
黄熱 コンゴ民主共和国

● 黄熱 コンゴ民主共和国
PRO/AH/EDR> Yellow fever - Congo DR: (KU) susp.
Archive Number: 20240815.8718191
 情報源  Actualite 2024年8月12日
the Kimputu health zone, located in the Idiofa territory, Kwilu province において8月,黄熱が疑われる5例 suspected cases of yellow fever が報告されたと現地で報じられている。Makumbi health area の5歳から7歳の小児で,黄熱の症状が認められた。患児から採取された検体が the Kikwit branch of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) に送付され,the National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB) for further analysis に提出されると当局者が述べている。
Yellow fever - Africa (03): Uganda, vaccination hesitancy 20240528.8716737

● マラリア インド
PRO/EDR> Malaria - India (05): (MZ)
Archive Number: 20240815.8718189
 情報源 Devdiscourse 2024年8月13日
Mizoram において2024年に5人がマラリア malaria により死亡し over 12 290 diagnosed between January and July が確認されている。Dengue and chikungunya cases も確認されているが,ミャンマーやバングラデシュとの国境地域 districts bordering Bangladesh and Myanamar ではマラリアが最も多い。死亡した患者はいずれも the Lawngtlai district の患者だった。an uptick in malaria PV [_Plasmodim vivax_,三日熱マリア] cases during this period と報告されている。
Malaria cases were predominantly found in 4 districts -- Lawngtlai, Lunglei, Mamit, and Siaha -- bordering Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Malaria - India (04): (KL) 20240718.8717645

● 類鼻疽 台湾
PRO/EDR> Melioidosis - Taiwan (02): (TG) increase, post-typhoon, fatal
Archive Number: 20240815.8718169
[1] 情報源 United Daily News (UDN) [in Chines] 2024年8月13日
先週新たに19例の類鼻疽 new local cases of melioidosis and 3 new deaths が確認されたと,保健当局 The Department of Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health and Welfare が13日に発表した。市保健当局 The Taichung City Health Bureau によると [12 Aug 2024] 時点で市内で2例 confirmed cases of melioidosis in Taichung City が確認されている。2例は Taiping District の住民で,台風の接近中 during Typhoon Kemi にビーチに出かけ,台風通過後に農地 the fields に出ていた。発熱により病院を受診し,検査で類鼻疽菌 Burkholderia pseudomallei_ が確認された。1名は退院し,もう1名は現在も入院している。
[2] 情報源 China News Network [in Chinese] 8月13日
The Taiwan authorities' Centers for Disease Control が 13 Aug 2024,先週新たに死亡3例を含む19例の類鼻疽国内感染例 new local confirmed cases of melioidosis in Taiwan が確認されたと発表した。Central News Agency の発表によると,2024年はこれまでに37 confirmed local cases of melioidosis in Taiwan が確認され,2006年以降最多となった。13例が台風通過後 after Typhoon Gemi に確認された,including 23 in Kaohsiung, 4 in Tainan, 2 in Taichung and 1 in Chiayi County である。死亡した患者は50歳から80歳までで持病があった。3例はすべて発症から15日以内に死亡し,1例は発症当日に死亡した。
Melioidosis - Taiwan: typhoon 20240811.8718083

● クリミア・コンゴ出血熱 パキスタン,イラク
PRO/AH/EDR> Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Asia (18): Pakistan, Iraq
Archive Number: 20240815.8718168
[1] パキスタン Pakistan (Sindh)
 情報源 GNN TV 2024年8月14日
the provincial capital の男性1名が the deadliest Congo virus(クリミア・コンゴ出血熱ウイルス)に感染し,Jinnah Hospital 病院に搬送されたと14日現地当局が明らかにした。32歳のこの男性は下痢と発熱の症状があった。
[2] イラク Iraq (Dhy Qar)
 情報源 Almada Paper [in Arabic] 8月8日
当局 The Veterinary Hospital Administration in Dhi Qar Governorate によれば,出血熱の発生数が2023年との比較で75%の減少 a significant decline in the incidence of hemorrhagic fever [presumably in livestock] とされている。
Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Asia (17): Iraq (NI) susp. 20240729.8717818

● デング熱 スリランカ
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (63): Sri Lanka
Archive Number: 20240815.8718167
 情報源 Daily Mirror 2024年8月11日
2024年8月11日現在,累計のデング熱症例数 The tally of dengue cases [in Sri Lanka] recorded for 2024 が a total of 3万4 053 casesとなり,16例の関連死が報告されていることが the Epidemiology Unit から示された。最多は the Colombo district, which stood at 8201である。The Western Province has recorded 13 822 cases, the highest province-wise while the month of August [2024] has also logged 1308 dengue cases.
Dengue/DHF update (58): Sri Lanka 20240730.8717849

● 狂犬病 ベトナム,北米・カナダ(2件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (66): Viet Nam (HI) stray dog, spread
Archive Number: 20240815.8718176
 情報源 Tuoi Tre News 2024年8月13日
The administration in Hanoi の Hien Ninh Commune in Soc Son が現在狂犬病のホットスポット a rabies hotspot となっている。
head of the economics division in Soc Son は,イヌを飼う家庭が多い同地区 the district が市内はもっともイヌの頭数が多い地域と説明しており,Hien Ninh Commune alone だけで 3000 households and approximately 4000 dogs がいる。イヌ咬傷が多発し,野犬捕獲活動が再開されている。また,anti-rabies vaccinations to 90% of the local dog population ワクチン接種も行われた。
By the end of July [2024], Soc Son District had recorded 3 rabies clusters, with 10 people exposed to the virus. 
Rabies (61): Viet Nam, national summary, increase 20240801.871787

PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (65): North America (Canada, USA) animal, human exp
Archive Number: 20240815.8718157
[1] Ontario: bat, human exposure
 情報源 CP24.com 2024年8月10日
A Hamilton resident is receiving treatment after being exposed to a bat with rabies, health officials say. In a news release, the city said that Hamilton Public Health Services received confirmation of its first positive rabid bat in about a year. The last confirmation was in August 2023.
[2] Virginia (Bland County): cow: WDBJ 7 8月7日
A cow in Bland County has tested positive for rabies, according to the Virginia Department of Health Mount Rogers Health District.
On 1 Aug [2024], a cow was seen drooling and falling over on West Blue Grass Trail in Bland County, says the VDH. 
[3] Virginia (City of Hopewell): fox, dog: Virginia Government 8月8日
On 5 Aug [2024], a fox entered a yard on Franklin Street in Hopewell and fought with a dog. The fox was killed. The fox has since tested positive for rabies.
[4] Washington (Island County): bat, human exposure: Seattle Times 8月9日
Whidbey Island resident is getting vaccinated after a rabid bat bit the person there last week, marking the fourth time a bat has tested positive for rabies in Washington state so far this year [2024].
[5] Colorado ex Texas: dog, human exposure
 [A] Adoption event: KDVR 8月10日
A puppy at an adoption event in Sheridan [Colorado] last month [July 2024] tested positive for rabies, and now health officials are asking attendees to take action. The rabies-positive puppy came to Colorado from Texas and was at a 20 Jul puppy adoption event at Moms and Mutts Colorado, a rescue for pregnant and nursing dogs in Sheridan.
 [B] Follow-up KDVR 8月13日
Since a puppy at an adoption event in Sheridan tested positive for rabies last month [July 2024], 11 puppies have been euthanized. The positive puppy came to Colorado from Texas and was at a 20 Jul puppy adoption event at Moms and Mutts Colorado, a rescue for pregnant and nursing dogs.
[6] New Jersey (Burlington County): kitten, human exposure: The Sun Newspapers 8月9日
The Burlington County Health Department has announced that a stray kitten found in Mount Holly has tested positive for rabies. The animal was found on an Emma Street property and was brought to the county animal shelter to be tested. The kitten had no direct contact with any animals at the shelter, but the county health department has identified individuals who were exposed.
[7] North Carolina (Eno River State Park, Durham County): racoon, human exposure: The Charlotte Post 8月11日
A rabid raccoon attacked Durham resident [CH] in broad daylight in May [2024] when she was running on a trail at Eno River State Park.
Rabies (64): North America (USA) multiple states and animals, human exp 20240808.8718002

● ランピースキン病 チュニジア
PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease - Tunisia: (JE) cattle, 1st rep, WOAH
Archive Number: 20240815.8718175
[1] 情報源 Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries [in Arabic] 2024年8月14日
As part of the ongoing sanitary monitoring of the herd and following the suspicion by a private veterinarian of a case of lumpy skin disease in the Fernana district of the Jendouba governorate in a bull belonging to a breeder in an area 15 km (9.3 mi) from the Algerian border, the veterinary services of the Regional Directorate for Agricultural Development in the region moved to conduct epidemiological investigation and take the samples required for laboratory analysis at the Veterinary Research Institute in Tunis, which confirmed the infection of the mentioned animal, thus recording the first case of lumpy skin disease in Tunisia.
This disease has recently spread in neighboring countries and is transmitted by several insects and infects cows, and is not contagious to humans.
[2] 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2024 8月14日
Tunisia - Lumpy skin disease virus (Inf. with)
Report type: Immediate notification
Started: 31 Jul 2024
Reason for notification: First occurrence in the country
Outbreak location: Douar slaymia, Fernana, Jendouba: Farm
Cattle / 4 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0