● コレラ レバノン
PRO/AH/EDR> Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (27): Lebanon (JL) MOH, RFI
Archive Number: 20231209.8713621
情報源 Ministry of Public Health, Lebanon [in Arabic] 2023年12月7日
The Ministry of Public Health issued the following statement:
"12月5日、公衆衛生当局 the Ministry of Public Health に reports of disease cases recorded since 30 Nov 2023 in Al-Jahilia town in the Chouf District が報告された。
"本日 [7 Dec 2023] 時点で 23 cases have been recorded, with symptoms including fever, diarrhea, and facial swelling.
"原因調査のため、地域内 (inside the town)の2軒の精肉店から検体が採取され、the laboratory of the Agricultural Research Service of the Ministry of Agriculture に送付した。
"The scientific results of the laboratory tests that will be obtained will be announced as soon as they are completed to clarify the reasons for the recorded cases and prevent more being recorded."
● COVID-19 シンガポール
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (35): Singapore, increase
Archive Number: 20231209.8713618
情報源 Channel News Asia 2023年12月8日
The number of hospitalisations and intensive care unit (ICU) cases due to COVID-19 has increased amid a rising number of infections, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Friday [8 Dec 2023].
The estimated number of COVID-19 cases in the week of 26 Nov to 2 Dec 2023 rose to 32 035, compared with 22 094 cases in the previous week [week of 19-25 Nov 2023].
● ロッキー山紅斑熱 米国
PRO/EDR> Rocky Mountain spotted fever - USA (02): ex Mexico, CDC, fatal, alert
Archive Number: 20231209.8713609
情報源 CDC Health Alerts 2023年12月8日
Severe and fatal confirmed Rocky Mountain spotted fever among people with recent travel to Tecate, Mexico
The CDC は、メキシコ the city of Tecate, state of Baja California, Mexico への渡航もしくは滞在歴のある米国民の間で発生したロッキー山紅斑熱アウトブレイク an outbreak of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) について、医療関係者らへの周知のための this Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory を行っている。
RMSF は感染ダニの刺咬による重症化し、経過が急速で死に至ることもある疾患であるが、しばしば患者はダニ刺咬に気づいていない場合がある。すべての年齢に対しドキシサイクリン Doxycycline が治療の選択肢となる the treatment of choice for patients of all ages。
12月8日の時点で5 patients have been diagnosed with confirmed RMSF since late July 2023; all had travel to or residence in Tecate within 2 weeks of illness onset. RMSF is endemic in multiple border states in northern Mexico, including but not exclusive to Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, and Nuevo León.
Early treatment with doxycycline saves lives.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever - USA: (CA) ex Mexico, fatal 20231123.8713295
● サルモネラ感染症 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis, st Soahanina (Sundsvall) - USA (02): cantaloupe, alert, recall
Archive Number: 20231209.8713602
情報源 CDC 2023年12月7日
_Salmonella_ outbreak linked to cantaloupes
Fast facts
Illnesses: 230 (113 new)
Hospitalizations: 96 (35 new)
Deaths: 3 (1 new)
States: 38 (4 new)
Recall: yes
Investigation status: active (first posted on 17 Nov 2023)
Epidemiologic data
Since the last update on 30 Nov 2023, 113 more illnesses have been reported. As of 6 Dec 2023, 230 people infected with one of the outbreak strains of _Salmonella_ have been reported from 38 states (see map).
Illnesses started on dates ranging from 16 Oct to 20 Nov 2023 (see timeline).
Of 185 people with information available, 96 (52%) have been hospitalized(入院)and 3 deaths(死亡)have been reported, 2 from Minnesota and one from Oregon.
Salmonellosis, st Soahanina (Sundsvall) - USA: cantaloupe, alert, recall 20231125.8713325
● 梅毒 米国
PRO/EDR> Syphilis - USA (22): (OH) Columbus Public Health, outbreak alert, RFI
Archive Number: 20231208.8713592
情報源 NBC4i 2023年12月6日
市内の梅毒アウトブレイク a syphilis outbreak in the region について、公衆衛生当局 Columbus Public Health は市民に注意し検査を受けるよう呼びかけている。
"There's a syphilis outbreak. Get tested and make sure your STI testing includes a syphilis test," the organization posted to its Instagram page.
Columbus Public Health offers sexual health clinics and testing; information
Syphilis - USA (21): (MI) ocular syphilis, 2022 20231127.8713354
● エムポックス ベトナム
PRO/AH/EDR> Mpox update (50): Viet Nam (Mekong Delta region)
Archive Number: 20231208.8713590
情報源 SGGP News 2023年12月6日
12月6日保健当局 the Tien Giang Center for Disease Control (CDC) が a positive case of mpox virus を確認したことを明らかにした。the provincial Center for Disease Control's recordsによると、the mpox patient is from Cam Son Commune in Tien Giang Province's Cai Lay District.
11月20日から、顔面、胸部、上肢、臀部の皮膚水疱性病変と悪寒の症状を発症し、同24日にホーチミン市熱帯病科 the Ho Chi Minh City-based Hospital of Tropical Disease を受診し、検体でエムポックスウイルス the mpox virus 陽性であることが確認された...
Prior, a man in the Mekong Delta province of Long An also got the disease and died later.
● 髄膜炎菌性髄膜炎 米国
PRO/EDR> Meningitis, meningococcal - USA (04): (OH) students
Archive Number: 20231208.8713578
情報源 WTRF 2023年12月6日
Meningococcal disease outbreak in Ohio children
オハイオ州の郡保健当局 The Jefferson County, Ohio General Health District が3例の髄膜炎症例 possible cases of meningococcal disease in Jefferson County について調査を行っており、2例は確定診断例で1例は suspected case is awaiting final test results である。いずれも小児科の症例である。
患児らには必要な治療が行われ、家族に対し暴露後予防が実施されている。対象の患者らは north/northwest Jefferson County に在住し、the public school system には通園(通学)していない。
Meningitis, meningococcal - USA (03): (VA) type Y, nonimmunized, fatal 20230905.8711969
● ペスト マダガスカル
PRO/AH/EDR> Plague - Madagascar (05): (AM) suspected, fatality
Archive Number: 20231208.8713572
情報源 L'Info [in French] 2023年12月7日
Madagascar: new case of plague reported in Amoron'i Mania
The Amoron'i Mania region continues to face the persistent threat of plague, with a new case reported in the municipality of Ivato-Centre.
Plague persists in the Amoron'i Mania region, located in the Fianarantsoa province in central Madagascar.
今回の症例は、a small village in the commune of Ivato-Centre 在住の42歳男性で、suspected plague と診断後 the Ambalalehibe Basic Health Center において死亡した。12月3日に発症し、翌4日に入院したが5日に死亡した。6日の時点で、村内では唯一の症例である...
8月の流行開始以来、the Amoron'i Mania region では唯一のペストによる死亡例である。.
Plague - Madagascar (04): (AM) suspected, fatal 20231011.8712571
● ダニ媒介性脳炎 オランダ、げっ歯類宿主
PRO/AH/EDR> Tick-borne encephalitis - Netherlands: rodent host
Archive Number: 20231209.8713580
情報源 Scientific Reports 2023年12月7日
原著タイトル Infection of wild-caught wood mice (_Apodemus sylvaticus_) and yellow-necked mice (_A. flavicollis_) with tick-borne encephalitis virus. Sci Rep. 2023; 13, 21627.
ダニ媒介性脳炎ウイルスの発生地域 The distribution of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) はオランダを含む西欧地域で拡大を続けているが、様々な種のげっ歯類の、ウイルス感染伝播との関わりについては十分理解されていない。
われわれは、オランダの2 species of wild rodents native to the Netherlands, the wood mouse _Apodemus sylvaticus_ and the yellow-necked mouse _Apodemus flavicollis_ について、TBEV ウイルス感染実験において感染感受性の違いが生じるかについて検討した。
自然界で捕獲したマウス(個体)に、ウイルス the classical European subtype of TBEV (Neudoerfl) or with TBEV-NL, a genetically divergent TBEV strain from the Netherlands を皮下接種し、接種から3ないし21日間に安楽死させ剖検した。いずれのマウスでも発症または死亡は見られず、さらに2つの種のマウスいずれでも、21日目までの血液中にウイルス遺伝子TBEV RNA は確認できなかった。さらに、血中、脾臓、肝臓検体の感染率について、ウイルスの種類やマウスの種による違いも認められなかった。
Our results suggest that the wood mouse and the yellow-necked mouse may equally contribute to the transmission cycle of TBEV in the Netherlands.
● 東部ウマ脳炎、ウマ カナダ・米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Eastern equine encephalitis (16): North America (Canada, USA) horse
Archive Number: 20231209.8713620
カナダ Canada
[1] Ontario (Peterborough County): horse
情報源 The Horse 2023年11月1日
Ontario mare positive for EEE
On 30 Oct 2023 a 17-year-old mare in Peterborough County, Ontario, was confirmed positive for Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE).
[2] Quebec (Laurentides): horse
情報源 EquiManagement 11月3日
Quebec mare positive for EEE
On 2 Nov 2023, a 5-year-old mare in Laurentides, Quebec, was confirmed positive for Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE). The mare, who was under-vaccinated, has been euthanized.
米国 USA
[3] Florida (Highlands & Volusia Counties): horses
情報源 Equus Magazine 11月16日
Two Florida horses positive for EEE
Two horses in Florida were recently confirmed positive for Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE).
In Highlands County, a 3-year-old, unvaccinated Quarter Horse mare was confirmed positive on 12 Nov 2023 ...
In Volusia County, a 3-year-old Quarter Horse mare was confirmed positive on 14 Nov 2023
[4] Florida (Marion County): horse
情報源 Equus Magazine 12月8日
Florida horse positive for EEE
On 6 Dec 2023, a yearling Thoroughbred filly in Marion County, Florida, was confirmed positive for Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE). The horse developed clinical signs on 21 Nov 2023 and was unable to stand. She was then euthanized.
This is the 15th confirmed case of EEE in a Florida horse in 2023.
● アフリカ豚熱 フィリピン、バングラデシュ
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Asia (31): Philippines, Bangladesh (CG) 1st report
Archive Number: 20231209.8713619
[1] フィリピン Philippines: domestic, warning
情報源 Philippines Department of Agriculture 2023年12月8日https://bicol.da.gov.ph/da-bicol-warns-the-public-to-buy-only-asf-free-meat-for-safe-christmas-holidays/
国連農業機関 the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) によると、アフリカ豚熱ウイルス ASF [African swine fever] virus は生の豚挽肉では最長105日間、塩蔵肉では300日間、冷蔵肉でも110日間...生存可能であることが示されている。冷蔵庫内を汚染した血液では18ヶ月以上など...
[2] バングラデシュ Bangladesh (Chattogram): 1st report
情報源 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 2023年12月7日
13 pig breeds のブタを飼育する国内唯一の国立養豚場 Rangamati District, Chittagong Division, on the only official pig farm in Bangladesh で、11月13日以降相次いで死亡が確認されたとの the Rangamati District Livestock Officer の発言内容についての情報があり、同22日までに約100頭が死亡したとされている。the Central Disease Investigation Laboratory (CDIL) に送付された検体の PCR 検査で positive for African swine fever (ASF) と確認された
● 鳥インフルエンザ 米国、世界各国(ネコ)、ガーナ
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (189): Americas (USA) duck, poultry, backyard, commercial flocks
Archive Number: 20231209.8713608
[1] Georgia (Sumter County): ducks, 30 000 birds
情報源 WSBTV 2023年11月24日
Bird flu found in south Georgia duck flock; estimated 30 000 birds to be killed to prevent spread
[2] Ohio (Union County): commercial poultry: The News 11月25日
Bird flu in US: Ohio farm to kill 1.35 million chickens amid scare of wider outbreak
[3] Wisconsin (Trempealeau County): commercial flock: LaCross Tribune 11月24日
Highly pathogenic avian influenza found in Trempealeau County
[4] Nebraska (Colfax County): backyard flock: KLKN TV 11月28日
Case of deadly bird flu reported in Nebraska
[5] Iowa (Woodbury County): mixed backyard flocks: 11月30日
Two cases of bird flu confirmed in Woodbury County
[6] Kansas (Pottawatomie County): 2 cases: KSHB 12月5日
Two confirmed avian influenza cases put Kansas Department of Agriculture, farmers on high alert
[7] Iowa (Mills County): mixed flock: The Daily Nonpareil 12月7日
Avian influenza case confirmed in Mills County
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (188): multiple countries, cat
Archive Number: 20231209.8713604
情報源 Nation World News 2023年12月7日
The United States has detected several cases of avian flu in feral cats
The United States has detected several cases of avian flu in feral cats. ... follow-up report No. 38 to the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) in new cases of avian influenza from high pathogenicity (IAAP) subtype H5N1, due to the "Usual host species" of 100 results located in South Dakota and Montana.
In detail, the report states 3 cases in Jerauld County, South Dakota, and 1 in Missoula County, Montana.
Other cases(フランス、ポーランド、韓国)
Just recently, in France, Poland, and South Korea, cases of cats infected with the avian flu virus have also been seen.
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (187): Ghana (AA) HPAI susp., RFI
Archive Number: 20231208.8713579
情報源 Wontumi Online 2023年12月6日
The Ashaiman Municipality in the Greater Accra Region has recorded massive cases of avian influenza (bird flu).
A total of 7947 birds, mainly fowls, had so far died within the Irrigation Development Authority (IDA) enclave in the municipality since 10 Nov 2023.
● 慢性消耗性疾患 米国、シカ
PRO/AH/EDR> Chronic wasting disease - North America (11): USA (KY) deer, 1st report
Archive Number: 20231209.8713606
情報源 Kentucky Fish and Wildlife 2023年12月7日
First report of CWD in Kentucky, in a 2.5y/o buck from Ballard County, which borders both Illinois and Missouri:
• On 7 Dec 2023, Kentucky Fish and Wildlife announced a positive case of CWD was detected in Kentucky. The confirmed case was found in a 2.5-year-old male white-tailed deer collected in Ballard County.
Chronic wasting disease - North America (10): USA (NC, MI, ID) deer 20231110.8713092
● ニューカッスル病 シリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Newcastle disease - Syria: poultry, RFI
Archive Number: 20231208.8713576
情報源 Asia News Agency [in Arabic] 2023年12月6日
Poultry farms in Syria have been infected with Newcastle disease... with this disease have appeared on several farms in different Syrian governorates, including Homs, the Damascus countryside, Daraa, and Hama.
Cause of infections
Bassem Mohsen, Director of Animal Husbandry at the Syrian Ministry of Agriculture, said that Newcastle disease has been present in Syria for years and is known in the poultry sector.
Inflated numbers
No effect on people's health