
サルモネラ感染症 米国
Kudoa septempunctata 日本

● サルモネラ感染症 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis - USA (08): live poultry, multiple serotypes
Archive Number: 20240701.8717320
 情報源 CDC 2024年6月27日
_Salmonella_ outbreaks linked to backyard poultry
Illnesses: 195 (86 new)
Hospitalizations: 50 (17 new)
Deaths: 0
States: 38 (9 new)
Investigation status: Active (first posted on 23 May 2024)
Epidemiologic data
As of 20 Jun 2024, 195 people infected with one of the outbreak strains of _Salmonella_ have been reported from 38 states; 情報が得られたうち50 (37%) have been hospitalized(入院). No deaths have been reported.
Demographics / Information
年齢 Age (n=194) / Range from <1 to 93 years, median age of 14 years, 41% under 5 years
State and local public health officials are interviewing people about the animals they came into contact with in the week before they got sick. Of the 119 people interviewed, 86 (72%) reported contact with backyard poultry(庭先飼育の家きん).
Traceback data
Of 45 people with information available, 36 (80%) reported purchasing or obtaining poultry(家きん購入)before their illness started. 
Laboratory data
Public health actions
Salmonellosis - USA (07): (WA) restaurant, recurrent infections, source not identified 20240629.8717288

● Kudoa septempunctata 日本
PRO/AH/EDR> Kudoa septempunctata - Japan: (OY) raw flounder, restaurant
Archive Number: 20240630.8717319
 情報源 読売新聞 2024年6月30日より
岡山県倉敷市保健所は29日、同市鶴形の飲食店「和食よこ田」で26日にヒラメの刺し身などを食べた40~60歳代の女性11人が、下痢や吐き気などの症状を訴えたと発表した。6人の便から寄生虫「クドア・セプテンプンクタータ Kudoa septempunctata」が検出され、市保健所は提供された料理が原因の食中毒と断定した。全員快方に向かっているという。同店の衛生管理に問題はなかったとして、市保健所は営業停止処分にはしなかった。
[Mod.LL- The genus _Kudoa_ は現在44種 described species distributed throughout marine and estuarine fishes worldwide から成る。筋肉内の寄生虫(They are myxosporeans, which are primarily histozoic parasites of the musculature with the parasite sporulating within muscle.)
参考文献 Tachibana T, Watari T. _Kudoa septempunctata_ infection: an underdiagnosed pathogen of acute gastrointestinal symptoms. QJM. 2020; 113(1): 43-44. 
"60歳女性が、嘔気/嘔吐 severe nausea and vomiting のため救急室を受診した。56人のパーティーに参加し、このうち28人が食事の数時間後に急性胃腸炎症状を発症した。下痢、嘔気、嘔吐の症状がみられた。ヒラメの刺身 flounder sashimi を食べていたため食中毒を疑った。検査の結果、_残された食事から Kudoa septempunctata_ が検出された。また polymerase chain reaction tests 検査により、患者の便検体でも確認され、a case of food poisoning by _K. septempunctata_ と診断した。
日本では年平均10例の cases of foodborne illness caused by _K. septempunctata_ が発生し、多くは moderate gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain several hours after eating raw flounder の症状となる。
_K. septempunctata_ infection は感冒や急性胃腸炎と間違われやすく、見逃されやすい。下痢、嘔気、嘔吐、腹痛などの症状が多い。
_K. septempunctata_ は筋肉 the muscles of olive flounder に感染し、-20℃以下で4時間以上冷凍するか、75℃5分間加熱すれば病毒性は失活する。
While one thinks of anisakiasis associated with raw fish, the illness is not related to the release of larval forms of the parasite and is quite different, with the symptoms presenting more like _Bacillus cereus_ or _Staphylococcus aureus_ foodborne illness. The pathophysiology is described here:
参考文献 _Kudoa septempunctata_ spores cause acute gastroenteric symptoms in mouse and musk shrew models as evidenced in vitro in human colon cells. Pathogens. 2023;12(5):739. 
"_Kudoa septempunctata_ is a myxosporean parasite that infects the trunk muscles of olive flounder (_Paralichthys olivaceus_) and has been reported to cause foodborne illnesses in humans. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying _K. septempunctata_ spore toxicity remain largely unknown. In this study, the gastroenteropathy of _K. septempunctata_ was examined in human colon adenocarcinoma cells as well as experimental mice inoculated with spores. We found that _K. septempunctata_ decreased transepithelial resistance and disrupted epithelial tight junctions by deleting ZO-1 in Caco-2 monolayers. Additionally, serotonin (5-HT), an emetic neurotransmitter, was increased in _K. septempunctata_-inoculated cells. In vivo, _K. septempunctata_ spores induced diarrhea in suckling mice (80% in ddY and 70% in ICR mice), with a minimum provocative dose of 2 x 105 _K. septempunctata_ spores. In house musk shrews, _K. septempunctata_ induced emesis within 1 h and induced serotonin secretion in the intestinal epithelium. In conclusion, _K. septempunctata_ may induce diarrhea and emesis by increasing intestinal permeability and serotonin secretion."]

● 胃腸炎 イタリア
PRO/EDR> Gastroenteritis - Italy: (VN) norovirus susp.
Archive Number: 20240630.8717318
 投稿者 A subscriber to ProMED 2024年6月29日
ノロウイルスの大規模クラスター A large cluster of norovirus in Torri del Benaco (in the province of Verona, Italy) が発生し、多数の下痢および嘔吐 hundreds with diarrhea and vomiting の患者が発生している。Bardolino and Garda, south of Torri del Benaco でも患者が報告されている。Peschiera del Garda Hospital is reported to be full of cases. No deaths reported.

● ウェルシュ菌食中毒 日本
PRO/EDR> Clostridium perfringens foodborne illness - Japan (02): (NN)
Archive Number: 20240630.8717310
 情報源 読売新聞 6月29日より
Clostridium perfringens foodborne illness - Japan: (GM) 20240318.8715470 

● 原因不明の死亡、バッファロー タイ
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed deaths: Thailand (NM) buffalo, RFI
Archive Number: 20240630.8717316
[1] 情報源 Thaiger 2024年6月28日
Nakhon Ratchasima residents 住民の間で、8頭のバッファローが原因不明の死亡 the mysterious death of 8 buffaloes となり、ほか3頭が危険な状態となっていることにより、人獣共通感染症アウトブレイクの発生に対する不安が拡がっている。
当局は現在、除草剤など a toxic substance, possibly herbicide が原因との見方を強めている。
[2] 情報源 Bangkok Post 6月29日
Livestock officials are looking into the unexplained sudden deaths of 4 female buffaloes in That Phanom district on Tuesday afternoon [25 Jun 2024].
Samples were taken from the bodies for examination, to establish the cause of death.

● 鳥インフルエンザ 中国 H5N6
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (88): China (ZJ) HPAI H5N6, wild bird, WOAH
Archive Number: 20240630.8717312
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2024年6月20日
China (People's Rep. of) - Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-)
Started: 13 Jun 2024
Reason for notification: First occurrence in a zone or a compartment
Disease: Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-)
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Genotype/serotype/subtype: H5N6
Event status: Ongoing
Quantitative data summary
Outbreak location: China
Start date: 13 Jun 2024
Wildlife (species unspecified) (WILD) / - / 43 / 43 / 0 / 0 / -
New Outbreaks
Outbreak location: Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China
Epidemiological unit: Other
Start date: 13 Jun 2024
Wildlife (species unspecified) (wild) / - / 43 / 43 / 0 / 0 / -
Avian influenza (77): China (XZ) HPAI H5, wild bird, WOAH 20240609.8716931