw-worm
IPSA Director Ricardo Somarriba explained that the animal epidemiological surveillance system responded to a notification of myiasis in cattle in March [2024], with a positive result for screw worm infestation.