
デング熱 アフリカ
鳥インフルエンザ,ヒト カンボジア
原因不明の肺炎 中国 小児 WHO、在中国大使館

● デング熱 アフリカ
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (33): Africa, ECOWAS, update
Archive Number: 20231201.8713449
 情報源 ECOWAS Epidemiological Weekly Bulletin 2023年11月29日
Epidemiological situation of dengue fever
Since our last report in week 44 [2023], 新たに2万9208例 new suspected cases, 1万4285 confirmed and 152 deaths (case-fatality ratio [CFR] of 1.0%) from dengue fever have been recorded in 3 ECOWAS member states.
 1. Burkina Faso ブルキナファソ: 28 019 new suspected cases, 14 121 confirmed and 149 deaths
 2. Mali マリ: 1099 new suspected cases, 111 confirmed and 3 deaths
 3. Senegal セネガル: 90 new suspected cases, 53 confirmed and 0 deaths
合計13万2025 suspected cases, including 5万7541 confirmed and 582 deaths (CFR of 1.0%) have been reported in 9 ECOWAS member states since the beginning of 2023. 

● 呼吸器疾患 米国
PRO/EDR> Respiratory illness - USA: (OH, MA)
Archive Number: 20231201.8713446
[1] Ohio
 情報源 WTRF 2023年12月1日
(中国での肺炎流行の中)米国内では初めてオハイオ Ohio 州で,異常に多数の小児の入院患者を伴ったアウトブレイクが発生している。
The strain of pneumonia, now dubbed "white lung syndrome" により,142例の小児患者 pediatric cases in Warren County since August [2023] が確認されている。
Ohio is not the only area outside of China to report an outbreak. The Netherlands and Denmark are also reported to have mysterious spikes in "walking pneumonia" cases, most common in younger children.
[2] Massachusetts
 情報源 New York Post 12月1日
Massachusetts has become the second US state to report a large uptick in the number of child pneumonia cases amid a mysterious viral outbreak in China. 

● 鳥インフルエンザ,ヒト カンボジア
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza, human (21): Cambodia (KP) H5N1, fatal, alert
Archive Number: 20231201.8713452
 情報源 Khmer Times 2023年11月30日
Dang Tong district において最近2例の感染が確認されたことを受け,当局は地域内の鳥インフルエンザ患者 bird flu cases in Kampot province の調査を強化している。最新の感染例は,確認後死亡した a 21-year-old woman と a 4-year-old girl from Trapaing Russey village in Damnak Sokrom commune である.
The National Institute of Public Health and the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge confirmed the bird flu infections in a 21-year-old woman and a 4-year-old girl on 24 Nov 2023. 
死亡した女性と女児の自宅は,Trapaing Russey village 内のとなり同志だった。
女性は発症した11月19日の約1週間前に,自宅のある村内の多数のニワトリの死体に気づいていた。23日に the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital 病院に入院したが,26日に死亡した。
女児は死亡したニワトリに触った後,11月23日に発症した。25日に Kampot Provincial Hospital 病院に入院後,プノンペン Phnom Penh に搬送され,現在良好な健康状態にあるが the National Pediatric Hospital で健康監視が続けられている。
On Sunday [26 Nov 2023], health officials confirmed that the recent bird flu cases in Kampot province were the 5th and 6th occurrence of the disease this year [2023].
According to the department, there have been 3 infections in Prey Veng, 1 in Svay Rieng, and 2 in Kampot [provinces] this year [2023].
Avian influenza, human (20): Cambodia (KP) H5N1, child 20231127.8713360
参考情報 WHO/厚労省検疫所・FORTH

● 原因不明の肺炎 中国、小児
PRO/EDR> Undiagnosed pneumonia - China (05): (BJ, LN) children, multiple resp. pathogens
Archive Number: 20231201.8713435
[1] Upsurge of respiratory illnesses among children - Northern China
 情報源 WHO 2023年11月23日 
[厚労省検疫所・FORTH 参照願います]
Description of the situation:
2023年10月中旬以降、the WHO は、中国北部の小児の呼吸器疾患増加を示すサーベイランスデータ data from Chinese surveillance systems に注目している。
11月13日の記者会見で、China's National Health Commission は全国的な呼吸器疾患発生増加が見られ、同当局はCOVID-19制限の緩和、寒冷期の到来、インフルエンザ、マイコプラズマ、RSV、SARS-CoV-2 等の既知の病原体の循環によるものと述べられている。_Mycoplasma pneumoniae_ and RSV は成人より小児に多いことが知られている。
On 22 Nov 2023, WHO identified media and ProMED reports about clusters of undiagnosed pneumonia in children's hospitals in Beijing, Liaoning, and other places in China. ...
Public health response
WHO risk assessment
WHO advice
[2] Regarding the outbreak of respiratory diseases in China
 情報源 Embassy of Japan in China [in Japanese] 2023年11月30日
Undiagnosed pneumonia - China (04): (BJ, LN) children, reported epidemic 20231125.8713323

● 鳥インフルエンザ 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (181): Americas (USA) duck, poultry, commercial flocks
Archive Number: 20231201.8713450
[1] Georgia (Sumner County): ducks, 30 000 birds
 情報源 WSBTV 2023年月24日
The Georgia Department of Agriculture and USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service confirmed a duck breeding facility in south Georgia tested positive for avian influenza. According to officials, the facility in Sumter County has the first positive case of bird flu in a waterfowl flock in the state.
[2] Ohio (Union County): commercial poultry
 情報源 The News 2023年11月13日
An Ohio egg farm is killing over 1.3 million hens as the avian flu continues to wreak havoc on the business following the confirmation of a case in the hen flock this week. The US Department of Agriculture said all 1.35 million hens on the farm in Union County, Ohio, will be put to death in an effort to stop the virus's spread.
[3] Nebraska (Colfax County): backyard flock
 情報源 KLKN TV 2023年11月28日
The Nebraska Department of Agriculture on Tuesday [28 Nov 2023] reported a case of avian flu in a backyard flock in Colfax County. Officials are warning poultry producers to monitor for the highly pathogenic avian influenza and protect their birds against it.
[4] Iowa (Woodbury County): mixed backyard flocks
 情報源 KTIV.com 2023年11月30日
State and federal authorities have confirmed 2 cases of bird flu in Woodbury County. The cases of bird flu, also known as highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), were both located in backyard mixed species flocks, according to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). No other information about the cases has been released at this time.
Avian influenza (165): Americas (Chile) penguin die-off 20231031.8712918

● 西部ウマ脳炎 アルゼンチン,ウマ
PRO/AH/EDR> Western equine encephalitis - Argentina: horse
Archive Number: 20231201.8713440
 情報源 Argentina Ministry of Health [in Spanish] 2023年11月28日
Epidemiological Alert
西部ウマ脳炎感染例が確認された(cases of western equine encephalitis in equine animals in Corrientes and Santa Fe and suspected cases under study in various provinces
農業当局 The National Agrifood Health and Quality Service (Senasa) から11月25日,ウマのアルボウイルス陽性結果 positive results for alphavirus genus viruses in samples of horses with neurological symptoms が報告され. 27日に西部ウマ脳炎 western equine encephalitis (WEE) in 3 cases -- 2 in Santa Fe and 1 in Corrientes -- と診断された。
while the study of cases(調査中)in horses with neurological symptomatology in the same provinces and in Entre Rios, Cordoba and Buenos Aires provinces continues.
Current situation
On 25 Nov 2023, the National Agrifood Health and Quality Service (Senasa) reported that they obtained positive virological results for an unspecified Alphavirus in samples from horses with signs of neurological disease in the provinces of Corrientes and Santa Fe. This same [agency] reported having received suspicious notifications in Entre Rios, Cordoba and Buenos Aires. On 27 Nov 2023 the Institute Vanella and INTA Castelar laboratories reported the diagnosis of western equine encephalitis (WEE). On 28 Nov 2023 the INEVH Maiztegui reference center corroborated the diagnosis of WEE.
Up to present, Senasa received more than 90 notifications that are being investigated in the aforementioned provinces.

About the equine encephalitides
About the vectors involved
Recommendations for prevention and control

● 炭疽 米国、ウシ
PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax - USA (09): (ND) cattle
Archive Number: 20231201.8713442
 情報源 DRGNews 2023年11月29日
More cases of anthrax found in Grant County, ND, cattle
A new case of anthrax in beef cattle(肉用牛)in Grant County has been confirmed by the North Dakota State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. 

● ランピースキン病 韓国
PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease (33): South Korea, domestic, spread, FAO-EMPRESS-i
Archive Number: 20231201.8713441
[1] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 2023年11月27日
Observed:16 Nov 2023
Disease: lumpy skin disease
Status: confirmed
Serotypes: -
Outbreak locations: South Korea, Chollabuk-do
Domestic / mammal / cattle / 59 / 1 / - / 59 / -
[2] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 11月27日
Observed: 17 Nov 2023
Disease: lumpy skin disease
Status: confirmed
Serotypes: -
Outbreak locations: South Korea, Chungchongbuk-do
Domestic / mammal / cattle / 20 / 5 / - / 20 / -
[3] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 11月27日
[4] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 11月27日
[5] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 11月27日
[6] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 11月27日
Lumpy skin disease - Asia (32): S. Korea, no new cases, projected to stabilize 20231125.8713327