
食中毒 ポーランド

● 食中毒 ポーランド
PRO/EDR> Foodborne illness - Poland (03): (ZP) staphylococcal enterotoxin illness
Archive Number: 20241115.8720027
 情報源 Interia [in Polish] 2024年11月14日
Mierzyn (West Pomeranian Voivodeship) における食中毒の原因 The cause of foodborne illnesses in が判明し、数十名が摂取したキャセロール the casseroles からブドウ球菌エンテロトキシン staphylococcus enterotoxins が検出された。同製品の製造は中止されている。当局の広報担当者 spokeswoman of the Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Szczecin が明らかにした。

● 腸管出血性大腸菌 米国 O157
PRO/AH/EDR> E. coli EHEC - USA (18): O157, McDonald's Quarter Pounders, susp fresh onion source, more cases
Archive Number: 20241115.8720021
 情報源 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2024年11月13日
Investigation Update: _E. coli_ Outbreak, Onions Served at McDonald's
CDC, public health and regulatory officials in several states, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are collecting different types of data to investigate a multistate outbreak of _E. coli_ O157:H7 infections. Epidemiologic and traceback data show that fresh, slivered onions served at McDonald's were the likely source of this outbreak.
Epidemiologic data
As of November 13 [2024], a total of 104 people infected with the outbreak strain of _E. coli_ O157:H7 have been reported from 14 states. Illnesses started on dates ranging from September 12, 2024 to October 21, 2024. Of 98 people with information available, 34 have been hospitalized, and 4 people developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a serious condition that can cause kidney failure. One death has been reported from an older adult in Colorado. This person is not one of those who developed HUS.
State of residence / No. of cases
New Mexico / 10
Nebraska / 13
Montana / 19
Colorado / 30
Age (n = 104): Range from 1 to 88 years; median age of 28
Some people in this outbreak reported traveling to other states before their illness started. At least 7 people ate at McDonald's during their travel.
Laboratory information
Public health actions
E. coli EHEC - USA (16): O157, McDonald's Quarter Pounders, fresh onion source, recall 20241030.8719695

● コレラ スーダン
PRO/EDR> Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (73): (GD) surge
Archive Number: 20241115.8720032
 情報源 Sudan Tribune 2024年11月13日
the town of Tambool in Al Jazirah state to Al Faw locality in eastern Sudan's Gedaref state からの避難民の間でコレラ感染 A cholera outbreak が急拡大する中、点滴の不足が深刻な状況にある。eastern and northern Al Jazirah state から大量虐殺や性暴力により大量の避難民が発生している。13日の医療関係者の話によると、displacement camps in Al Faw, sheltering those fleeing Tambool においてコレラ感染が爆発的に増え、44例 in the Harrira camp and 23例 in the Al Bawadra camp が報告され、2例の死亡とほか93例のコレラ感染が確認されている。
On Wednesday [13 Nov 2024], 25 residents of Al Faw were also diagnosed with cholera, according to sources.
Unidentified illness - Sudan: (GZ) fatalities, possible cholera 20241113.8719981

● 百日咳 タイ
PRO/EDR> Pertussis - Thailand: (BM) students
Archive Number: 20241115.8720029
 情報源 Bangkok Post 2024年11月13日
バンコクの学校 a Bangkok school で感染が拡がっていることから、公衆衛生省 The Ministry of Public Health が百日咳 whooping cough に対するワクチン接種を呼びかけている。
Patumwan Demonstration School in Bangkok が13日、at least 2 students の感染が確認されたことを受け、生徒の安全確保のためオンライン授業に切り替えると発表した。
Pertussis - Malaysia: (KN) fatal 20240401.8715729

● アザラシの大量死 カザフスタン
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed die-off, seal - Kazakhstan: (Caspian Sea)
Archive Number: 20241115.8720041
 情報源 Tengri News 2024年11月14日
The Ministry of Agriculture commented on the situation around the mass death of seals on the Caspian coast.
According to official data, from 24 Oct 2024 to 13 Nov 2024, specialists from the Zhaiyk-Caspian Interregional Basin Inspectorate for Fisheries discovered 1034 seal carcasses washed up on the coast of the Caspian Sea in the Tupkaragan District of Mangystau Region.