インフルエンザ 米国 H1N2v CDC
● 結核 インド、イスラエル(2件)
PRO/EDR> Tuberculosis - India (02): (UP) screening campaign
Archive Number: 20250207.8721941
情報源 The Times of India (TOI), Times News Network (TNN) 2025年2月4日
新たな結核患者 Over 53 000 new tuberculosis (TB) cases in the first 56 days of the state government's (Uttar Pradesh) 100-day intensive campaign against the disease, which was launched on 7 Dec [2024] が確認された。はじめの1か月間だけで4万例近い患者が確認された。
The screening campaign covered approximately 3 crore [30 million] high-risk individuals across all 75 districts, with 1.72 crore [17.2 million] people screened for TB symptoms through X-rays and microscopic tests.
Agra reported the highest number of cases (2057), while Sant Ravidas Nagar recorded the lowest (131). Other districts with significant case numbers include Sitapur (2045), Lucknow (1818), Aligarh (1582), and Kanpur (1536).
Tuberculosis - India (01): (HR) 20250108.8721208
PRO/EDR> Tuberculosis - Israel: childcare cluster
Archive Number: 20250207.8721938
情報源 Israel National News 2月7日
the central city of Rehovot において小児5名が結核 tuberculosis と診断されたと、保健省 Israel's Health Ministry が6日発表した。疫学調査により、their childcare center の従業員から感染したことが明らかにされている。
● デング熱 スリランカ
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (10): Sri Lanka
Archive Number: 20250207.8721940
情報源 Daily Mirror 2025年2月4日
2月の最初の4日間に、すでに419例のデング熱 dengue cases が確認されたと、the National Dengue Control Unit が明らかにした。2 dengue-related deaths in 2025 が報告されており、2月3日現在までの合計患者数は5362例に達している。
最も深刻な地域は The Western Province のままで nearly half of the total cases (2398), followed by the Southern Province (667) and the Eastern Province (604) とはっている。Among districts, Colombo leads with 719 cases, followed closely by the Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) area with 651 cases. Other high-burden districts include Gampaha (617) and Kalutara (435). Meanwhile, some districts, such as Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu, have reported minimal cases.
Furthermore, authorities have identified 16 high-risk MOH areas for 2025.
Dengue/DHF update (04): Sri Lanka, 2024 20250114.8721365
● インフルエンザ 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Influenza - USA (02): (IA) H1N2v, unclear origin
Archive Number: 20250207.8721934
情報源 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2025年2月7日
Novel Influenza A Virus Infections
ヒトの H1N2 変異株インフルエンザウイルスの感染例 A human infection with influenza A(H1N2) variant (A(H1N2)v) virus がアイオワ州 the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services から報告された。患者は18歳以上で、1月18日までの週に医療機関を受診し、入院後完治した。ブタとの接触 direct or indirect swine contact は確認されていない。患者の濃厚接触の中に患者はいない。during the 2024-2025 season in the United States における、the first human infection with a variant influenza virus である。
[Mod.LL- The citation and abstract from an article that reviews the global epidemiology of variant influenza viruses follow: Global epidemiology of human infections with variant influenza viruses, 1959-2021: a descriptive study. Clin Infect Dis. 2022;75:1315-1323.
"Conclusions: The epidemiology of cases of variant viruses varied across time periods, geographical regions, and subtypes during 1959-2021. The transmissibility of different variant viruses between humans remains limited. However, given the continuous evolution of viruses and the rapidly evolving epidemiology of cases of variant viruses, improving the surveillance systems for human variant virus infections is needed worldwide." ]
Influenza - USA: seasonal statistics 20250205.8721841
● チクングニア
PRO/AH/EDR> Chikungunya (05): global, vaccine approval
Archive Number: 20250207.8721920
情報源 Vax Before Travel 2025年2月5日
2025年初から1月下旬の時点で、over 5000 chikungunya virus disease (CHIKVD) cases and 2 related fatalities in 3 countries in the Region of the Americas (ブラジル Brazil, パラグアイ Paraguay, and コロンビア Colombia) and 1 in Europe(欧州)が報告されたと、欧州疾病対策局 The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) が明らかにした。the ECDC は地域内感染は報告していない not had any autochthonous (local) cases of CHIKVD in mainland Europe in 2025 ものの、フランスの海外領レユニオンで138 cases from the French overseas department of La Réunion, located off the east coast of Africa が報告されている。
In 2024, about 620 000 CHIKVD cases and [23] related fatalities were detected in countries in the Americas (15), Asia (6), Africa (1), and Europe (1).
2月5日の時点で、欧州・米国・英国では1種類のチクングニアワクチン one chikungunya vaccine が承認されている。Valneva SE's IXCHIQ® chikungunya vaccine is recommended for most travelers visiting outbreak areas.
Chikungunya (04): France (RE) 20250122.8721537
● 蝿蛆症 ホンジュラス
PRO/EDR> Myiasis - Honduras: New World screwworm (C. hominivorax) human
Archive Number: 20250207.8721919
情報源 El Heraldo [in Spanish] 2025年2月5日
First case of infection by the screwworm is recorded in Olancho
ホンジュラスではじめての新世界ラセンウジムシ症 The 1st case of [New World] screwworm myiasis が the department of Olancho で報告された。80歳男性の感染 an 80-year-old man who was infected by the larva of the _Cochliomyia hominivorax_ fly が確認された。患者には下肢の潰瘍があり、十分に治療されていなかった。
New World screwworm: (Honduras, Belize) cattle 20250110.8721271
● マレーバレー脳炎 オーストラリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Murray Valley encephalitis - Australia: (WA)
Archive Number: 20250207.8721915
情報源 Western Australia Government Department of Health 2025年2月6日
WA Health confirms 1st Murray Valley encephalitis case for 2025
Western Australia において今シーズン初のマレーバレー脳炎 its 1st confirmed case of Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) for this wet season が確認されたとして、保健当局 WA Health が市民に注意を呼びかけた。the east Kimberley region で感染した小児で現在治療を受けている。
In 2024, WA recorded 4 cases, with 2 resulting in death. Significant flavivirus activity, including MVE virus, continues to be detected in sentinel chicken flocks across the Kimberley and Pilbara regions, indicating ongoing risk in northern WA.
● 麻疹 米国
PRO/EDR> Measles - USA (05): (TX) another county affected
Archive Number: 20250207.8721913
情報源 Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 2025年2月5日
Lynn County confirms measles case in ER, 3rd West Texas case in week
West Texas では久しぶりとなる麻疹感染例 the first case of measles が報告された1週間後、Lynn County でも its first measles case が報告され the third case in the region となった。
There have been 3 confirmed measles cases in West Texas as of 5 Feb 2025, with 2 in Gaines County and the third in Lynn County.
Measles - USA (04): (TX) additional county with cases 20250205.8721871
● エボラ病 ウガンダ
PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola disease - Uganda (02): Sudan virus, CDC Health Alert Network Advisory
Archive Number: 20250207.8721914
情報源 CDC Health Alert Network 2025年2月6日
Ebola Outbreak Caused by Sudan virus in Uganda (CDCHAN-00521)
The CDC is issuing this Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory about a recently confirmed outbreak of Ebola disease in Uganda caused by the Sudan virus (species _Orthoebolavirus sudanense_) and to summarize CDC's recommendations for USA public health departments and clinicians about case identification, testing, and biosafety considerations in clinical laboratories.
現時点で、ウガンダ以外の no suspected, probable, or confirmed Ebola cases related to this outbreak は報告されていない。
On 5 Feb 2025, CDC issued a Travel Health Notice Level 2: Practice Enhanced Precautions for people traveling to Uganda.
2025年1月29日、ウガンダ保健省 the Ministry of Health of Uganda が公式に、首都カンパラにおけるエボラアウトブレイク an Ebola outbreak caused by the Sudan virus (species _Orthoebolavirus sudanense_), in the nation's capital, Kampala を宣言した。
This is the 8th Ebola outbreak in Uganda since 2000.
確認された症例 The confirmed case of SVD は the Mulago National Referral Hospital に勤務する32歳の男性看護師で、高熱、胸痛、呼吸困難と開口部からの出血の症状を発症し、複数の医療施設, including Mulago Referral Hospital in Kampala, Saidina Abubakar Islamic Hospital in Matugga in Wakiso District, and Mbale Regional Referral Hospital in Mbale City を受診した。男性はまた a traditional healer も訪れていた。
患者1月29日に死亡し、死後検体検査で Sudan virus at 3 national reference laboratories が確認された。
Description of the situation
Ebola Disease
Recommendations for Organizations Sending USA-based Personnel to Areas with VHF Outbreaks.
Recommendations for Public Health Departments:
Recommendations for Clinical Laboratory Biosafety:
Recommendations for the Public:
[Mod.LL- 致死率が高いことに加え、後遺症 chronic symptoms after Ebola も quite common:
参考文献: Post-Ebola Symptoms 7 Years After Infection: The Natural History of Long Ebola. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Feb 8;76(3):e835-e840. doi: .
Conclusions: Major post-EVD symptoms are common early during convalescence and decline over time along with severity. However, even 5 years after acute infection, a majority continue to have symptoms and, for many, these continue to greatly impact their lives. These findings call for investigations to identify the mechanisms of post-EVD sequelae and therapeutic interventions to benefit the thousands of affected EVD survivors."]
Ebola - Uganda (01): (KM) Sudan strain, HCW 20250130.8721706
● ライム病 米国 CIDRAP
PRO/AH/EDR> Lyme disease - USA: alternative therapies, safety & efficacy concerns
Archive Number: 20250207.8721905
情報源 Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) 2025年2月5日
Unproven Lyme disease treatments regularly offered in US, new data show
最近の Open Forum Infectious Diseases において大学 the University of Minnesota の研究者らが、米国内のダニ媒介性疾患が蔓延する地域に unproven and costly な治療を提供するライム病クリニック many non-traditional clinics for Lyme disease が存在し、安全性の懸念が生じていると発表した。
stand-alone clinics in 14 states with high Lyme disease prevalence: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin について調査を行った。
The authors devised a Google-based search for Lyme clinics in each state and identified 117 clinics. Costs for an initial consultation ranged from USD 87-3250. Less than half (53, or 45%) were staffed by a physician with an MD or DO degree. Roughly 20% had a naturopathic doctor on staff, 36 (31%) had an advanced practice provider, and 21 (18%) were staffed by a chiropractor.
Herbs and supplements were the most common treatment offered by the clinics (53 clinics; 45%) followed by non-antimicrobial intravenous therapy (26%), unspecified antimicrobials (22%), hyperbaric oxygen therapy (15%), and ozone-based therapy (13%). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was the most expensive treatment (USD 85-6400), followed by bioresonance therapy (USD 250-2950) and oligonucleotide therapy (USD 2750), the authors said.
● 口蹄疫 アルジェリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Algeria (05): (TB, MS) livestock, WOAH, st O
Archive Number: 20250207.8721942
情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2025 2月3日
Algeria - Foot and mouth disease virus (Inf. with)
Started: 26 Dec 2024
Reason for notification: Recurrence of an eradicated strain
Date of last occurrence: 11 Sep 2022
Genotype/Serotype/Subtype: O
This event pertains to a defined zone within the country.
Outbreak location: Djebel Messaad, M'Sila: Farm
Cattle / 20 / 3 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -
Goats / 25 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -
All species / 45 / 3 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -
Outbreak location: Oum Ali, Tébessa: Farm
Cattle / 4 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -
Sheep / 355 / 7 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -
Goats / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -
All species / 360 / 8 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -
Foot & mouth disease - Algeria (04): spread, livestock, control measures 20250129.8721667
● 鳥インフルエンザ 米国(3件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (43): USA (IL) wild bird, HPAI H5N1
Archive Number: 20250207.8721926
情報源 WGN9 2025年2月4日
ミシガン湖岸のシカゴ地区 along the shores of Lake Michigan in the Chicago area において、多数の鳥インフルエンザに感染したダック Hundreds of ducks infected with avian influenza -- H5N1 bird flu -- が発見されている。
Avian influenza (21): USA, multiple states, gamebird, chicken, duck, poultry 20250119.8721471
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (42): USA, multiple states, cattle, turkey, broilers
Archive Number: 20250207.8721917
[1] Nevada (Churchill County): dairy cattle
情報源 Facebook of Nevada Department of Agriculture 2025年1月25日
HPAI has been detected in dairy cows(乳牛)in Churchill County. There is no current risk to the food and milk supplies and they remain safe for consumption.
[2] Nevada (Churchill County) dairy herd and others
情報源 CIDRAP 2025年2月3日
Avian flu strikes more Nevada dairy herds, leading to starling removal
州内で2025年初となる乳牛の鳥インフルエンザ感染 H5N1 avian flu detections in Nevada dairy herds が The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) により3日確認された。
[3] Ohio and Missouri; Canada (Quebec): poultry: WattPoultry 2月3日
Avian flu hits 10 poultry flocks in Ohio, 4 in Missouri
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) continues to spread in the U.S. Midwest, with the presence of the virus being confirmed in 10 more commercial poultry flocks in Ohio and 3 more in Missouri.
[4] California (San Joaquin County): turkeys: WattPoultry 2月4日
Avian influenza hits California turkey farm
In the latest flock infection, 22 200 meat turkeys are affected. The latest case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in the United States involved a commercial meat turkey flock in California.
So far in 2025, 7 commercial flocks in California have been struck by HPAI. In 2024, California had 59 commercial flocks hit by HPAI, more than any other state. Three of those 59 cases were in San Joaquin County.
[5] Maryland (Worcester County): broiler flock: WattPoultry 2月5日
Avian flu confirmed in Maryland broiler flock
A commercial broiler flock in Maryland is the latest case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) to be reported in the United States. The presence of the virus was confirmed in a flock of 201 600 commercial broilers in Worcester County on 4 Feb 2025, reported the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (41): USA (NV) H5N1, species jump of genotype D1.1 to cattle
Archive Number: 20250207.8721904
情報源: CBS News 2025年2月5日
Cows infected by lethal bird flu strain never before seen in the animal showing respiratory symptoms, Nevada says
ネバダ州内で少なくとも4つのウシの群れ cattle herds in Nevada において、鳥インフルエンザ a strain of H5N1 bird flu が確認されていると、5日農業当局者が明らかにした。
この鳥インフルエンザ That bird flu strain, called D1.1 by scientists は、2024年に Louisiana 州で発生したヒトの死亡にも関係している。The D1.1 strain has emerged in recent months to dominate infections in wild birds and poultry flocks across North America.
D1.1 はヒトに感染すると、ウシの間で感染が拡がっているこれまでのウイルス株に比べて症状が重くなる。That strain, called B3.13 は軽い症状 only mild symptoms, like pink eye and fever(眼の充血や発熱など), in humans infected after contact with sick cows しか示さない。B3.13 がヒトの重症疾患を起こす可能性は低いことが研究で示唆されている。
[Mod.LL- The APHIS report follows:
It remains to be determined whether the jump of genotype D1.1 will represent more of a risk of increased transmissibility and morbidity/mortality in humans affected from bovine transmission of D1.1.]
Avian influenza (31): USA (OR, RI, CT) cat, poultry, H5N1 20250129.8721671
● 伝染性ウマ子宮内膜炎 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Contagious equine metritis - USA: (FL) horse
Archive Number: 20250207.8721918
[1] Florida (Orange County)
情報源 APHIS 2025年1月27日
Case Count as of 27 Jan 2025:
Total of 51 cases, including 17 domestic ponies (2 stallions, 1 mare, 14 geldings), 18 riding horses of various breeds (all geldings), and 16 draft horses (all geldings) confirmed _Taylorella equigenitalis_-positive and connected to a single farm in Orange County, Florida. Forty-one (41) of the positive horses are located on the index farm in Florida and 10 positive geldings are trace outs from the index farm which have been quarantined on 4 other farms in Florida, 1 farm in Iowa, 1 farm in Maine, 1 farm in Maryland, 1 farm in North Carolina, and 1 farm in South Carolina.
[2] 情報源 Equus Magazine 1月31日
51 Florida Horses Confirmed Positive for CEM
As of 30 Jan 2025, the United States Department of Agriculture has confirmed 51 cases of contagious equine metritis (CEM) in Orange County, Florida. The initial case was a mare bred by live cover to a pony stallion, who also tested positive. Most positive cases in this outbreak are geldings at the stallion's facility who were infected via sheath cleaning.
About Contagious Equine Metritis
参考項目 2009
Contagious equine metritis - USA: (13) (multistate) 20090816.2906
● 原因不明の死亡、ニワトリ インド
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed deaths, chicken - India: (AD) avian influenza or Newcastle disease susp., RFI
Archive Number: 20250207.8721910
情報源 The Times of India 2025年2月5日
East Godavari, Eluru, and West Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh において10万羽のニワトリが死亡し、鳥インフルエンザかニューカッスル病 suspected [avian influenza] or Ranikhet (Newcastle disease virus) が疑われている。多数の死亡が報告されたのは Badampudi of Unguturu mandal in Eluru district で20万羽の家きんが死亡した。
● 狂犬病 インド
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies - India: (KL) dog, human exp.
Archive Number: 20250207.8721912
情報源 Onmanorama 2025年2月3日
ケララ Kerala における野犬による咬傷事例が over 100% 増加し、7年間で狂犬病による死亡 rabies deaths in 7 years が3倍に増加したことが示されている。2024年に 3.16 lakh [31万6000] dog bite cases in the state が報告され、26 rabies deaths が記録された。
The highest number of stray dog bites was recorded in Thiruvananthapuram in 2024 -- 50 870 -- followed by Kollam -- 37 618. As per the livestock census, 2019, the state has population of 2.89 lakh [289 000] stray dogs. The state government currently runs 15 animal birth control centres, and places have been identified for 5 more centres in Kerala. LSG Minister M B Rajesh has said that steps are being undertaken to initiate a portable ABC centre in Thiruvananthapuram as a pilot project using the CSR fund of Indian Immunological limited.