
胃腸炎 イタリア

● 胃腸炎 イタリア
PRO/EDR> Gastroenteritis - Italy (02): (VN) norovirus
Archive Number: 20240702.8717346
 情報源 Food Poisoning News 2024年7月1日
Norovirus outbreak strikes village on shores of Italy's Famed Lake Garda
風光明媚な湖畔の村 Torri del Benaco, a picturesque village on the shores of Lake Garda in Italy において,ノロウイルスアウトブレイク a widespread norovirus outbreak が発生し,重症の胃腸炎症状のため多数の住民 hundreds of residents が入院となっている。村内の約1/10に当たる300人が,嘔吐,下痢,腹痛,発熱の症状で医療機関を受診した。多数の患者が the nearby Peschiera del Garda medical facility の病院に入院した。患者の便検体の検査でノロウイルスが確認された。
.アウトブレイクの感染源は正確には明らかになっていないが,当局は上水道 the village's water supply が原因とみて,市長が水道水の利用を禁止した。
Gastroenteritis - Italy: (VN) norovirus susp. 20240630.8717318

● デング熱 インド
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (43): India (KA) fatal
Archive Number: 20240702.8717344
 情報源 NDTV, Press Trust of India (PTI) 2024年6月29日
最近感染が増加する中,2024年1月以降はじめてのデング熱による死亡例 its first confirmed case of a death due to dengue が,29日 Bengaluru [capital of Karnataka state,州都] において報告された。CV Raman Naga の27歳の患者がベクターが媒介するこの病気で死亡した。6月25日に発熱のため Manipal Hospital 病院に入院し,同27日に多臓器不全で死亡したと,chief health officer が明らかにした。
From January [2024] till date [29 Jun 2024], Bengaluru has reported 1743 cases of dengue.
Dengue/DHF update (42): India (KA) update 20240627.8717252

● ダニ媒介性脳炎  ロシア,ドイツ(2件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Tick-borne encephalitis - Russia (02): (SP)
Archive Number: 20240702.8717337
 情報源 RuNews 24 2024年7月1日
Three people in St. Petersburg have contracted encephalitis in a week
From 20 to 26 Jun 2024 に St. Petersburg hospitals 各病院をダニ刺咬を受けた797人が受診した。このうち3人が脳炎と診断された。昨年同期に比べ 68.2% more than in the same period last year [2023] である。
residents of Pushkinsky, Kurortny, Vyborgsky, Primorsky and Krasnoselsky districts suffered the most from tick bites. In Pushkinsky district 29 people were seen, in Kurortny - 29, in Vyborgsky - 12, in Primorsky - 11, in Krasnoselsky - 10.
Tick-borne encephalitis - Europe: Russia (SV, SP) Czech Republic (CK) 20240527.8716724

PRO/AH/EDR> Tick-borne encephalitis and Borreliosis - Germany: (TH)
Archive Number: 20240702.8717334
 情報源 ASB 2024年6月30日
Health - 5 cases of TBE in Thuringia this year [2024]
The Berlin Robert Koch Institute (RKI) 研究所によると, 5例のダニ媒介性脳炎患者 cases of Tick-Borne Meningoencephalitis (TBE) in Thuringia this year [2024] が報告されている。TBE は初夏髄膜脳炎 Early Summer Meningoencephalitis のことで,感染ダニによって伝播される。インフルエンザ様疾患から脳炎,髄膜炎,脊髄炎まで症状は様々で,2024年初以降全国で245 cases in the database が報告されている。
The number of designated TBE risk areas in Thuringia が最近増加し,13 regions now identified by the RKI での発生が確認され, ほとんどが州内の東部または南部にある。最も新しく発生が確認されたThe latest addition のは the Altenburger Land district で,これらの地域の住民に対し,the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) は予防接種 preventatively vaccinated against FSME を推奨している。
Borrelia is significantly more common than TBE
The most commonly tick-borne infectious disease in Germany is Borreliosis(ボレリア症), a disease caused by bacteria. For Thuringia, there have been 97 cases reported to the RKI this year [2024]. 
RKI map of TBE risk areas
1. Despite the 5 reported cases of Tick-Borne Meningoencephalitis (TBE) this year [2024] in Thuringia, the Altenburger Land district has recently been added as a new designated TBE risk area.
2. The Berlin Robert Koch Institute (RKI) advises people living in the TBE risk areas in Thuringia, particularly the eastern and southern parts of the state, to consider getting preventatively vaccinated against Tick-Borne Meningoencephalitis.
3. Interestingly, although Tick-Borne Meningoencephalitis (TBE) has only 5 reported cases in Thuringia this year [2024], Borreliosis, a more common tick-borne infection caused by bacteria, has had 97 reported cases in the same region.
4. The RKI's map shows that there are currently 13 designated TBE risk areas in Thuringia, with most of them located in the eastern and southern parts of the state, indicating a potential threat from both TBE and Borreliosis in these regions.
[Mod.TY-Usually, the TBE virus vector, _Ixodes ricinus_, activity in Germany starts mid- to end of March.... Interestingly, Thuringia is home to the Rennsteig, Germany's best-known hiking trail, a likely area to acquire ticks.
Tick-borne encephalitis is a virus infection caused by one of 3 TBE virus subtypes belonging to the Flaviviridae family: Central European, Siberian, and Far Eastern (formerly known as Russian spring-summer encephalitis). It is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected ixodes ticks.]
参考項目 2023
Tick-borne encephalitis - Germany (02) 20230408.8709405

● COVID-19
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (32): USA, Ireland, Taiwan, KP.3, US CDC fall vaccine recommendation
Archive Number: 20240702.8717328
[1] Selected countries/regions
 [A] 米国 USA
 情報源 Detroit Free Press 2024年6月27日
COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations climb in US during summer: Where Michigan stands
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports a summer bump in coronavirus activity nationally [https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#maps_percent-covid-deaths].
Test positivity rates are up 1.2% in the last week in the U.S. There has been a 14.7% rise in hospital emergency department visits for people with COVID-19 over the last 7 days, and from 26 May to 1 Jun 2024, the most recent dates for which data is available, hospitals reported a 25% increase in COVID-19 admissions.
Deaths, too, from the virus are climbing nationally -- up 16.7% in the last week.
 [B] USA: Los Angeles Times 6月24日
Summer COVID bump intensifies in L.A. and California, fueled by FLiRT variant
The new COVID-19 subvariants collectively nicknamed FLiRT are continuing to increase their dominance nationwide, fueling a rise in cases in Los Angeles County and growth in the coronavirus levels seen in California wastewater.
 [C] アイルランド Ireland: Echo Live 6月27日
Significant rise in COVID cases being reported
There has been a rise in the number of COVID-19 cases being reported nationally, with 107 cases reported in Cork alone last week.
The HSE's Health Protection Surveillance Centre said in its latest report that COVID transmission continues at moderate to high levels in Ireland.
Last week, there were 1042 confirmed cases of the virus notified to the Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting system (CIDR), an increase of 60% compared to the previous week. The number of hospitalised cases increased by 56% during the same week.
 [D] 台湾 Taiwan: Focus Taiwan 6月27日
CDC to buy 5.5 million COVID-19 vaccines, to administer from October [2024]
[2] COVID KP.3 variant remains dominant in the US making up 33.1% of cases: See latest data
 情報源 USA Today 6月21日
With a 2-week period ending on 22 Jun 2024, the CDC Nowcast data tracker is reporting that KP.3 positive cases are at 33.1%. Positive cases for the COVID-19 KP.3 variant are rising, according to newly released data by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The KP.3 variant has risen from accounting for 25% of positive cases to 33.1%. The KP.3 variant has become the new frontrunner after JN.1 held the reigns for several months after making its 1st appearance in 2023.
What is the KP.3 variant?
Like JN.1 and "FLiRT" variants KP.1.1 and KP.2, KP.3 is a similar strain. Norman said that the KP.3 variant is, "a sublineage of the JN.1 lineage" which comes from the omicron variant.
What are symptoms of KP.3?
How can we protect ourselves if we are concerned about the KP.3 variant?
COVID-19 positivity rates, deaths and hospitalizations
[3] As COVID cases rise, CDC recommends new version of vaccine
 情報源 NBC News 6月28日
With fresh COVID cases bubbling up in some parts of the country, health officials are setting course for a fall vaccination campaign.
On Thursday [27 Jun 2024], the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended new shots for all Americans this fall [2024].
COVID-19 update (31): Malaysia, Thailand, New Zealand, Ireland 20240619.8717120

● 外来種ダニ スウェーデン
PRO/AH/EDR> Invasive tick - Sweden: (ST)
Archive Number: 20240702.8717324
 情報源 Wprost [in Polish] 2024年6月29日
The Swedish National Veterinary Institute has announced the discovery of a new species of exotic tick [in Sweden]. Its natural habitat is not the north, but the south of Europe or the Middle East.
The Swedish Veterinary Services (SVA) reports that the variegated sheep tick can carry dangerous diseases, including one that causes panic in people.
_Dermacentor marginatus_ is a new species of tick that lives in Iran or Kazakhstan, not necessarily Sweden, but the parasite was found in Stockholm. It is likely that it can transmit diseases such as the dangerous Crimean-Congo fever with an extremely severe course. No vaccine has been found for the virus to date, and treatment only involves alleviating symptoms, although there are reports of patients who have been helped by substances such as ribavirin. Antiviral medication sometimes reduces mortality, but it must be administered in the early phase of the disease.
写真 An image of _D. marginatus_ https://www.alamy.com/tick-dermacentor-marginatus-image9084940.html

● ランピースキン病 アルジェリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease - Algeria (05): (TO, TB) spread, livestock market closure
Archive Number: 20240702.8717347
[1] Tizi Ouzou province
 情報源  Le Jour d'Algérie [in French] 2024年6月29日
[In] Tizi Ouzou, 68 outbreaks of lumpy skin disease [have been] reported in 15 communes. These include M'kira, Ait Yahia Moussa, Draa El Mizan, Draa Ben Khedda, Sidi Naamane, Tadmait, Frikat, Ain Zaouia, Maatkas, Tirmitine, Tizi-Ouzou, Boghni, Ait Agouacha, Aghribs, and Ait Bouadou. At least 68 farms have been affected by this vector-borne disease.
[2] Tebessa province
 情報源 Aherssa.net [in Arabic] 2024年6月30日
Sharia municipality : livestock market closure
The head of the People's council of the Sharia municipality in the wilaya of Tebessa announced the closure of the weekly livestock market yesterday, Sat 29 Jun 2024. 
[Mod.SF- Lumpy skin disease is spreading in an alarming way in Algeria. Similar reports in other Algerian provinces (Blida, Alger, Ghardaia, Souk Ahras, El Oued, Mila, and Bouira) ]
Lumpy skin disease - Algeria (04): several provinces, alarming spread, livestock market closure