
デング熱 ・ デング出血熱  (79) (80)  など

デング熱 ・ デング出血熱 最新状況 2013 (79) 南北アメリカ
PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (79): Americas
Archive Number: 20130930.1975145
[1] メキシコ Mexico  [in Spanish]
- Baja California Sur state. 25 Sep 2013. Dengue 214 cases; DHF/serious 10 cases. Municipalities most affected: San Jose del Cabo 97 cases, Cabo San Lucas 84 cases.
- Guerrero state. 25 Sep 2013. Dengue 1646 cases.
- San Luis Potosi state. Dengue 500 cases. 29 Sep 2013.
- Tabasco state. 24 Sep 2013. Dengue as of 16 Sep 2013, 4577 cases; DHF/serious 998 cases; deaths (susp.) 10. Declining.
[2] コスタリカ Costa Rica (national ). 28 Sep 2013. Dengue as of 21 Sep 2013, 38 497 cases; DHF/serious 111 cases; no confirmed deaths. Most affected areas are Limon, Guanacaste and Puntarenas, both in the Pacific coast.
[3] ホンジュラス Honduras (national ). 29 Sep 2013. [in Spanish] Dengue 26 747 cases; DHF/serious 3485 cases; deaths 24. 293 of 298 municipalities affected. Municipalities most affected this past week Trujillo and Campamento with a total of 1196 cases. Declining.
[4] バルバドス Barbados (national ). 25 Sep 2013. Dengue 511 cases; deaths (conf.) 1, (susp.) 1.
[4] ドミニカ共和国 Dominican Republic (national ). 25 Sep 2013. [in Spanish] Dengue 9724 cases; deaths are increasing [number not given].

ウシ結核-スイス AR bovine, M. caprae、リヒテンシュタイン 疑い
PRO/AH/EDR> Bovine tuberculosis - Switzerland: (AR) bovine, M. caprae, Liechtenstein susp
Archive Number: 20130930.1975157
[1] スイス Switzerland (Appenzell Outer Rhodes)
情報源  Appenzell Outer Rhodes official cantonal website, news release [in German]、2013年9月26日。
[2] リヒテンシュタイン Liechtenstein: suspected
情報源 Radio L, Liechtenstein [in German]、2013年9月27日。

デング熱 ・ デング出血熱 最新状況 2013 (80) アジア、中東
PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (80): Asia, Middle East
Archive Number: 20130930.1975144
[1] 中国 China (Guangzhou, Guangdong  province). 29 Sep 2013. Dengue 108 cases.
[2] インド India 
- Delhi. 27 Sep 2013. Dengue 1729 cases; deaths (conf.) 3, (susp.) 7.
- Rohini district, northwestern Delhi. 28 Sep 2013. Dengue 397 cases; deaths (susp.) 3.
- Jaipur, Rajasthan state. 24 Sep 2013. Dengue 569 cases; deaths 1. Increasing.
- Ranchi, Jharkhand state. 27 Sep 2013. Dengue 1 Aug-23 Sep 2013, 25 cases; deaths 2.
- Patiala district, Punjab state. 23 Sep 2013. Dengue (conf.) 30 cases. Increasing rapidly.
- Uttar Pradesh state. 28 Sep 2013. Dengue 647 cases. Municipalities most affected: Lucknow 213 cases with 2 deaths, Kanpur 139 cases, Bareilly 74 cases.
[3] パキスタン Pakistan
- Sindh province. 28 Sep 2013. Dengue 1634 cases. Municipality most affected: Karachi 1425 cases.
- Swat district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. 28 Sep 2013. Dengue 6667 cases.
[4] サウジアラビア Saudi Arabia (Jeddah, Mecca province). 26 Sep 2013. Dengue past week, 252 new cases.

東部馬脳炎-米国 (21) ウマ
PRO/AH/EDR> Eastern equine encephalitis - USA (21): equine
Archive Number: 20130930.1975143